Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 676 - Switching to Modeling, Still a High-risk Job

Chapter 676 Switching to Modeling, Still a High-risk Job

The boy was seven or eight, and the girl was five or six.

Seven to eight meters behind them, a man and a woman were pulling suitcases behind them as they discussed something, and didn’t notice Luke’s actions.

Luke only took a handful of seconds. When the couple saw their children run off and pull at the security guard at the entrance of the ballroom to ask something, they hurried over, and realized that the children wanted to pee.

The woman found that odd. “Didn’t you just pee before we came out? You’re just playing around again!”

The man apologized politely to the security guard.

What could the security guard say? There was nothing wrong with a kid who really needed to use the bathroom.

He told them where the bathroom was, waved goodbye to the family, and returned to the ballroom entrance.

Luke, on the other hand, had already entered the dimly lit ballroom. Moving nimbly, he stood in a corner.

The models were walking down a T-shaped catwalk wearing big sweaters in eye-catching patterns.

This was an autumn/winter fashion show.

Given the temperature in London, it would be sweater weather sooner or later, even as early as the end of September.

Luke didn’t bother with the models. He was looking for Alexander, the designer.

Alexander McCartney was a famous fashion designer in England. He was also the owner of the century-old tailor shop, as well as a supplier for the Bubblegum Gang.

A few hours ago, the fashion designer had been discussing with Axelle how many “goods” he would send to the Slovakian town.

Luke had come here to look for Alexander; firstly, to determine the guy’s appearance and scent, and secondly, he didn’t have the guy’s address, so finding him here was the easiest way.

As he was thinking about how to deal with the designer later, he saw something familiar.

He had arrived a little late. The fashion show was coming to an end, and the models and Alexander as the fashion designer came out together to thank everyone.

There was nothing unusual about Alexander. He was a regular British white man in his forties. He was a little effeminate and had makeup on, but he didn’t smell like a vampire.

But the three female models next to Alexander looked familiar.

Frowning as he pondered for a few seconds, their legs matched with Luke’s memory, and he cursed inwardly. What a coincidence!

Watching as everyone clapped on and off the stage, he took out his fake phone and sent a message to a certain girl.

He had thought that the woman would only see it after a while, but a reply came in less than ten seconds.

Luke sighed and didn’t send any more messages.

It was easier for him to get rid of the problem at the source. The more people who knew, the more dangerous it was. As for the three women who dreamed of reaching the top and becoming world-famous models, Luke could only express his regret. In this world, it was never easy to succeed. It was already a huge blessing to have a life and work hard.

Thinking that, he mumbled to himself, Back then… I only won against Vanessa, didn’t I? Why are these three so unlucky? They’re risking their lives to become models. How dedicated.

After the fashion show, Luke didn’t leave with the guests. Instead, he snuck backstage during the hubbub.

After the fashion show, this was just an ordinary hall, and nobody paid attention to the crowd.

Luke followed Alexander to the parking lot.

He saw Alexander get into an Audi stretch limo with eight models, three of whom were Vanessa’s old partners and friends. He slapped his forehead and followed them in his secondhand Volkswagen Golf. On the narrow British streets, a stretch limo’s biggest use was to show off – it was still Luke’s secondhand Volkswagen Golf that was more convenient.

Luke easily trailed several hundred meters behind the stretch limo as they headed northwest of London.

As Alexander’s car drove further and further away, Luke found it a little strange. What was going on? Both cars had left urban London and were about to reach Waterford.

Had Alexander realized that he was being followed? Luke quickly rejected this possibility.

It wasn’t impossible to track someone, like using a drone to monitor their surroundings, but Alexander wasn’t that skilled.

Neither was his vampire master.

Puzzled, he followed Alexander’s car and drove for more than an hour to Coventry, northwest of London.

The car stopped in front of a bar, and eight women and a man got out and went in.

Luke drove his car into a dark alley not far away and changed clothes.

This time, it wasn’t a half-finished White Wolf suit, but an ordinary gray and black hooded sweater and cap. A sharp metal mask covered his face.

Luke always had many ways on hand to avoid coincidences. Naturally, he wouldn’t allow his route to coincide with White Wolf’s so easily.

Even though he hadn’t entered Slovakia or England with his real identity, he still chose a more reliable method — to use yet another disguise.

After he got out of the car, he took a running leap onto the building on the side and released a drone to monitor the bar and the surrounding activity.

There was nothing special about the outside of the bar, but there were no surveillance cameras here.

Most bars would have surveillance cameras at the front and back doors to avoid petty thieves and brawls, but not here.

Luke had a vague sense of expectation in his heart.

What an interesting habit!

The bar was located in a dilapidated industrial area. It was clearly in the style of an industrial loft and didn’t stand out here.

It only had two floors. There were no windows on the first floor, while the old iron bars on the second floor looked especially old.

Luke watched as four models were taken to a room on the second floor. Alexander said something and went downstairs.

The four models turned on the music and poured themselves drinks. The four models didn’t include Vanessa’s three friends. They all looked young and innocent, like newcomers.

As for Vanessa’s three friends… Just thinking about how they had robbed a bank in New York with Vanessa was enough to know what they were like.

One was marked by the company one kept. This principle was the same everywhere.

After confirming this point, Luke didn’t waste any more time and directly entered through a second floor window. The four new models who were enjoying themselves didn’t notice the activity at the window in the corner at all, nor did they see the shadow that flashed past.

Coming down from the second floor, Luke suddenly smiled very happily when he reached a door.

He didn’t stop. He kicked the door open, and a huge wave of sound poured out.

Just like the exterior of the building, the first floor was in the same industrial style.

All around were naked brick walls, cement walls and pipes; this was a huge dance hall with dozens of people sitting around or dancing

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