The Fake Rich Daughter Pampered By All Is A Famous Celebrity

Chap ter   762  Nan Wan Has Already Been Jailed NovelUsb


Chapter 762  Nan Wan Has Already Been Jailed

Shi Xi played the role of a female psychologist, Tian Lan, in [Sky 



This role was very difficult to play. Not only did she have to go to 

the hall and cook, but she also had to read poetry and beat up 


It could be salty, sweet, soft, and hard.

Shi Xi was young to begin with, so she looked too young with a 

ponytail. In the end, she had brown curly hair, making her look 

gentle and generous.

On the surface, the male lead played by Lu Zheng was a mechanic. 

He was silent, but he was actually a big shot.

When the photo was released, the netizens immediately gathered 

around and pointed at it.

[Shi Xi can control such a character? Bad movie reservation.]

[I really don’t understand why Shi Xi was chosen for this kind of 

drama. This kind of drama should be played by a flower among 

flowers! I think Qin Yun is very suitable!]

[Yun Yun’s fans aren’t invited. Our Yun Yun has other jobs.]

[Shi Xi’s background is really terrifying. She can even suppress Nan 


Nan Wan was not the only one who had enemies with Shi Xi.

The cake in the entertainment industry was only so big. If Shi Xi 

took a bite, the others would take a bite less.

The fans refused to be outdone.

[I’m dying of laughter. Don’t bring the law café out.]

[I heard that there’s a Lantern Festival in the prison. I wonder if Nan 

Wan can perform on stage?]

[Eh? What happened to Nan Wan?]

There were also netizens on 2G who did not know the current 

situation of Nan Wan.

[Nanwan is already in jail,] the fan in the back row explained kindly. 

[The female supporting role for [Sky Blue] has been changed to Lu 


When the black fans saw Shi Xi acting as the female lead of [Sky 

Blue], their eyes turned red with jealousy.

Some people were like that.

Seeing others living well made them feel bad.

It would be uncomfortable if they didn’t scold her.

After scolding her, they looked at Shi Xi’s photo and felt even more 


[What’s there to see? She has a fake face and is a fake daughter.]

[She’s so fake. I wonder why her fans like her.]

[When I think about how she stole someone else’s life, I feel 

indignant for the real daughter.]


When the fans saw this kind of comment that had never changed in 

ten thousand years, they no longer cared.

Their glass heart had evolved into a diamond heart!

[Xi Xi’s makeup photo is really beautiful~ I’m looking forward to it~]

[Whose fairy tale book is this? The princess has escaped!]

[I’m so impressed by Shi Xi Xi, this beautiful fairy. Every time she 

looks like this, she’s so stunning! You’re so intellectual and elegant 

even when you’re acting as a psychologist.]

Shi Xi’s makeup this time was plain and clean.

As it was a modern drama and it was going to be broadcasted on 

Central TV, they could not use heavy eyeshadow. They could only 

use earth-colored eyeshadow to spread it out. Even the eyeliner 

could not be pulled out.

She absolutely couldn’t wear cosmetic contact lenses, let alone fake 

eyelashes. She even used very little blush and highlight to repair 

her face.

With the current cameras, any flaw could be magnified by a 

thousand times.

The second female lead that Nan Wan was supposed to play went 

to an actress called Lu Wancheng. She graduated from a dance 

academy. She had an excellent figure and looked pure and elegant. 

She was a little white flower.

In [Sky Blue], she played the role of Virgin Mary. She was unwilling 

to give, but she always wanted others to give, standing on the moral 

high ground and pointing fingers.

After the photos were released, [Sky Blue] officially started filming.

During the opening ceremony, Shi Xi noticed that Lu Wancheng 

had been squeezing in the middle.

Shi Xi was the female lead of the first film, and Lu Zheng was the 

male lead of the second film.

During the photoshoot, Shi Xi should be standing in the middle, 

with the male lead and director standing beside her.

But Lu Wancheng insisted on standing between Shi Xi and the 


An Zhilan couldn’t stand it anymore and said sarcastically, “Director, 

I also want to stand between you and Shi Xi.”

The director frowned slightly. “Stand according to the role.”

Everyone looked at Lu Wancheng.

Lu Wancheng said in embarrassment, “Ah, sorry. I wanted to stand 

next to Sister Xi Xi. I didn’t expect to accidentally stand in the 

center position.”



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