Blue Phoenix

Chapter 480: Goddess Nuwa

Chapter 480: Goddess Nuwa

The friends searched everywhere, but no matter where they looked they did not find anymore Laws. They did, however, find the rooms where the corps harvested the Laws’ energy.

"They were harvesting Ancestral Worldpower here?" The bull suddenly asked as he appeared behind Hui Yue. A heavy stench of blood followed behind him, but nothing was seen on his body or clothes. It was clear that he had experienced no problems earlier, and now a terrifying anger exploded from his body as he looked at this inhumane place.

"The Laws were our elders! They were created at the same time as this world. When we were created these Laws were our seniors. They taught us about the world; they taught us what it means to be alive!"

"Let me tell you a secret!" The bull growled seriously. His voice carried a terrifying killing intent towards An He and the many divine beast corps within the Dungeons of the Divine who had treated these Laws in such a way.

"The Laws are really not that different from beasts and humans. When the divine beasts made the beasts, they took clay and added their own blood. This drop of blood that they added to the clay became what we now call their beast core. The beasts were unaware of how to create humans, and thus they invited Lady Nuwa to create humans."

"Much like the divine beasts created the many other beasts from clay she too created the humans from clay."

"Instead of using the divine beast's blood or her own blood she used the essence of the heavens and the earth to give a soul to her creations, and thus they became human."

"The Laws are formed from Ancestral Worldpower instead of the essence of the heavens and the earth. Where humans only have a slight bit of essence of the heavens and earth within them, the Laws are mainly made from Ancestral Worldpower. They are connected to this world and a part of it. Thus any Ancestral Worldpower withdrawn from them is really energy being drawn from the world itself."

"This An He is truly daring!" Suddenly a voice appeared from behind them, and the usually silent Jia Na was filled with anger as he entered the room. "He was incapable of withdrawing the world's power because he couldn't merge with it, so he came up with another way to steal the Ancestral Worldpower of this world."

One God after another appeared next to Hui Yue and his friends. All of them had somber and hateful expressions on their faces as they looked at the conditions the Laws had been living in.

"Let’s finish up and move to the next cave." Hui Yue ordered, and the others nodded their heads. Hui Yue and his friends went outside the small houses and burned them to the ground then Hui Yue flew into the air above the capital of the Vermilion Bird tunnels.

"Listen to me!" He ordered. His voice boomed throughout the entire capital and silencing anyone who had been speaking. Although the rumors of the Vermilion Bird Corps death had spread, no one dared to continue to speak as Hui Yue called out.

"I have eradicated the Vermilion Bird Corps!" Hui Yue claimed. "All who continue to consider themselves part of the Vermilion Bird Corps will be killed without question. Anyone who wears their uniform is signing their own death certificate."

"I am not a benevolent person; I am not interested in saving anyone, but if you ever again let the Vermilion Bird Corps reemerge then I will come back and destroy the entire capital!" Hui Yue proclaimed, and his words left no room for negotiation.

Suddenly Ancestral Worldpower erupted from his body and the roof of the capital slowly started to vanish. It turned into thin dust that rained down on the city. Seeing a blue sky now shining in their heavens, everyone was stumped for words. So many things had happened, so much needed to be rebuilt. The Vermilion Bird Corps was gone, and their world had become much larger than what they had ever thought possible.

As Hui Yue floated down to the ground, he was now able to feel that he had used his energy, but it was still far from being drained. Without waiting for anything, he turned to leave. "Let’s rush to the White Tiger tunnels and deal with things there first. I imagine that the Black Turtle tunnels will be the easiest to deal with. They pride themselves on their defense, but before absolute strength, no one has a chance."

Hui Yue's eyes were filled with coldness as he walked towards the chamber where the entrance to the other tunnels was. When they reached the room, they found that the gates to the last two tunnel systems had been sealed.

"It seems they noticed that we killed their guards." Wang Ju Long commented dryly as she looked at the closed gate and took a step forward. Her Wu Wei poured from her body, but even her rank as a Saint was not enough to move this gate even the slightest.

"It's surprisingly tough." Sha Yun commented as her beast energy flowed from her body and assaulted the gate together with Wang Ju Long. Despite both attacking at the same time nothing happened. Soon Jo joined in the attempt to break the door, and after a few moments, Lao also lent his energy. Eventually, Deng Wu's energy also started flowing, but still nothing happened; the door did not budge at all.

"Seems like it was created by the four Divine Beast Gods." Hui Yue commented, but no panic could be seen on his face nor was there feelings of dejection or hopelessness.

"It was created to keep a whole army of Saints out of the tunnels, but they were made to block Saints. A God can easily break through this gate." He commented, and with a small gesture, he placed his hand on the door. After rotating a little bit of his energy, the door crumbled to pieces.

