Blue Phoenix

Chapter 481: Hope

Chapter 481: Hope

Hui Yue was shocked when he heard that the Sha Yun and Xiao She were created by the Goddess Nuwa. He also suddenly felt that many things made sense. Although Sha Yun was a beast, she was not very beast-like, and even comparing her to her sisters she was a lot more human in nature.

"If possible I would love to meet this Nuwa one day." Hui Yue said in a low voice. He was a human and Goddess Nuwa was the creator of his race. He owed her more than his life and one day he wished to show his gratitude to the person in question.

No one seemed to hear what Hui Yue had said, but looking at Sha Yun, he was able to tell that she felt the same way he did. There was reverence in their faces, and he felt warmth in his heart as he looked at the person he loved.

"We have done what we came to do." Hui Yue said with a glance at the sky above. With a wave of his hand, Ancestral Worldpower gushed from his body and surrounded his friends. With a light step, he started walking on air, and his friends all levitated behind him. Together the group ascended through what used to be the ceiling of the capital, and they all flew into the sky vanishing from the Dungeons of the Divine. None of them looked back to glance at the world they had forever changed.

"What are our plans now?" Tang Tian asked curiously as he looked at Hui Yue. All of them had long since accepted that he was their leader. Although he was not the strongest amongst them, he was a natural leader, and he was the successor of their master.

"Earlier when we were heading towards the Central Palace we ran into the Laws." Hui Yue said in a matter-of-fact way. "We will go visit them and deliver the rest of the Laws. We will let them decide what to do with their lives in the future. The Laws are actually pitiful creatures." Hui Yue said with a sigh.

"They share their lifeforce with the world they are part of. As long as this world lives then, they cannot die. They are forever destined to walk the same world. They can never leave it nor can they train to the peak. All they can do is watch as the world changes, watch as the world slowly gets destroyed by the passing of time, or see if a Crowned Sovereign nourishes it forever."

Hui Yue's words caused them all to lament about the Laws’ fate. To the Gods after spending a few thousand years within the red flaming realm caused them to absolutely hate it but they knew that while waiting for time to pass all of them had been able to cultivate whereas the Laws could not. These Laws were similarly caught in a world, but they had nothing to look forward to. They were forever stuck in the same world, and they would forever be exactly the way they had been created. They were not able to advance, not able to do anything other than exist. They could not even have their own families.

The speed with which Hui Yue and his friends flew was quite fast. Although Hui Yue had his friends surrounded by Ancestral Worldpower and was using his internal energy to allow them to fly, it was not too much of a strain on him. Because of Hui Yue assisting everyone, they rapidly advanced towards the forest where they had last seen the Laws.

Their travel was so much quicker than previously, and this time no one felt any sense of fear. They did not have to worry about what kind of beasts they might encounter in the depths of the forests and mountains. The only one who could threaten them was An He and his guardians, but it seemed like they had been gone from the Divine Beast World for a very long time.

Even if An He truly came, Hui Yue was not certain if he should fear him. An He could at most have been a God for four thousand years, whereas the Gods from the second generation had been at that level for far longer. They also had the advantage of numbers, and although Hui Yue wished to be the one to deal with An He, he no longer feared him. If he were a genuine Crowned Sovereign, it would be different, but after understanding An He's situation, Hui Yue was not worried.

'Don't become complacent and don't underestimate An He.' Lan Feng's voice suddenly sounded out in Hui Yue's mind. 'Although An He has not been a God for long, he was able to kill a second generation God as soon as he broke through, and that God was a genuine Crowned Sovereign. It is true he did not make use of the energy he gained from the Divine Beast World out of fear of hurting the world his masters had created, but he still had strength that one should not look down on.'

'You just became a God as well, and your strength is also above the average God ranked cultivator, but even so, you have to remember that An He trains at an astonishing speed. Not only that, but he has four thousand years more experience than you do. Not to mention we do not know which kind of marvelous treasures he has encountered.' Lan Feng said seriously.

