Second World

Chapter 1565 1565. Proof

Chapter 1565 1565. Proof

"Everyone!" Master's voice thundered. "In my world announcement. I've told everyone that I created this world. I didn't elaborate because I couldn't speak for long in that announcement. I will now explain in full.

"My real name is Apollyon. Some of you might have heard my name. I am a scientist. It is my creation that turned this world into a reality. A reality based on the work of the Trigitech Corps. Those of you from the gaming community surely are not unaware of this corporation. It is the one developing the Second World game which this world is based on.

"Next to me here is Miss Mia. Beside her are Mister Larry and Mister Blake. Again, those of you from the gaming community should be aware of their faces."

Mistress stood up from her chair as her real name was called. Standing beside her chair was Lead Designer and another man with the alias, Serviceman.

Larry was not the real lead designer in the corporation but he was the one that normally sent to talk with the press. This was because the real lead designer, Wilted's partner, disliked meeting the press or coming out to the public. Serviceman, a.k.a. Blake, was the head of customer service in the corporation. He had even more exposure to the public than Larry. As for Mistress, she was the face of their corporation's every marketing campaign. So, she was also used to being seen. Everyone in the gaming company knew that she was the daughter of the owner of the corporation and the main heir.

Murmurs started to circulate among the crowd. Those who were not from the gaming community spoke to their friends who used to be gamers, trying to confirm the authenticity of Master's words.

"Everyone of you from the gaming community should also find this world to be similar to the Second World game which was publicized. You should get many of its pre-released features and learn that this world is the same as was promoted. You were also all pulled into this world right when the Second World's beta test was about to take place. This should prove that I speak the truth!"

"It doesn't prove shit!" A voice boomed from the crowd.

Everyone turned to the source and saw it was The Man. The Man also utilized mana manipulation in his speech but his expertise was not as good as Master's.

"It only proves that this world is coincidentally similar to the Second World game," The Man continued. "Hell, the Trigitech people could have something that peered into this world and they made their game based on this world. You are just trying to twist the fact into elevating yourself as if you are the one responsible when in fact you are just nobody like the rest of us!"

Clamors were heard, expressing approval. Those clamors were from Jeanny's camp. They did it because of John's instruction. The Man also spoke based on a message sent by John.

"I appreciate your opinion but please refrain from interrupting until I am finished," Master said.

"I disagree!" This time, John spoke without an intermediary. The mana manipulation empowering his voice was almost as strong as Master's. "If you have wanted people to just hear you speak, you should have called this a conference. Not a convention."

"… You are correct. I do allow everyone to speak," Master replied. "But I am the one who initiated this gathering so I need to put the topic in context first. Otherwise, people will not get the idea or the whole picture. This will end up as a talk where people argue without direction. I think everyone wants to understand what I am offering. That's why everyone comes here, or do you wish to stop me from giving everyone the information they came here for?"

The crowd cheered, but mostly these cheers came from Master's camp. Linda also played the same tactic.

"Of course not," John said. "All right. I will allow you to proceed."

John's words displeased Master. He didn't need anyone's permission to proceed, but he didn't dwell on it. He had heard about this man being more aggravating than the Themisphere King. He doubted that was possible, but he was starting to believe it. He returned his attention to the crowd and addressed them.

"Perhaps you don't believe it is I who created this world, that's fine. I do expect skeptics but know that I am responsible for everyone coming to this world. You were pulled into this world because I activated my machine. This machine can bring you here. This machine can bring you back."

"That's a lie!!" Another voice interrupted.

Master's first reaction was to look at John, who responded with a hurt expression and said, "What are you looking at me for? Can't you hear it was a woman's voice?"

The one who had interrupted was Wilted Tree. She was shouting, "Your machine didn't pull everyone into this world. Your machine transforms our world into this world."

Hearing that, Master said, "So, you are agreeing that I am the reason this world came to be?"

"This… You can't return the world to how it used to be!" Wilted shouted.

"How do you know that? And who the hell are you?" Master asked.

The others looked at Wilted. Nobody knew her. Unlike Mistress and Lead Designer, she was the same as her partner. She disliked exposure to the public. She simply enjoyed her work. This had now backfired on her. She had no credibility. The ones who were with her knew she was telling the truth but they were small voices.

"All right. Everyone keeps on questioning my claims. Fine, I'm going to do something that only a creator of this world can do," Master pointed his left hand into the sky. "Behold! On my command, this daylight will turn into night. Now…!!!"

Once he finished speaking, it was as if someone had sped up the time. The sun which was just rising in the East swiveled with incredible speed towards the West. Before anyone knew what was going on. The sky had turned into night.

After the unnatural phenomenon, no one made a sound. The whole basin was silent.

Then without warning, the sky turned again. This time backward. The sun rose from the West and went back to the spot before Master's declaration.

"This is my proof!" Master's voice roared. "And this is what I can offer you! A way back! Who wants it?!"

Another silence ensued, but it was soon broken by another voice.

"I do!" That voice exclaimed.

"Me too!!!" Another chimed in.

Soon, the basin was filled with voices expressing their desire to return to the old world.

Master lifted his hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet. Once everyone did, he said, "I can take you back to our old world, but my machine needs an awful lot of energy. An energy that I can't get in my current situation. That's why I became a ruler and tried to unify the land. All that is so I can secure enough energy to operate my machine. A machine that will give you the chance to return home! But my enemies are hindering me, preventing me from giving you this chance.

"Stand with me! Together, we will unite this land. Once it is done, I promise you! You will be able to return to our previous world!"

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