"Charge!" Someone called out, and countless experts dressed in the White Tiger Corps' uniforms flooded through the gate. Weapons filled their hands as they charged at Hui Yue and his friends. There were quite a few Emperors and even two Saints, but sadly this force which would be considered quite powerful elsewhere was doomed to fail. They were really nothing to Hui Yue and his group of friends, and the battle held no suspense. No survivors were left behind.

"Let’s enter." Hui Yue sighed as he looked at all the blood that was flowing over the ground, making it seem like it was a red river.

Spending a little bit of energy, Hui Yue ensured that no one was touched by the blood.

Entering into the White Tiger tunnels, Hui Yue ordered everyone to kill all guards in sight. Then they started searching for the small houses where the Laws should be. After having already found it twice, once in the Azure Dragon tunnels and once in the Vermilion Bird tunnels, Hui Yue and his friends had no problems locating the small houses.

Many guards burst out from the surroundings, clearly intending to ambush Hui Yue and his friends, yet with a single movement of his hand, Hui Yue managed to block their advance. They all suddenly felt a suction force as their very core was being destroyed and their souls were dragged from their bodies.

These guards all felt absolute fear as they noticed that their souls were not dissipating into thin air, but moving towards this young white-haired man who had killed them.

Hui Yue pretended that he did not see their fear. His eyes were cold as red energy fluctuated from his body and without caring about them he absorbed their souls.

All his friends looked at him; shock was clear in their eyes, while Hui Yue just shrugged his shoulders. "These guards are the ones who protected the grounds where the Laws have been tortured. They are fully aware of what is going on within these houses yet they do not care."

"I just became a God, and my soul will be nourished by absorbing other souls. These men have no right to live, so I took their souls."

"Although we killed all the guards, many of them were not aware of what they were doing, and they deserve to be reincarnated." Hui Yue explained. "But these guards are fully aware of their actions. They know what they make these Laws experience time and time again, and they don't care. Then I don't have to care about absorbing their souls."

Hui Yue was no longer the young man who wanted to be friendly towards everyone and show kindness with every action. You had to be able to handle the consequences of your actions, and Hui Yue was no longer the docile and gentle person he was before becoming a God. He was just going to follow his own set of rules and morals. He was no longer going to be troubled with what was right and wrong.

"You seem so calm." Lao suddenly commented as he looked at Hui Yue. After becoming a God, the man whom they all looked up to had changed quite a bit. Now he was like a rock, unwavering and determined.

Hui Yue did not respond, all he did was smile and gently rustle Lao's hair as he moved past the many corpses into the house. This house was completely similar to the other ones, and he quickly dragged all the Laws into the realm within his Universe Box before he destroyed the small house they had been tortured in.

Much like the last cave, Hui Yue flew into the air and announced that every member of the White Tiger Corps was to give up their identity, or they would instantly be killed. He then started to destroy the roof of the cave allowing those within the freedom to leave if they wished.

The whole process was short, and Hui Yue acted as though it was of no consequence to him. When the Gods returned to Hui Yue's side, everyone left the White Tiger caves as quickly as they had arrived.

The last cave was also quickly dealt with. Although the Black Turtle Corps prided themselves on their defense, they had no chance of standing up against this group of supreme experts.

Finding their way through the Black Turtle tunnels was as simple as finding their way through the other tunnels. The beast corps' headquarters were all similar in shape, size, and appearance so destroying them took almost no time.

The nine beast Gods had started a small competition to see who could kill the most guards. These guards all gave points. The Vermilion Bird Lord, the White Tiger Lord, and the Black Turtle Lord all gave five points each. Emperor ranked experts gave three points, King ranked experts gave two points, and anything below gave one point.

In the end, the snake-woman Xiao She won the competition with an astonishing two hundred and twenty-four points.

"Of course she'd win, she is special after all." Lu Jing joked, and Xiao She stuck out her tongue to show that she disagreed.

"Special?" Hui Yue asked curiously. He had noticed that she was indeed very strong, but as for why she was different, he did not know.

"Goddess Nuwa, the woman who created the human race, is a half-human, half-snake, much like Xiao She." The bull explained. "She is neither human nor is she a beast. Xiao She was formed from a drop of her blood rather than a drop of blood from the Divine Beast Gods."

"This little woman, Sha Yun, is likely to also have a drop of Mother Nuwa's blood in her body rather than the blood of the Divine Beast Gods as well. Goddess Nuwa is by no means inferior to the four Divine Beast Gods, and many might even say that she is stronger! To have her descendants within our Divine Beast World, they are destined to become great figures in the future!"

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