Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 631 - The Legendary Knee Breaker of Los Angeles

Chapter 631 The Legendary Knee Breaker of Los Angeles

Luke already had an answer.

But it had already been a while since the car was abandoned, and the scent in had already faded. Luke couldn’t track down the girls and could only return to HQ.

He silently made a note of the scents of the three girls and hoped he would meet that unknown girl again someday.

She was one interesting person. There was only one other person who had earned this sort of attention from Luke.

It was Stu, the high school student who vanished after the massacre in Woodsburg.

One should always have a dream; who knows, it might come true one day! Thinking thus, Luke drove home.

After they got home, Selina found Claire in the training room. Claire had been interested in boxing recently, especially in the “banned skills” which Selina had taught her.

In this regard, Luke could only solemnly warn her not to use these skills in a regular fight.

Claire could only use them when her life was in extreme danger.

These skills could cause severe injuries. As long as the victim wasn’t an invulnerable extraordinary person, they would be crippled.

But this was a dangerous world.

Luke didn’t think it was right not to teach Claire how to protect herself, so he let her learn from Selina. In any case, it wasn’t bad for this little monkey to spend her excess energy on picking up self-defense skills.

As Luke cooked in the kitchen, Gold Nugget sat at the door and waited for food. Luke threw some food to it whenever a dish was ready.

The dog head had become pickier and pickier. It absolutely refused to eat anything that was the least bit lacking.

Luke forbade it from entering the kitchen, claiming that he didn’t want dog hair in the food.

The dog head could only endure it

While it didn’t drop hair, Dollar did.

An hour later, Luke moved the grill to the backyard. Selina and Claire were finished with training as well. They showered and then soaked in the big bathtub.

Luke chatted with them from the side

Claire said enthusiastically, “Did you know that a Knee Breaker appeared in L.A. recently? He’s awesome.”

Luke and Selina didn’t think much of it.

In L.A., the city of crime, all kinds of weird nicknames were floating around. Names like Bloody Hands or Human Butcher were common. In comparison, Knee Breaker didn’t sound fierce enough.

But as Claire babbled on about Knee Breaker, Luke’s expression turned strange.

When she said that Knee Breaker broke the hoodlums’ legs, robbed them, stripped and tied them up, then hung them from lamp posts, Selina coughed so hard she spat out the juice that she was drinking.

Claire gave her a strange look. “What’s wrong?”

Selina wiped her lips. “Haha. It’s – it’s nothing.” She gave Luke a quick glance as she spoke.

The dog who was gnawing on a bone next to Luke’s feet quietly got up and took the bone with it to hide among the flowers not far away, before sneaking looks at everybody else. After a brief silence, Luke smiled. “That’s why you shouldn’t wander around at night, or you may run into weirdos like that.”

He stressed the word “weirdos” slightly.

Claire nodded. “All the people Knee Breaker beats up are gangsters. I think he’s a good guy. But what if there’s a pervert out there who specifically goes after women?” Saying that, she lowered her head to look at a certain body part of hers that was still growing. Luke looked at the sky, lost for words. Would a good guy hit a woman in the chest? Well, maybe if the woman was a villain?

Contrary to Selina and the dog’s expectations, Luke didn’t bring up the topic again.

Luke went out again that night.

Inside the house, Selina and the dog secretly peeped through a gap in the curtains as they watched him disappear, before they communicated telepathically with each other.

The dog head said carefully, Do you think the fiend is going on a rampage?

Selina thought for a moment before she shook her head. No. If he was angry, he would’ve already scolded us in the afternoon.

The dog promptly felt like he had been granted amnesty. Good. My money stash is safe then. Selina glared at it in dissatisfaction. That’s what you’re scared of? The dog looked at her aggrievedly. What can I do? I can’t go to work, and Luke has only taken me on one mission so far.

Selina was lost for words.

That made sense. She had started earning money since she was eighteen. Naturally, she didn’t understand the pain of unemployment.

Thinking for a moment, she lay back on her bed. Don’t worry. Luke didn’t say anything, which means he’s fine with it. He won’t punish you as long as we abide by the safety rules and we don’t expose ourselves.

The dog head was relieved, but suddenly sensed something wrong. What? In any case, he’ll only punish me? You’ll be fine? Apologize to me for that thought!

Selina rolled over lazily. I’m telling the truth. Why should I apologize? After thinking for a few seconds, the dog head finally realized that she wasn’t wrong at all, and could only yell in despair. This isn’t fair! I want… to watch HBO.

Selina yawned. Go watch then. Remember to close the curtains and use your earphones.

The dog head resentfully returned to the new dog house next to the bed. This was something it had bought with its own money.

Not only was it much bigger, it also had a cover which made it look like a small tent.

According to the dog head, it was an adult too, and needed its own privacy.

Taking out the tablet which Luke had modified for it, it pressed the play/pause button with its paw and continued to watch the rest of episode 5, season 2 of “This is Sparta.”

Dollar had closed its eyes. The tablet was placed behind its butt, so it wouldn’t affect its sleep.

The earphones from the tablet were stuck to its back, which wouldn’t affect its sleep.

Except for the flickering light in the dog house, it was all quiet in the room.

Elsewhere, Luke put on a set of new clothes in a new safe house as usual. He then left in a secondhand Chevrolet.

He would abandon the safe houses after using them once or twice. In any case, he wasn’t short of money.

It wasn’t hard for him to take advantage of the loopholes on online rental sites and use fake identities to rent houses as well as buy cars.

He didn’t pay a cent less and would abandon these locations and cars after a month at most, so his safety wasn’t an issue.

He paid with the dirty money that was in his inventory, which was no skin off his nose; he still didn’t know how to use up the two hundred million dollars from Hernan!

Under these circumstances, although the cars he bought were secondhand, he specially inspected them to make sure that they were all still in good shape. He would never forget how Alex that unlucky b*stard ended up in jail.

He used that lesson to remind himself: Safety first.

Driving east, Luke stopped at the end of a street and got out.

Taking a few twists and turns, he entered an old alley where an old van was parked.

Luke went to the van and opened the door. He grabbed a hand that was holding a gun and played his voice recorder with the other. “It’s me, Puncher.”

The hand immediately stopped struggling. Luke got into the van and closed the door.

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