Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 681 - Efficient and Ruthless, and Overflowing Aggression

Chapter 681: Efficient and Ruthless, and Overflowing Aggression

The purebloods looked down on hybrids, who were essentially pets to them.

In fact, there was no distinctive difference in their combat abilities.

After the disappearance of their forebears for hundreds of years, there were far more hybrids than purebloods nowadays, and the ones who held power in the vampire race had long since become hybrids.

Most purebloods lived in a remote corner and had their own system. Both parties minded their own business.

The hybrids were also the group with the most servants.

However, there was a price to pay for creating servants. It wasn’t a big problem to create eight or ten servants, but creating thirty or fifty servants used up a lot of strength, and it was very hard for most vampires to recover from that.

That was also the reason why the vampires couldn’t go wild.

They weren’t zombies in horror movies who turned people into their own kind with their bite.

In terms of killing efficiency, they were far inferior to human weapons.

However, the vampires had a deep history in Europe, and humans and various forces had many different thoughts about them, which was why the vampires were still alive.

Putting away his laptop, Luke stuffed two hundred euros into the house owner’s piggy bank as payment for accommodation and his Internet use.

Putting away the sleeping bag and making sure that he hadn’t missed anything, Luke got up and went downstairs.

Naturally, there were no surveillance cameras in this apartment in this small English town. Luke walked down the street with a fake face that half-resembled his own.

He had to buy a car, and perhaps think about going to France.

Comparatively speaking, the UK was too small and too stable. There weren’t many experience and credit points to earn here, and it wasn’t good to waste time.

While Luke mulled over the matter as he walked down the road, there was a sudden loud rumble in the distance.

He was stunned for a moment. What was going on? Why did it sound like a bomb had gone off? He picked up his pace and ran in the direction of the explosion.

A lot of people were also rushing to the scene to watch the show. It wouldn’t be conspicuous if he followed them.

But the series of loud bangs that promptly followed was very clear.

Luke knew that the explosion wasn’t some sort of accident. The noise after that was gunshots!

The intensity of the gunfire indicated that it wasn’t just one or two guns, but a battle which involved thirty to fifty automatic weapons.

Hm… alright, it was just that it was big for the people of Coventry!

Since the end of the last century, England had passed a ban on firearms, and most personal firearms were made up of shotguns. Even the police officers didn’t carry guns on them, but had them in the weapons box in their cars. The officer in charge carried the key to the weapons box on him. This was completely different from American officers and their guns.

Thus, there had been far less serious shootings in England in recent years than in the United States.

From this perspective, this gunfight was absolutely a huge event.

The passers-by who had been running over to watch were frightened by the panic-stricken crowd running in their direction, and most of them started to leave the scene.

Luke, however, ducked into a building.

He quickly went up to the roof and easily jumped to a nearby building to reach the scene.

He stuck his head out and looked down, only to see a small black Benz van lying on its side. The car was clearly dented from the explosion, and even the back of the car had been blown away.

People in full special gear were firing from two black Land Rovers at the buildings on both sides of the street. Their bulletproof vests had eye-catching labels on them.

Those with headgear were the GIPN (the French National Police Intervention Group), and those without were the police and Interpol.

Their opponents were all dressed casually and shouting in European accents.

Was this… an ambush?

Muttering to himself, Luke looked at the Benz and immediately realized that it was a modified prisoner van.

Breaking a prisoner out? He was even more surprised.

Who would run all the way to England to break a prisoner out? And besides Interpol, the French GIPN were also escorting the prisoner?

He wasn’t in a hurry to act since it was already too late.

The criminals weren’t weak, and had clearly set up the ambush beforehand. They occupied an advantageous position and surrounded the police from all directions.

No matter how powerful GIPN and Interpol were, they couldn’t withstand being surrounded in the middle of the street and being bombarded with bullets.

There were at least fifty criminals, and less than twenty Interpol and GIPN officers.

By the time Luke arrived, the officers that he could see were already dead.

But the door to the prisoner van was still closed. He had just seen a police officer pull the door shut.

Thinking for a moment, he took out a Glock 17 from his inventory.

As usual, this was an unregistered personal item which could be discarded at any time and which couldn’t be linked to anyone or anything.

The criminals were well-equipped and unafraid of death.

They had killed more than ten officers, and more than ten of their own were severely injured. However, they didn’t save their comrades, but directly started cutting the back door of the prisoner van open with a gas torch.

Luke stuck his head out from the top of the building and quickly locked onto the positions of the criminals on the scene as he marked out the shooting order.

There were more than thirty professional criminals who were all armed with automatic weapons. He had to be a little more serious.

It wouldn’t be good to fight a protracted war on British territory!

He chose to act the moment the criminals opened the car door.

It was easy for the criminals to be distracted for one moment when their attention was on the prisoner waiting to be rescued.

It would give him at least one extra second to shoot.

Luke adjusted his frame of mind and first aimed at four criminals who were approaching the van.

In less than twenty seconds, the criminals burned a hole in the back door of the prisoner van. They clipped a towing hook on it and pulled fiercely.

Bang! The car door flew out.

Smoke from the door being cut wafted out of the prisoner van, and the criminals couldn’t see what was going on inside.


Luke took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Four criminals were shot in the head.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Four criminals on the second floor on both sides of the street were also shot. They got better treatment, and were only shot in the chest.

Pa! Pa!

Luke took down another two criminals who looked up, but he suddenly paused.

Two people suddenly rushed out of the smoke-filled Benz.

The man in the lead was tall and wore a black beanie. He shot two criminals on the street with a UMP, before he swung his gun and knocked down another one.

The second to charge out was a young policewoman with a ponytail.

What surprised Luke wasn’t the policewoman, even though she was a beauty with a particular charm.

What surprised him was the first guy who had charged out. His shooting and footwork were both efficient and ruthless, and overflowed with aggression.

“This guy… switched jobs to become a police officer?” Luke was suspicious.

But it was only for a brief moment, and he tossed the question aside.

At the very least, the guy was on the policewoman’s side, so it wouldn’t be a problem for Luke to help them kill a few criminals.

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