Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1423 - Long-term Investment and Two Incomplete Paintings

Chapter 1423: Long-term Investment and Two Incomplete Paintings

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

After training that day, Luke and Mindy didn’t leave immediately. Instead, they helped Nikki and Monica consider the types of weapons and armor they wanted.

The two girls had never touched anything like this before. They only knew that the blades would definitely be made of metal, but they had no idea what type of metal at all.

They were at a loss when Luke and Mindy talked about the specifications.

Thankfully, one adult and one child soon reached an agreement.

They listened to Luke when it came to weapons since he was familiar with the materials.

They listened to Mindy when it came to armor since she was familiar with what protection a girl needed.

Of course, the two of them had their own views.

Mindy felt that Luke’s materials weren’t necessarily the most suitable.

Luke felt that given Mindy’s short stature, she didn’t necessarily know how to protect the two girls.

It was just that the two tech dunces had been staring blankly at them for more than ten minutes, so it wasn’t appropriate for Luke and Mindy to continue debating.

Then, the matter turned to style, and Luke didn’t interrupt as much.

As long as Mindy didn’t come up with any weird shapes or colors, she and the two girls could do whatever they wanted.

When they left Nikki’s house, Luke promised to have someone deliver wooden swords to them for training the next day.

Mindy would provide them with protective suits. She said it was old stuff she had used before, which they could now use for training.

Luke guessed they were probably outdated products from her training with Damon.

After sending Mindy home, Luke returned home and revised the specifications for four swords and one shield, and came out with half-finished products in less than 20 minutes.

Half an hour after that, he completed various components like the blade hilt and the shield handle, and considered them done.

The weapons only needed to be sturdy, sharp and a proper fit, and there were no complicated parts. It was that simple.

If it wasn’t for the fact that they were gifts for girls, it would’ve taken him less than five minutes to make one.

The price of 100 to 200 dollars was entirely for the materials.

If Luke’s processing equipment was factored in, then… forget it.

He used this equipment to make and modify armor and weapons, as well as adjust the models using A.I. simulations; it wouldn’t be too much to sell one sword for 100,000 dollars.

The reason why he was so nice to Nikki and Monica was, firstly, they had provided him with abilities, and secondly, they leaned toward fighting, which could be valuable.

Compared with the superpowered trio who were still recovering and enjoying regular lives, these two already had increased strength and a heightened awareness of safety.

Also, judging from how they had beaten up hooligans in the past, they were leaning toward becoming vigilantes.

It was very faint, but for Luke, providing them with small gifts to draw them closer to that path and narrow the gap was a piece of cake.

Monica’s Elementary Imitation was quite suitable for Luke’s “teammate” program.

This master of physical skills, shooting, and sports would develop into a light version of Batman

As long as she was equipped with a powerful suit to make up for her shortcomings in killing power, she would be stronger than many superhumans.

As for Nikki’s Elementary Muscle Control, there was a lot of room for development. It was just that her armor wouldn’t increase her combat ability as much as Monica’s.

He had already invested in so many people; investing early and training these two girls was a good opportunity.

Quickly finishing up with the gifts, Luke looked out the window before he drove out.

It was only the afternoon, but the rainy weather felt familiar.

Going out in this sort of weather wasn’t a comfortable experience, but was perfect if he could later cuddle with a soft girl, watch the rain from the window, and have coffee in passing.

In any case, he could let his clone do the research while he distracted himself from time to time.

Acting like he was living a normal life was the best for his main body.

Luke drove to Paland Academy of Art and found Elena.

She still lived alone in her dorm; Luke had never seen her legendary roommate.

Actually, Elena had met her roommate less than 20 times.

Elena hadn’t gone out since it was raining. She was delighted when she received Luke’s call.

Luke had been here a lot. If he was free, he would visit her for half a day every three to five days for a meal or two.

Lunch was over, and it was still early for dinner. They sat on the couch in front of the window and had coffee together.

Ever since Luke gave her a lot of coffee when they first met, she had been improving her coffee-making skills.

Jenny’s maids could crush Luke at making coffee, and Elena was no different.

Unfortunately, Luke could only vaguely sense that the coffee was slightly better than what he made.

Rubbing Elena’s plump waist, he asked casually, “You said you were especially inspired to paint something new recently. Where is it?”

Elena tilted her head and thought for a moment, before she nodded, then shook her head a little unhappily. “There are two of them, but they’re both incomplete. I haven’t even finished the draft. Do you want to see them?”

Luke nodded.

Elena got up and dragged the box which Luke had given her to the window.

After putting in her fingerprint and the password, she opened the box and pulled out the foldable racks, before flipping to the bottom.

She sat back down on the couch and curled up in his arms. “I’m not a fan of science fiction, but for some reason, I thought of this a few days ago, and I couldn’t help but draw some of it.”

Narrowing his eyes, Luke looked at the humanoid creature standing on some sort of flying machine, swooping down from the sky.

Behind it was an astonishing number of similar figures and flying machines.

And above them was a giant worm?

Luke asked softly, “This isn’t a worm, is it?”

Elena nodded. “No, it’s probably a… spaceship? In the shape of a worm. It’s the one releasing all these flying machines. Hm, does this… not align with scientific principles?”

She was a little embarrassed. After all, she had always studied art, and didn’t care about science or science fiction.

Luke rubbed her with a smile to comfort her. “There’s no need for a sci-fi movie to be completely logical. You’re an artist; you just need to express what you want to express.”

Then, he raised his hand and pointed at the blank space above the worm. “Why is it blank now?”

Elena shook her head in frustration. “My inspiration dried up. After I drew this, it felt like there was nothing else in my head, and I couldn’t finish everything in one go. Trying to force myself to draw also felt weird.”

Luke nodded and patted her lightly. “Don’t worry about it. Venus also doesn’t have arms, right?”

Elena burst out laughing. “That statue did have arms. We just can’t find them.”

Luke shrugged. “So, being incomplete doesn’t necessarily mean that it isn’t a wonderful work of art..”

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