Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1485 All Hands on Deck

Chapter 1485 All Hands on Deck

The day before the full-scale war between Edinburgh and Layos, the City of White Raven buzzed with activity.

Inside the White Raven Guild's central meeting hall, key guild members gathered for an important assembly. The purpose of this grand meeting was to address the deployment strategy organized by Edinburgh's central administration.

With a full-scale war imminent, nearly all hands were expected on deck. Aside from a handful of Rankers designated for support roles, every member was to participate in this large-scale conflict.

A significant distinction marked this upcoming war from the controlled conflicts that had characterized the past decade between Edinburgh and Layos. During the preceding ten years, these kingdoms had engaged in carefully orchestrated skirmishes, vying for control of disputed borderlands.

These conflicts adhered to specific rules, with limitations on the number of Rankers each side could deploy, in accordance with the Anfang Alliance regulations.

However, a full-scale war was an entirely different ball game.

In this scenario, both kingdoms were obliged to send nearly all of their able-bodied Rankers to the designated border regions. The entire border area became the battlefield, with no restrictions on the number of Rankers each side could employ.

Moreover, there were no longer any ethical codes governing Rankers' conduct, meaning that higher-ranked individuals could attack those of lower rank without regard for seniority or status if left unchecked.

The only potential deterrent preventing high-ranking entities from targeting lower-ranking ones was the presence of other higher-ranked individuals on the battlefield. However, this deterrence was far from guaranteed and could not provide absolute safety.

In this brutal and unforgiving battlefield, the pursuit of bloodshed transcended allegiance, with all participants exposed to the same risks, regardless of which side they fought for.

The use of potions and artifacts was not only permitted but strongly encouraged. These items were akin to extra lives on the battlefield, providing a significant advantage. Consequently, the battle favored those who possessed substantial resources and wealth, as background and economic strength were poised to play a pivotal role.


In the heart of the hall, a grand, elongated table took center stage. Seated along its length were the captains of various squads, while the respective vice-captains stood attentively behind their leaders.

At the forefront of this assembly, presiding over the meeting's proceedings, was none other than Agatha. She addressed the gathering, fielding questions from team members, her chair poised but empty, awaiting her occupancy.

Agatha left no stone unturned as she meticulously dissected the deployment plan with guild members slated for battle. She had already disclosed that Sages from both sides would participate in this monumental clash.

Edinburgh's roster included Sage Hansen Lehan, Sage Marcus Moretti, and Sage Ursula Moretti. There was a possibility that Osha Daman and Altair Argas would also take part in the battle. That is, if Edinburgh's central administration managed to establish contact with these two Sages who had gone off the radar for some reason.

Even the King of Edinburgh, Emil Edinburgh von Renar the 9th, would grace the battlefield, flanked by his private royal army and royal guards. His role was more symbolic, a show of support for his kingdom's warriors. Emil would remain stationed within the grand army base constructed for the event, a short distance from the actual fray.

Sage Garos Renar, known as the King's Hand, was also part of the battlefield contingent. His primary duty was to protect King Emil and remain within the army base at all times, except in cases where the base itself came under attack. This was one of the few strict boundaries stipulated by the Anfang Alliance, governing the actions of both sides.

Layos, Edinburgh's adversary, would implement a comparable arrangement. Agatha shared her insights and speculations with her team members concerning the enemy's strength and deployment strategy. She possessed privileged information from Edinburgh and maintained her own network of spies within Layos, ensuring cross-verification. Agatha's conjectures held significant weight among the Rankers, and they paid close attention to her assessments.

Agatha had from the outset dismissed the prospect of enemy Sages as immediate threats. Neither side, she surmised, would want to unleash these S-Ranked entities at the start of the conflict. Sages possessed catastrophic potential, capable of causing harm to both their own ranks and the enemy, given the chaotic nature of a full-scale war. It was a risk neither faction was likely to take lightly. Of course, the situation at the battlefield was bound to devolve any day.


