The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 947 - I Want You

947 I Want You

When Li Meng saw the WeChat reply, her smile widened. She showed it to everyone around and said, “Wei Wei has agreed to come, let’s all be punctual on the day.”

Du Sisi remained silent. She exchanged a glance with Li Meng and pursed her lips as she took a sip of coffee in her hand.

She was wondering, some people had no boyfriends because they were too outstanding. On the other hand, there was Wei Wei who gave birth to bastards with an unknown guy and ended up repairing cars for a living.

Presumably, she must be really ugly in real life. Even if her looks were above average, she must not have the money to dress up right now. A woman like her could never be above them anymore. She should be a laughing stock instead.

During the gathering, all of their schoolmates would be able to see how poor and pedantic Helian Wei Wei had become!

Nevertheless, on the other side of the mainland, the sun was just rising in Li City, where it was like spring all year long.

Helian Wei Wei drew the curtains and stood under the sunlight. She tilted her head to check all the equipment on her, with one hand she pressed on her wireless Bluetooth earphone, and with the other hand she buttoned her white blouse. Her posture was extremely charming. In front of her was a human-sized mirror and it reflected her overly slender legs and fine looks.

She was definitely not the worn housewife Du Sisi had imagined. Instead, Helian Wei Wei had a fairer skin complexion compared to other women. Furthermore, she had a natural class and character that was incomparable.

Now as she stood in front of the mirror and gave her people instructions, she wore a white blouse with her tight jeans and a Korean style bow tie. She looked like she had never aged, the only thing she had gained was her natural charm.

Baili Jia Jue woke up too. He stood behind her and looked at the beautiful reflection in the mirror. He lowered his head and embraced her as he whispered in her ear softly, “I’m hungry.”

Helian Wei Wei only ended her call when she noticed that His Highness was awake. She turned over with a smile on her face, “What do you want to eat? I’ll buy you breakfast.”

“You.” Baili Jia Jue would never cover up his desire for her. His fingers reached into Helian Wei Wei’s blouse smoothly and his hands held her softness from behind as he smothered her with kisses.

Helian Wei Wei could even feel her toes burning. She could only tilt her head as he caressed her, her breathing turned uneven yet she could not escape the limpness that was spreading across her body.

With a swing, Baili Jia Jue carried her up and laid her on the bed again. Then he towered over her.

She was burning everywhere and her heart was pounding.

The white shirt that Helian Wei Wei had just put on was now wrinkled and half unbuttoned. His hand held her smooth back as he exerted strength continuously. Luckily, His Highness kept his sanity and he paused soon. His heavy breath fell on the side of her ears and his silver hair lingered on her neck causing it to heat up there, “After you’re done with this, come back with me immediately. I can’t stand it anymore.”

Of course Helian Wei Wei knew what His Highness meant, she blushed and stared blankly at the ceiling for a while.

After a long wait, the heat between them finally subsided. Baili Jia Jue smiled as he drew her fringe apart, caressed her forehead and planted a kiss there.

Physical appearances were indeed important.

The closer they were, the more she realized that no girl would be able to refuse such an elegant and handsome face.

Even his breath held his characteristic sandalwood scent.

Helian Wei Wei believed that if His Highness used a honey trap on her right now, she would definitely succumb immediately.

Seeing through her thoughts, His Highness withdrew his body coolly and said, “Go and brush your teeth. There’s a lot of bacteria.”

Helian Wei Wei was speechless. Who was the one who began with the seduction?!

Baili Jia Jue seemed to like her stunned, fury face very much. He pulled her near him schemingly and kissed Helian Wei Wei at the corner of her lips.

At this moment, the two little kids next door were already awake.

As he wriggled his body, Little Qingchen rubbed his eyes with one hand while stretching his other hand downward with all his might.

Baili Shangxie knew what the little one meant so he reached out his hand too. The two little ones had slept on a bunk bed, with one on the upper bunk and the other on the lower bunk. The wooden bunk bed was not very tall so both of them could reach one another.

No matter how mature they were, freshly awakened children were still highly dependent creatures.

As a competent elder brother, Baili Shangye was looking after Little Qingchen. Before Helian Wei Wei came over, he had passed the packaged milk on their bedhead to him. He even managed to turn on the game on his phone and showed him a scene of Garfield taking a bath.

This was the scenario Helian Wei Wei saw when she opened the door.

Little Qingchen was sucking on his packaged milk and swiping his phone screen. Baili Shangxie was pulling his other arm to dress him up. He was looking very noble.

Helian Wei Wei smiled. She bent down to carry one of them up, “Let’s go, time to brush your teeth. The driver called and he will be here in 20 minutes. Pack up your things too. Also, Little Qingchen, those two reapers on your leash, when will you be setting them free?”

“I am not letting them go.” Little Qingchen lowered his head as he squeezed some toothpaste on his toothbrush, “Elder brother caught them for me, he said they are my toys.”

“Yes.” Baili Zhangxie rolled up Qingchen’s sleeves before handling himself.

Helian Wei Wei never knew demons had the hobby of playing with reapers. She turned and looked at His Highness who was buttoning up his clothes, “Do all demons play with such upscale toys?”

Baili Jia Jue glanced at them from the corner of his eyes and frowned confusedly, “Those are just two ordinary reapers, could that be considered as upscale?”

Helian Wei Wei lost her tongue.

Other children play with transformer robots at best

In contrast, their children played with reapers. Would that not be considered upscale?

However, she recalled that her elder son’s greatest joy was catching and feeding on souls when he was still a fetus. With this thought, she decided to let it go.

When they went out as a family, no simple-minded ghost would dare to come near them in general.

His Highness’ self-conceited aura was so strong that their hired driver could not help but stepped back when he saw him.

Helian Wei Wei did not look out of the ordinary at all, as if yesterday’s incident had never happened.

She smiled and asked the driver if this tour group would require them to purchase things.

The driver guaranteed, “If we make you spend an extra cent by the end of the day, the company will refund you immediately.”

“That’s great.” Helian Wei Wei maintained her composure and smiled meaningfully…

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