Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 847 - Buttface’s Amazing Gift!

Chapter 847: Buttface’s Amazing Gift!

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Holy crap!

Xu Que was shocked by Buttface’s rhyming freestyle.

He even knows the department store! Where did he learn that?

Then he looked down and saw a tape recorder nestled in Buttface’s paws.

Now I know the answer!

Xu Que realized that Buttface had found these songs on the tape recorder. Then he had started to show off his newly learned skill. The cultivators had been annoyed by Buttface. Several of them had tried to kill Buttface with magic arts.

Buttface, hair standing on end, jumped up and was about to run away. His eyes were fixed on Xu Que. The next moment, an amazed expression appeared on his face, making him look like an emoji. Then, he started to curse, “Holy crap! Little brat, why do you stand there watching me? Come and help me!”

“Hey! What are you going to do? Don’t come any closer. I suggest you stay away from me. See that guy? He is my little brother, who can kill ten people with one punch!”

“Damn! How did you see through my disguise?” Xu Que was surprised. Jiang Hongyan and he had changed their appearances. He didn’t expect Buttface would recognize him immediately.

His dog eyes are awesome, and his sense of smell!

“Stop your nonsense! Do you think you can avoid being recognized by me through a disguise? It’s useless! An extraordinary man like you will always be so shiny and dazzling like a firefly in the night wherever you go!” Buttface, who was being chased helter-skelter, tried to run up to Xu Que. But he was constantly being obstructed by the cultivators.

“Wow, awesome!” Xu Que was so happy, for Buttface seldom flattered him. As the old saying goes, in desperation, a dog will not only leap over a wall, but also speak his mind!

“Come on, I’m dying!” Buttface shouted.

“Do you have freestyle for this?” Xu Que, who was not in a hurry, stood there and asked.

Buttface was so angry that he shouted immediately, “Yo, Yo, Xu Que is a lady-killer, these people try to be my murderer! How could you be an onlooker? Come and kill these mothers, for this is not a trifling matter!”


Xu Que laughed, for he didn’t expect that Buttface had this amazing gift!

“Hongyan, how do you like it?” Xu Que asked as he looked at Jiang Hongyan with a smile.

Jiang Hongyan was shocked a bit. Then she said, shaking her head with a faint smile, “I can’t quite understand that!”

“It’s OK. Just tell me your feeling about his freestyle!” Xu Que said with a smile.

“…I think it is OK!” Jiang Hongyan said thoughtfully after a short consideration.

“I don’t think it is OK!” Xu Que shook his head.

Hearing that, Buttface shouted angrily, “This is not fair!”

“OK, that’s enough, stop your nonsense!” Xu Que laughed as he dashed forward like a phantom.

Like a bolt of lightning, he moved through the cultivators and appeared in front of Buttface instantly. All the cultivators were stunned by his speed.

“Yo, Yo, Buttface, Buttface, just come with me!” Xu Que started his impromptu rap as he patted Buttface’s head.

Buttface walked away, following Xu Que delightedly as he sang loudly like a crow, “Let’s go, let’s go, this time I owe you!”

The cultivators were dumbfounded as they looked at Xu Que and Buttface as if they had run across two idiots. When they realized Xu Que was about to take Buttface away, they shouted angrily, “Stop!”

“My fellow cultivator, what are you going to do?” They stopped Xu Que and asked.

“You look strange here. I guess you are newcomer, right? I suggest you stay away from this issue in this place, otherwise, you will have to face the consequences!” One of the cultivators said, as he put his hand on his sword hilt and looked at Xu Que coldly.

Xu Que said with a smile, “As a member of the Exploding Heavens Faction, I’m not afraid of any consequences!”

Then, he attacked with his palm directly.


A cloud of magnificent strength gushed forward abruptly. The cultivators at the Form Synthesis Stage were blown away as if they had been hit by a mountain. Then, they fell on the big trees behind them heavily and started to spit blood.


The big trees were broken by them. The cultivators turned pale from terror.

How formidable his power is!

He is a cultivator at the Form Synthesis Stage like us, but why is he so powerful?

“You can show due respect to the Exploding Heavens Faction by forgetting what happened today. And you should be grateful for this!” Xu Que left with Buttface and Jiang Hongyan slowly, showing his unfathomable figure to the cultivators after saying those words.

The cultivators didn’t dare stop Xu Que. All of them had to make way because they were terrified. Besides Xu Que’s horrible strength, they were also terrified by Jiang Hongyan. After all, cultivators at the Crossing Calamity Stage were at the top of the food chain in the Road of Heavenly Ascension.

As Xu Que, Jiang Hongyan, and Buttface went further and further along the Road of Heavenly Ascension, the cultivators who traveled together with them became fewer and fewer. Some cultivators had traveled deeper into this area, while others were still wandering around at the entrance. Also, some had closed their eyes and become corpses in the Road of Heavenly Ascension! This was quite normal in the World of cultivators.

Xu Que walked slowly on the road. When there were no other cultivators who traveled together with them, he grabbed Buttface’s collar abruptly and shouted, “Buttface, I asked you to take them to the Mystery Land in the South Continent. Why are you here?”

Buttface was shocked and retorted immediately, “Damn! How do you have the nerve to say that? I’ve already taken them to the Mystery Land. Do you know how boring that place is? Especially Duan Jiude’s Master, who is absolutely a madwoman. She sang Love In A Lifetime every day! If I didn’t run away, I would have been driven mad by her!”

Buttface paused a bit, and continued to say with a smile of schadenfreude, “Oh, Duan Jiude is in serious trouble now! He planned to run out with me. But I kicked him back halfway. Then, he was captured by his Master, who threw him into the forbidden area of the Mystery Land. I guess he will suffer a lot this time!”

“Hah-hah, really?” Xu Que laughed with smug pleasure after hearing that.

This is really exciting news!

“Buttface, well done! Come on and give me five!”



“By the way, Buttface, where did you kick? Did you kick his vital part?”

“Certainly, I had planned that kick for several months! It is a pity you were not there. Duan Jiude almost cried because of the pain.…”

Jiang Hongyan, who was standing beside them, had been totally surprised by their reaction. One second ago, they were shouting at each other angrily. The next moment, they started to talk and grin cheekily. Jiang Hongyan really didn’t know what to say.

However, when they started to talk about other topics, Jiang Hongyan said as she shook her head with a smile, “OK, it’s not a good time for small talk now!”

“As you wish, Holy Senior!” Buttface straightened his body and said, looking at Jiang Hongyan in reverence.

Xu Que’s lips twitched.This stupid dog is still planning to become a Prime Minister by flattering Jiang Hongyan!

“Buttface, could you give us a detailed description of how you came to this place?” Jiang Hongyan asked with a faint smile.

“Of course, Holy Senior! Actually, this is a long story, which should be started from my birth.…” Buttface was about to narrate his glorious experience in detail, so that he could leave a good impression on the Holy Senior.


Before Buttface finished his words, Xu Que hit his forehead directly.

“Ouch! Little brat, what are you doing?”

“Stop your nonsense, or I’ll kill you! Just cut to the chase and tell us how you came here!”

“I came here on foot! Ouch! It hurts! Don’t beat me! I will tell you everything! Actually, I went to the East Continent three months ago.…”

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