Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1449 - Going In, and Finding Loki

Chapter 1449: Going In, and Finding Loki

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Of course, the system also had its limits.

If he was enveloped by a huge plasma beam, his clone would still be annihilated.

Thus, he had to make sure he stayed on the edge of the plasma beam as he advanced even more swiftly.

It had to be said that interstellar battles were very magical.

During World War II, naval fleets fired at each other, but the hit rate was very low; getting in a first hit was as rare as hitting a five million jackpot.

Now that the battlefield had gone from a flat ocean to boundless space, it was practically impossible to hit each other.

Moreover, if the enemy’s mothership was a World War II battleship, then Luke was only a mosquito at most.

This “mosquito” was sharp and as fast; it was embarrassing that the mothership couldn’t hit it with a cannon.

However, Luke’s attacks were also only at the level of a mosquito.

The enemy actually didn’t care too much about him pressing forward, because a mosquito couldn’t penetrate the metal warship at all.

The only reason they had opened fire was because the commander was fed up. After all, nobody liked a bug that kept buzzing around them.

Finally, Luke reached his target, which was near the mothership’s main thrusters.

After hitting the shield with electromagnetic cannon fire earlier, Alfred was certain that there was a weak point here.

Perhaps due to the impact the protective shield had on the thrusters, there was a gap in the shield here.

In contrast, there were a lot of support turrets here.

Luke knew that if he tried to charge through this weak point, he would be attacked.

At that moment, he smiled and mumbled to himself, “Try? Why not?”

With a thought, he threw everything else into his inventory and quickly changed into a set of close-fitting equipment.

The next moment, the Bat suit bypassed the remains of a battleship that had exploded and suddenly charged at the weak point.

The ship’s support cannons, which had been accumulating power, fired a blue rain of light which instantly covered the gap and destroyed everything in that small area, including the heavily damaged Bat suit.

A moment later, the rain of light stopped, and darkness returned.

On the second mothership, the Chitauri commander glanced at the quiet space and sneered disdainfully. “Where’s that little bug?”

Numerous subordinates studied their instruments for a moment, before an aide bowed slightly and replied, “Confirming that the intruder has been destroyed, Commander.”

Bored, the commander waved his hand and didn’t say anything else.

What could this little bug do even if it discovered a gap in the protective shield?

In the face of absolute power, struggling was futile.

Thinking this, the commander’s gloomy gaze fell on the man on the monitor who raised the hammer and blazed with dazzling lightning. “The Asgardians are indeed well-informed. He’s probably here because of Loki. However, he’s just one person; there’s nothing to worry about.”

After the Chitauri commander waved his hand, nobody on the second mothership paid attention to the invader who had been turned to dust.

They thought the same as the commander: They didn’t think the other party could have survived.

The thrusters were a weak point and also where the firepower was the strongest. Enemies who tried to attack that point were basically turned into cosmic dust.

Just like the fool today.

While the Chitauri on the mothership were distracted, a transparent shadow which completely blended into the background slowly moved out from under a battleship fragment and slowly floated into the gap in the protective shield.

Only one member of the Chitauri crew in front of a monitoring device noticed an energy reaction for one moment.

But nothing else happened, and he stopped paying attention.

The plasma beams had just wreaked havoc around the gap, and detritus was floating about. The various energy reactions had yet to settle down, so it wasn’t surprising that there were some fluctuations.

If it was an intruder, there would have been more of a fluctuation.

So, the transparent shadow passed through the narrow gap and continued toward the second mothership.

Thor kept up the blockade for half a minute from the top of the Empire State Building, and he was already panting heavily.

But then, relying on the domineering power of the Mjölnir hammer, he flew around in the sky and smashed down one flier after another.

However, the space portal was open again, and the Chitauri fliers and big worm battleships continued to pour through.

Just now, with Thor leading the way, the two teams took down almost 1,000 Chitauri soldiers, and the situation had turned around slightly.

By the time everybody started replacing the external parts, the number of soldiers had increased again.

Tony asked, “Hammersmith, haven’t you confirmed Loki’s location?”

Frank: “Everybody, listen up: Loki should be on one of these seven battleships that I’ve marked out. We now have to destroy them as quickly as possible and find Loki.”

The seven suspected worm battleships were earmarked on the special force team’s virtual screens and the Avengers’ tactical lenses.

Once the seven targets were earmarked, they were outlined in red and tagged with the numbers 1 to 7.

Ivan immediately said, “Number 3 is mine.”

Thump! Bang!

One of the battleships was blown into two parts.

Damon said, “Okay, number 6 has been destroyed.”

Ivan swore in Russian.

Everybody: “…”

After a brief silence, everybody stated their targets.

Damon didn’t say anything. He acted according to the situation.

Like with that shot just now; he had watched for a long time before he finally saw an opportunity to attack.

Selina chose to attack one and assist in attacking another.

Even if she would use up all the backup equipment, that was all she could do in the short term.

Big Dipper didn’t say anything.

The clone was close to catching a super big fish on the other side of the portal at the moment. Luke didn’t have the energy to care about this side for the time being, and just sent Frank the coordinates of two other war chariots.

Frank instantly chose one location as he prepared to finally take an active part and force Loki out as soon as possible.

The location of the other chariot was passed on to Donnie.

This turtle techie was the better choice for handling this sort of technical equipment

On the Avengers’ side, Tony selected one target and helped relay Thor’s choice. The others could assist.

By then, the remaining six targets had been assigned.

Selina got to work. She opened up a path with machine gun fire, which was followed by missiles that bombarded a big worm battleship.

Then, Tony and Thor worked together to besiege another battleship, and the battle heated up once more.

Everyone else with regular gear was responsible for cleaning up the fliers around the big worms to free up the main combatants..

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