The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chap ter   198 - Everything Burned to Ashes (Part 2) NovelUsb

Chapter 198: Everything Burned to Ashes (Part 2)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

People pinned him down like they would a ferocious beast.

Wu Ju’s eyes were filled with hurt and anger. His face was pressed against the ground. He did not care if his face was scratched. Instead, he looked into the distance at the children who were happily eating candy.

When Huang Daniu saw this, he immediately ran towards Wu Ju. He was not normal like other kids. The only thought he had was saving Wu Ju, but he was no match for so many adults.

Huang Daniu’s mother quickly ran over and took her son away.

The sky soon darkened.

Under Xu Qing’s lead, people grabbed Wu Ju and took him to Huang Lang’er’s house.

Without hesitation, the five families in charge of destroying Huang Xianxian’s golden body smashed the statue with the hoe.

The statue was cracked open and inside, it was gold. Their eyes lit up and they were so excited that they were incoherent. “Gold, it’s gold…”

“How about our five families split it up. This gold is enough for us to live a good life. If we split it up with all the villagers, we would only get a little. What do you think?”

Who wouldn’t be tempted by this suggestion?

Hence, the five families distributed the gold without anyone knowing about it.

While the adults were distributing the gold, the children went down the mountain. They held hands and said, “Let’s go and save Yuehua. He’s not a bad person. He still has to protect us when he grows up.”

“Jinzhi, Shantian, Daniu, Huangshu, walk faster.”

Under the moonlight, the children walked back to the village. They were only a few years old and were afraid of the dark, but at this moment, they mustered their courage.

Little did they know that in the shadows of the forest, many creatures were looking at them and sighing.


“Lord Mountain God shouldn’t have fallen in love with a human being.”

“Some people are not human. They’re worse than animals. What should we do now?”

“Stop wasting time. Are we not as good as the children? Let’s go and take a look. Even if we can’t do anything, we can at least save Lord Mountain God’s son.”

Wild boars, tigers, wolves, and all kinds of ferocious creatures came down the mountain.

At this moment, in Huanghu Village, people held torches and lit Huang Lang’er’s house.

Huang Xianxian’s eyes were red. There was still blood at the corner of her mouth.

Huang Lang’er said tearfully, “Please, don’t hurt my son. He’s a human. He’s just like your child.”

Huang Lang’er begged for mercy. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to everyone. His heart was filled with grief. He did not know how things ended up like this.

Xu Qing pressed his sword against Wu Ju’s heart. “Give up resisting, and I’ll spare your son’s life.”

Huang Xianxian wanted to help Huang Lang’er up, but Huang Lang’er kowtowed like he was mad. “Uncles, Aunties, thank you for bringing me up all these years.”

His eyes were red as he cried. “It’s all my fault. I shouldn’t have married Xianxian. I’ll take all the blame. If the heavens want to punish someone, punish me. I’m willing to bear all the sins for Xianxian.”

He pointed his finger at the sky and let out a heart-wrenching roar. “Heavens, open your eyes and take a look. Huang Xianxian has been cultivating for many years and has never done anything evil. It’s all my fault. I’m willing to give up my life in exchange for her to ascend to immortality. I’m willing to pay the sins she commited for taking three lives even if it means burning in hell for eternity.”


At some point, thunderclouds had gathered in the sky. In the dark clouds, lightning seemed to be about to strike.

The villagers were all frightened and retreated a little. The villagers who were close to the two masters grabbed their clothes and asked nervously. “Master, what’s going on?”

Xu Ran’s expression changed drastically. He did not expect Huang Xianxian to have an immortal tribulation under such circumstances. If she survived this tribulation, she would become an immortal.

Xu Qing’s expression also underwent a change.

The immortal tribulation was a tribulation that only demons who had never done anything evil would face. Huang Xianxian had taken three lives. How could she have it?

The immortal tribulation was both a tribulation and an opportunity.

Xu Ran looked at Huang Lang’er and understood that this tribulation befell on Huang Xianxian at the cost of his life.

“This is my mother’s immortal tribulation. After my mother survives the tribulation, she can become an immortal. At that time, the rain will end the drought. My mother won’t harm anyone. She’s a mountain god,” Wu Ju shouted.

The villagers were confused and did not know who to believe.

Wu Ju continued. “I beg of you, believe me. When my mother ascends to immortality, all of this will end. She will also protect your children and grandchildren.”

Xu Qing looked at Wu Ju. He did not expect a child to know so much. Wu Ju was right.

Xu Qing looked at Xu Ran. If they subdued this demon, their power would increase multifold and their position as a senior in the sect would be guaranteed. What would Xu Ran choose to do?

Xu Qing was a little nervous. No matter what Xu Ran chose to do, he would support him.

Xu Ran snorted coldly. “What immortal tribulation? This is clearly a heavenly punishment. The immortals are here to help us subdue demons. Xu Qing, activate the formation.”

Xu Qing immediately pointed his sword at Wu Ju. “Demon, your child’s death or surrender.”

Huang Lang’er stood up with difficulty. His eyes were bloodshot. “Masters, don’t hurt my son. All of this happened because of me. I’ll kill myself. Please let my wife and son live.”

With that, Huang Lang’er took out the dagger hidden in his sleeve and killed himself.

Huang Xianxian’s eyes were bloodshot as she screamed. “No.”

Huang Lang’er had already fallen to the ground, covered in blood. The wound on his neck was very deep. He was dead almost in an instant.

Tears of blood flowed out of Huang Xianxian’s eyes. She had completely transformed into a beast. She roared at the top of her lungs. “Even if I, Huang Xianxian, die, I will turn into a ghost and come back to burn this land down. No matter where you are, I will find you and tear you into pieces.”

Xu Ran shouted. “Activate the formation.”

He threw a black flag into the air and golden light rose around him. Huang Xianxian, looking up at the sky, let out a heart-breaking roar.

Flames descended from the gathered thunderclouds and quickly set everything on fire.

People fled in all directions.

The children also ran into the village. They looked terrified and ran towards Wu Ju while crying. They said to Wu Ju, “Yuehua, it’s all our fault. We shouldn’t have helped the bad people.”

The people in the village fled, but they realized that there were many formations in the village that prevented them from leaving.

Only the five families were able to get away. Amidst endless painful cries, the fire burned down everything.


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