The Lucky Bride Is Pretty And Delicate

Chap ter   87 - The Fruit Of Evil NovelUsb

Chapter 87: The Fruit Of Evil

Compared to the burden just now, Liu Sanniang felt extremely relaxed this time.

Under her guidance, the villagers went back to another space.

They did not know what they had done wrong, nor did they know why they were not liked.

They were all very sad and tried to please all the adults who frightened them. However, in return, they were still beaten.

The adults always cursed them in disgust, telling them to die. They still did not understand what death was, but they did not want to die. They wanted to live.

Even if their parents didn’t love them, they still tried their best to survive.

However, the punches their father threw at them were painful.

The pinches from their grandmother were hurtful too. They wanted their mother to hug them, but their mother hit them as well.

It hurt. It hurt too much.

Everyone looked pained. Someone even shouted. “Father, stop hitting me. I’m in so much pain. Mother, don’t hit me. Don’t abandon me.”

They were sick. Their throat felt like it was on fire, but it was also very cold.

They were thirsty and wanted to drink water. Why was the kettle so far away? They really hoped that their parents could give them a bowl of water to drink…

Finally, the pain was gone. They were so happy to be hugged by their father.

It was so cold in the water. They shouted. “Father, don’t go. Don’t leave me in the water. I’m frozen. Don’t go.”

They were dead. But they really wanted to live.

They were thrown into the river and slowly sank to the bottom. They were eaten by fish and prawns, but their resentment never dissipated.

Many people sitting together looked like they were in pain and despair. Their mouths were wide open, as if they could not breathe. They clutched their necks tightly, as if they were trying to push something away.

These were what their daughter had experienced before she died. She was sad, afraid, desperate, and in pain.

After dying once, everyone slowly regained their composure, as if they had just survived a calamity.


After a long while, Su Yanyu couldn’t help but ask. “Why is it so quiet? Is it over?”

Kongyu said with a frown, “It’s not over yet. The real Fruit of Evil has only been formed now.”

Su Yanyu looked at Chu Yan’s back and narrowed his eyes. “Who is this man? Is he also a psychic?”

Kongyu looked at Chu Yan with a puzzled expression. “I don’t know. There are no spiritual energy fluctuations coming out of his body.”

Su Yanyu looked at Kongyu in disdain, thinking to himself that he must hire new masters when he went out.

Daoist priests from the Cloud Breaking Sect were just a joke. They bragged so much but couldn’t handle even the smallest things.

Kongyu couldn’t be bothered to explain it to Su Yanyu. He was deep in thought, wondering who Chu Yan and Liu Sanniang were. He must find out if they were foes or friends of the Xuan Sect.

It would be good if they were good people. But if they were evil people, they had to be eliminated as soon as possible.

After almost two hours of tranquility, the people of River Village began to look happy. A warm force brought them out of the cold water. They could go and seek justice for themselves. They controlled their father’s body and made him behave like an animal to vent their anger.

They had no intention of harming anyone. They were doing this not because they wanted them to be afraid, but because they wanted them to regret and admit their mistakes.

But they didn’t.

They just wanted their parents to repent.

However, their parents did not admit their mistake and even went to invite a Daoist priest. They felt terrible, painful, and hateful.

Being injured by a real master was very painful.

Why didn’t they repent? Why did they have to treat them like this? They were the ones in the wrong.

After being beaten to death for the second time, everyone’s expressions turned to anger. However, they were still struggling. The fists that their parents threw at them destroyed their hearts time and time again.

“Revenge, kill them. They will never admit their mistake,” they thought to themselves.

They were revived again and again, and their resentment was getting stronger, but they still couldn’t bear to do it. Those were their parents. Why did their parents treat them like this?

They were consumed by overwhelming hatred.

After experiencing such pain, everyone woke up and cried. Now they understood how painful their daughtered felt to be abandoned.

They regretted it, hugging the children in front of them and crying and confessed.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”

“Sanya, it’s my fault. Kill me. I deserve to die. I’m not worthy of being a human.”

“Da Niu, kill me. Kill me. I know you can do it. I’m a beast. Kill me.”

When they came to their senses, they were in so much pain that they wanted to die.

Without suffering what others have suffered, do not persuade others to be kind.

Only those who experienced pain would know what pain felt like. They were demons. They had killed their daughter time and time again and were still unrepentant. Now that they went through what their daughters had gone through, they realized how painful it was.

They deserved to die. They deserved to die.

Liu Sanniang slowly exhaled and started chanting,

Namo Amitabha Buddha… (Note: Amitabha Pure Land Rebirth Mantra)

This time, she saw the resentment dissipate bit by bit.

When the resentment dissipated a little, the girls’ expressions would change, and their dark eyes would gradually return to normal. They looked at their parents and realized how warm it was to be hugged by them.

They were reluctant to leave, but they knew that it was time.

Liu Sanniang chanted the Rebirth Mantra repeatedly. A ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds and shone on her, dispelling all the haze. She was bathed in Buddhist light as she chanted the scripture.

Soon, more sunlight shone on everyone.

In the sunlight, the vengeful girls, who had terrified everyone, disappeared one by one.

“Don’t go, daughter. Father and Mother are wrong. Don’t go…”

Tears of regret and self-blame were shedded.

Liu Sanniang said word by word, “Do you confess?”

All the men in the village knelt down. “I confess. I’m guilty.”

The women sobbed and pounded their hearts. Some even fainted from crying.

The fog had dissipated.

Wei Shilai wiped the corners of his eyes and said to Su Yanyu, “Lord Su, we can start arresting them.”

Su Yanyu glanced at Liu Sanniang and ordered. “Arrest all these heinous people and interrogate them carefully.”

After giving the order, Su Yanyu strode out of the village. The fog had already dissipated.


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