Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 716 - Don’t Run, and Do You Think I’m a Child?!

Chapter 716: Don’t Run, and Do You Think I’m a Child?!

Very soon, half of the twenty or so people in the bus were out, and the bus’s balance could no longer be maintained as it started to tilt forward.

The people in the bus panicked.

Luke said, “I’ll keep it stable. Don’t panic. Keep climbing out.”

As he spoke, he cut off the external microphone. “Activate auxiliary support.”

With a light clanging sound, two alloy frames suddenly popped out from the sides of his legs. He raised his legs, and claws popped out of the frames again to stab deep into the ground.

“Those behind, hurry up,” he said into the mic again.

The bus, which had been shaking slightly, stabilized again, but the back of the vehicle that Luke had grabbed with both hands creaked and rapidly twisted in shape, indicating that it was being pulled down by a massive force.

When there were only four people left in the bus, the ground suddenly trembled again.

It was an aftershock.

The aftershock wasn’t strong, but it was deadly for the bus’s current situation.

The gap in the overpass started to widen, and with a loud rumble, a large part of the overpass collapsed.

Luke only had time to grab one of the men who had been at the window and throw him out. The other three screamed in fear and involuntarily slid down the bus.

“Launch arm supports,” Luke said.

Two alloy frames suddenly shot out of his hands and pierced the back of the bus.

The bus shook violently and settled again.

“Climb up. Hurry.” Luke frowned.

If it had been just the three of them at the beginning, he would’ve had more options. He could rush in directly to protect them or tie them together with a rope dart.

But he hadn’t had enough time to prepare for the rescue right before this and couldn’t do anything now.

Once he retracted the alloy frames that were keeping the bus in place, the three of them would fall along with the bus.

Luke could only ensure the safety of two people at most, while the life of the third person would depend on luck.

“Hey, throw my rope dart in and drag them out,” he said to the passenger whom he had just rescued.

The man trembled as he stood up. He had only taken two steps, when there was another aftershock, and the entire overpass creaked slightly.

He screamed in fear and turned around to run.

Luke simply sighed and didn’t look at the man again.

It wasn’t that the man was ungrateful.

It was too much to hope for regular people to act rationally after suffering a fright.

His mind raced as he started to make preparations.

If the three people inside couldn’t climb back up, he would retract his support frames and rush into the bus to save them.

Whether the third life could be saved would depend on luck.

At that moment, his AI system warned him, “There’s a flying object approaching from the northwest at close to Mach 1 speed.”

Luke looked at the sky and frowned. “A missile? That seems a little slow!”

The exhaust trail looked like that of a missile, but this thing wasn’t that fast.

AI program: “This object is about two meters in height and is similar to a human. No similar missiles have been found in the database.”

Staring at the approaching object, Luke’s eyes suddenly widened, and he subconsciously exclaimed, “WTF?!”

To be able to make someone as cool-headed as he was curse was truly unexpected.

In less than ten seconds, the thing flew over him and stopped after a beautiful arc in the air. Amidst the dazzling blaze of flames, intense rock music rang out. “All you women who want a man of the street…”

“Big guy, it looks like you’re in a bit of trouble?” A playful voice rang out.

Luke rolled his eyes. “Save your nonsense for after we save them.”

Inside the armor, Tony raised an eyebrow and acknowledged Batman’s composure anew.

There should be some applause for his entrance!

Well, fine. This guy didn’t have any hands or legs free. That was the price of inferior skills. Tony curled his lip as he once again looked down on the guy’s skills.

The silver armor dropped down and landed under the gap in the overpass.

The next moment, Luke’s expression changed. “Retract leg support.”

There was a huge force pushing the bus up from below, and with Luke’s help, the bus was pushed back onto the overpass.

He entered the bus and quickly tossed the three people out of the hole. “Get off the overpass. It might collapse at any moment.”

The three of them had been lying on the ground like dead fish. When they heard what Luke said, they struggled to get up and run.

However, even though they were running for their lives, they couldn’t help but look back.

Standing at the hole in the bus, Luke raised his head and looked at the magnificent silver armor which rose into the air again, jet flames under its feet. He cursed inwardly. F*ck! Can someone tell me why this young master is making this thing now?

He hadn’t been kidnapped yet!

Tony, who was in the air, was clearly excited. “Okay, I saved him for you. Let’s fight one round.”

When Luke heard that, he knew that the tycoon hadn’t changed his mind yet, and that this Iron Man prototype armor was actually used to make trouble for him.

“I admit defeat,” he said immediately.

In the air, Tony, who was using the jet engines to maintain his balance, swayed for a moment and almost spiraled off into the sky. “What?”

“As long as you save more people than me tonight, it’s my loss,” said Luke as he ran into the traffic behind him.

Tony said, “Don’t run! Do you think I’ll fall for your tricks?”

Luke, however, had already reached the end of the overpass, and he pulled a driver out of an SUV. “Did you buy insurance for this car?”

The driver was terrified. “I did, I did.”

“Go. You can tell them that I smashed your car,” said Luke as he pushed the driver away.

The alloy frames on his armor stretched out, and he exerted force. The SUV that had been stuck at the end of the overpass and unable to move was sent flying and fell off the overpass.

Luke wasn’t done.

A freight truck driver, who was about the same size as Luke, was scooped out as well. Luke then started up the truck and pushed the cars next to it aside before crashing through the guardrail.

Luke jumped out of the truck before it fell. He said to the driver of a car who had just gotten onto the overpass, “Turn back! Get out of here.”

The driver quickly did as he was told. He didn’t want to be asked if he had bought car insurance.

Although he had, he didn’t want to see his car being thrown down like garbage.

After the two vehicles blocking the road were taken care of, the cars on the overpass were finally able to turn back.

As long as they got off the overpass, there were wide open spaces everywhere, and they wouldn’t be in any danger.

After clearing the traffic, Luke took down two guardrails not far from the end of the overpass and instructed cars to drive onto the wide plain so that the cars behind them could move.

Otherwise, the hundreds of cars on the road wouldn’t be able to turn back.

Nobody dared object.

Everybody had seen Batman push two vehicles off the overpass.

Batman was clearly more concerned about human life than property.

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