Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 629 - A Great Thing, and a Minor Problem

Chapter 629 A Great Thing, and a Minor Problem

What puzzled Luke was that the twins didn’t run halfway even though he had explicitly said that he wouldn’t do anything if they did. They just let themselves be obediently locked up in the temporary custody center.

Everybody at HQ was too busy at the moment to interrogate them.

Now that the real escort mission was over, the bigshots at HQ naturally had to hold a press conference and tell the citizens the good news.

Secondly, the losses and contributions on this operation had to be tallied up. Arrangements also had to be made for the dead and injured officers.

Even though the twins were described as criminals who had attempted to rescue the prisoner, the officers on guard still focused more on their appearances.

Almost seventy criminals who had attempted to rescue the prisoner were in custody. The twins would only be questioned the day after tomorrow at the earliest.

On this point, HQ still had to thank Luke and Selina.

The two of them had killed almost seventy criminals in the afternoon and heavily wounded almost thirty of them, which meant much less work for the interrogators.

What HQ paid most attention to were the guys who had almost annihilated the convoy with machine guns on armored trucks and helicopters.

It was a proud tradition of the American police to get back at every suspect who killed police officers, otherwise everybody wouldn’t consider the police a big deal.

The twins were locked up for the time being in a holding room. They had the privilege of using a separate room far away from the other suspects.

This was yet more proof that the officers who worked at the custody center were just as superficial as Luke and Harrison. Luke left HQ and drove his own car out of the underground parking lot to go home.

Looking at his face, Selina asked curiously, “Did something good happen to you again?”

Luke chuckled and said, “Sort of. We’ll take it easy tomorrow. We’ll check in in the morning and then go home to cook a feast. You can spend the morning catching some rays. How does that sound?”

Selina nodded and said in a sure tone, “It seems something good really happened.”

Luke was amused and didn’t say anything else.

As he drove, he checked the system notifications.

System: Host’s experience: 14,890/90,000

Credit: 15,390

System: You have defeated Stephanie Cassidy and received a list of her abilities.

Stephanie Cassidy’s abilities: Basic Vocal Sound, Basic Musical Instruments… Elementary Sound Wave (X-gene. Prerequisites: 40 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 20 Mental Strength and 10,000 credit points)

System: You have defeated Artemis Cassidy and received a list of her abilities.

Artemis Cassidy’s abilities: Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry… Elementary Energy Outburst (X-gene. Unavailable)

Sure enough, they were siblings.

Stephanie was the short-haired girl who could roar, and Artemis was the mushroom-haired girl who could unleash a shock wave explosion.

Luke wasn’t too surprised that he couldn’t learn Artemis’s ability.

He was already familiar with how the system worked.

He realized that it was impossible for him to become an “elemental mage,” or a “close-combat mage” like Thor.

It was better to just be satisfied with being the beefy marksman.

However, Stephanie’s ability was very interesting.

Elementary Sound Wave didn’t seem very impressive at first glance, but Luke was very satisfied with it.

In the battle earlier, Stephanie had shown the very practical use of her “lion’s roar.”

It was essentially a multi-use, portable stun grenade that could be turned on and off at any time.

When Luke pictured how the enemy would freeze at his roar before he fired his M500 at them, how could he not feel happy? There were many times when it wasn’t a destructive ability that was required, but one that was just right for the situation.

Luke could increase his offensive power by modifying his weapons, but he had always lacked a crowd control ability.

Both stun grenades and his rope skills weren’t effective on people with extraordinary abilities. As a massive crowd control skill, this lion’s roar suited him very well.

The next day, Luke and Selina had just checked in at the police department, when they received Harrison’s call.

“Luke, I have a bit of a problem,” said Harrison.

Luke: “What is it?”

Harrison: “The two girls escaped last night.”

“Huh? How did they… Wait, why is it your problem?” asked Luke. Defense at HQ had been pretty solid last night. After all, dozens of criminals who had attempted to rescue the prisoner were locked up there. The fact that the twins escaped was a little unbelievable, but how did Harrison have anything to do with it?

Harrison smiled bitterly. “According to the guards, ‘I’ took them away at midnight.” He stressed the “I.”

Luke was stunned. “What?”

Harrison smiled bitterly. “Yes, and based on the surveillance footage, I really was the one who took them out of the custody center.”

Luke considered for a moment. “Was it someone disguised as you? Or were you being controlled?”

Harrison smiled bitterly again. “I think it was a disguise. I was sleeping at home last night. My security system showed that I didn’t go out. Also, you remember Sanchez, right?”

Luke: “Yes, your very hot teammate.” Harrison: “She just called me. She said that she was ambushed at home in the morning yesterday and knocked unconscious. It was only this morning that she broke free of her restraints and called us.”

Luke: …Then who the hell was the person who went on the mission with us? Another person in disguise? He had a thought. “I’ll come over. I was with her in the car yesterday. I’ll see if I can find any leads.”

Harrison readily accepted.

That was precisely his intention.

The biggest problem at the moment was that he and Sanchez were suspects.

While everybody wanted to believe that they were innocent, the surveillance footage made it impossible for them to explain themselves.

In the image, it really was Harrison who took the twins out of the custody center, escorted them out of the police department, and left with them in the same car.

Sanchez, on the other hand, had been active in the police department for the entire day, and there was even more surveillance footage of her.

Harrison was grasping at straws when he called Luke, pinning his last hope on Luke’s high rate of cracking cases.

In this regard, Luke was a pro. Hanging up, Luke turned the car around and told Selina what had happened.

Selina knew what happened yesterday. The twins had left a deep impression on her with their abilities.

Hearing that something strange like this had happened, her interest was promptly piqued. “Could it be someone else with extraordinary abilities?”

Luke thought for a moment before he nodded. “Apart from something that defies science and common sense, I can’t think of any other possibility. We were with Harrison and Sanchez for so long yesterday, but I didn’t sense anything unusual. If they were pretending, they may as well quit being police officers and become stars with those acting skills. Harrison might even win an Oscar.”

Thinking for a moment, Selina agreed with him. “We don’t know Sanchez very well, but even if Harrison really wanted to take the girls away, he wouldn’t be that stupid. He’s a pro who’s very familiar with HQ. He definitely wouldn’t leave behind ironclad proof like surveillance footage.”

Luke was amused. “Harrison will definitely be touched to hear you praising him like that.”

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