The Urban Dao Child.

546 Show Of Power.

Yang Dao’s attitude made everyone shocked. They did not expect him to come out so dominatingly. He held a guy hostage at the tip of his blade. This sword was something he would not take out until he was serious. His action and statement has put the girl from the Sweet Elixir Sect at a touch spot.

Natalie Brooke was surprised to see that this guy did not give her any face, she was wearing a veil, however, she was still beautiful enough for him to lower his tone. Natalie Brooke had bronze hair and hazel eyes. They sparkled like gems, casting a subtle charm over the people.

Yang Dao could read the shock in her eyes and said, “This guy disrespected my mother, if I cannot uphold her honor and dignity then what sort of a child I am? If he did not apologize, I will have his limbs detached from his body and then I would like to see you cast an elixir for him to heal. Then I will repeat this process.”

The aura radiated from his body was so heavy, that Natalie almost wanted to kneel to him in reverence. However, she was intelligent enough to see that the guy in front of her was not using any external methods and this was a pressure coming from deep within him. She said, “Junior brother Chang, apologize for your mistake sincerely.”

Junior brother Chang did not wish to yield but the gaze from Yang Dao gave him a fright, it was as if those eyes would suck away his soul. He nodded lightly, and Yang Dao took a step back. However, his gaze did not leave the face of the person.

Chang was shocked and scared out of his wits. He bowed in a ninety percent bow and said, “I apologize for my foul words. Please forgive me.”

Yang Dao did not say anything and kept gazing at the guy standing in front of him. He said, “You may think that what I am doing is a bit too much, but the fact is, if not for the teachings of my mother, I would have already killed you. Leave, this place is not where we shall compete. When you reach the location of the trial, the sovereign sect disciples, will be waiting and welcoming your challenges.”

Natalie Brooke cast a deep gaze at the youngster and then after hopping on to her flying sword, she left the place followed by her juniors. Chang wanted to say something as they got away from Yang Dao and the rest, but he was stopped by a gaze from Natalie. The girl said, “You are not his opponent. Even I do not have the confidence to face him with that look in his eyes.”

Her words surprised everyone in the group, after all, Natalie was the best swordswoman and the best alchemy master of their sect. She was the youngest of them all, yet the strongest. Coming from her meant that the young boy really was someone strong.

With such thoughts in their mind, they all decided to give up the fight and wait till they reach the trial venue to get even with Yang Dao. There they will be able to fight without holding back. However, it was said, that the competition inside the trial area will not endanger their lives. The group from the Sweet Elixir sect left the place.

Shakti came up and patted Yang Dao on his shoulder and said, “You did good.”

Yang Dao turned to face her and gave her a cold look, that left the latter shivering slightly. He said while gazing at all the fellow disciples, “You all probably did not understand the gravity of the situation that we are in at the moment. Do you know that this planet is completely unknown to us, a few moments ago, we were facing a monster that we had no idea, was capable of what, and then we had a run in with a group of people, who we did not know had what skills.

Yet, you all had the audacity to laugh, you thought that the talisman will bring us luck. You all thought that we can waltz in here as we do in the sect premises, right? Well, sorry to break your bubble, we almost died, if not for Senior Brother Fang’s quick reaction. Senior Brother Amil, did you think you will look very cool when you taunted that guy? Huh? Get your shit together, I do not want to carry corpses or become one so soon.”

His words were cold and his tone was harsh, the group was given a dose of harsh reality, to make them understand that it was not a field trip in a garden, but a trial of skills and the stakes were their lives. After Yang Dao finished venting, he took out his flying sword and without waiting for anyone he flew in the same direction as earlier.

Cal and the others exchanged a glance and they all boarded their flying swords to move in the same direction as well. Yang Dao did not say much during their whole ride. What he did not know was that he had already gained a name amongst the monitoring team of the Sweet Elixir sect group.

An old lady stood observing the screen in front of her and said, “I did not see him coming up this strong.”

The old lady was none other than the guardian elder of the Sweet Elixir Sect, Mandala Curer. She was an alchemist capable to compete with Elder Jing Shui. However, the two did not really see eye-to-eye.

Mandala had decided that this time, Yue Jing will be the whetting stone for her disciple, Natalie Brooke. The future trials were being decided by the strength displayed on the way to the trial area. Since, they all knew nothing about the opponents, they decided to research. It was not one sect that followed this mindset, but all of them had the same thought.

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