Jiana Jihang occasionally chimed in to augment Agatha's explanations. With over a decade of experience dealing with Edinburgh's central administration, her insights held considerable weight. She offered her perspective, speculating that the Sages might become active four or five days after the commencement of the full-scale war.

Her speculation was rooted in a consideration of the numerical strength of the Rankers from both sides. It was expected that the Sages would join the fray when both kingdoms neared their established thresholds for casualties, an eventuality neither side wanted to reach at a faster rate than the other.

Regarding the outcome of the battle, it was clear-cut—the side that conceded first would lose. This concession, in turn, would hinge on the number of casualties suffered by each faction. Ultimately, it would be the Sage Rankers' battles and casualties that would influence such decisions.

The impending full-scale war was nothing short of a nightmare for lower-ranked entities. They were thrust into a chaotic event where they could be struck down by the mere breath of higher-ranked entities. Regardless of their preparations, there would inevitably be casualties.


Every White Raven Ranker present in the meeting wore a solemn expression. They were all at least Expert Ranked or higher, significantly increasing their chances of survival. However, these Captains were responsible for groups comprising lower-ranked entities, meaning they would bear witness to the deaths of their subordinates, powerless to prevent them.

Agatha, after her extensive explanation, summarized the formation they had devised based on the assignments provided by Edinburgh's central administration. She scanned the meeting hall and its attendees before inviting questions and offering assistance.

Her smile carried a tinge of bitterness. The fatigue from the past week was evident despite her status as an Expert Ranker. It couldn't shield her from the toll of overwork.

"So that's about it. Anybody still have any doubt?" Agatha asked, hoping nobody would ask her anything after explaining things so thoroughly. Alas, Miss Manager's prayers weren't answered.

Amid the quiet tension, Bianka Bluedust hesitantly raised her hand, her gaze sweeping the hall. She voiced the question that lingered on the minds of nearly every Ranker present: "Um... I have only one question. Where's the guild master? Why isn't he here?"

'Haah! I'd like to ask that question as well. To whom do I ask?'

Agatha sighed, massaging her forehead with wearied hands. The question mirrored her own thoughts. However, she was tasked with providing answers rather than seeking them. Eren had been unreachable in recent days, leaving her to make decisions in his absence.

"I... I don't know," she admitted, her frustration palpable. Eren's absence during such a crucial time weighed heavily on her, and like always, she had taken charge of guild-related matters to the best of her abilities.

The team captains turned their attention to Nina, Jiana, and Levine, hopeful that they might possess information about Eren's whereabouts. These three Master Rankers were known to be closest to Eren and, they hoped, held clues to his mysterious disappearance.

Nina, however, offered no insight. She shrugged her shoulders, her own curiosity piqued about Eren's absence. "Don't look at me. I don't know where he is either," she confessed, echoing the sentiments of the other Master Ranked ladies who sat beside her. They, too, wondered what could take precedence over a critical guild meeting during the looming war between Edinburgh and Layos.

"I'm here," a familiar voice suddenly resonated from beyond the hall's entrance.

All eyes swiftly turned towards the sealed door, anticipation hanging in the air. Stepping into the hall was the man they had all been waiting for—the guild master of the White Raven Guild.

"Um… Apologies for my coming this late," Eren addressed everyone with a faint smile gracing his features. Externally, he appeared composed, but his presence exuded an aura of sharpness and lethality, as if he had just emerged from a battle yet to commence.



"Guild Master..."

The Rankers in the hall erupted in a chorus of greetings, prompting Eren to raise a hand in a sign for them to hold off. "Give me a moment, everyone. My ass could use some rest. *Sigh I'm looking for a nice and comfy seat," Eren quipped, punctuating his statement with a deep, tired sigh.

'Hmph! He only cares about his ass. What about my ass?'

Agatha found herself mildly vexed by Eren's choice of words. Light-hearted humor seemed out of place given the gravity of the situation. Yet, beneath her irritation, she understood that Eren had likely exerted himself as much, if not more than she had. Deciding to let it slide, she patiently awaited his placement.

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