'Also I have something important to tell you.' Lan Feng said. He sounded the happiest he had in a very long time, and Hui Yue was curious about what had made his friend so excited.

'You remember that the body of a beast is not what matters when a beast becomes a God?' He asked, and Hui Yue faintly nodded in approval. It was the soul of a beast which was nourished by the Ancestral Worldpower, and this is what made the beast immortal.

'While I was not certain before, I am now. While you have been going around killing guards and rescuing the Laws, I have been examining my soul.' He explained, and as he spoke his words, it caused Hui Yue to smile. He was clearly dragging it out.

'When you were in the Formation of Life everything that is you, your body and soul, was transformed by the Ancestral Worldpower.'

'You and I are connected by our souls, and this was also the reason it took you a full three years to finish the process of becoming a God; it was not just you who became a God. The Ancestral Worldpower flowed from your soul into mine, nourishing it and rebuilding me.'

'At the very start I thought it was just strengthened, but as time went by I finally understood that my soul had been recreated at the same time as yours.'

Lan Feng was truly excited, and hearing this Hui Yue shared his excitement. Lan Feng had always wished to become a God, but before he was tricked, he had never succeeded. Now, although he did not have his body, he was able to become a God. It was a cause for celebration.

Everyone present noticed a change in Hui Yue. Previously he had a cold air to him. An air which seemed as though he was willing to slaughter the entire world if they went against him, yet now he seemed as warm as the summer breeze.

The change was sudden, and no one knew what had happened, but they could guess that it had to do with Lan Feng. The two shared bodies so it was only natural that they also shared some conversations that others could not be part of.

'I was thinking.' Hui Yue said hesitantly. 'Goddess Nuwa and the Divine Beast Gods were capable of creating beasts and humans from clay. Do you think that when I become an Immortal of Creation, I can form a body for you? Although it will not be your own body, it might make it possible for you to leave my body and move on your own until the day you become complete once again?' Hui Yue was not sure if he should ask this question but in the end, he did. The subject about Lan Feng's body was incredibly sensitive, but he could imagine that the phoenix within him was frustrated after so many years of imprisonment. First within the phoenix hairpin and now he was confined within Hui Yue's body.

Hui Yue knew that Lan Feng could not lie to him, and he eagerly awaited any change in Lan Feng's emotions. At first, he felt a bit of hope, then a bit of anger. Then some curiosity and then hope again.

'It will not be my own body and it will definitely not make me as strong as I will be when I get my real body back.' Lan Feng said slowly, voicing his thoughts. 'It will be troublesome, and it will require a lot of treasures. But I would like to try.' He finally sighed. 'To once again have a body of my own. I simply cannot turn it down.'

Hui Yue felt relieved. 'You should not turn it down.' He said with a serious expression on his face. 'You have suffered for a long time, you have gone through many hardships. We will ensure that you get a body you can use until the day you get your own body back.'

Lan Feng looked at Hui Yue and then he snickered. 'You just say this because you can't go and play with your two wives before the day I am gone, so you are rushing me!'

Hearing the phoenix joke, Hui Yue was happy, but he was also embarrassed. With a crimson face, he looked at Lan Feng and said dryly. 'As if you are one to talk. Now I know why you always talk so much about snake-babies. I thought you had multiple wives before and so many children that you couldn’t count them, yet it turns out you have been head over heels for one person this whole time.'

This time it was Lan Feng's turn to blush, and he stuttered something along the lines of 'I don't know what you are talking about.'

Fortunately for Lan Feng, Hui Yue did not hear his reply because just as he had finished speaking, he located a small village within the forest. A village unlike any he had ever seen before.

The village was small, and it did not contain a lot of people, but the energy ripples that came from this place were so strong that Hui Yue had trouble staying in the air. It was clear that flying over this village was not going to be possible.

"Let's land." He said as he descended through the treetops to land just outside the village. As soon as he landed, they were surrounded by many Laws.

"It’s you again?" A hostile voice called out, and Hui Yue could not help but roll his eyes before he turned around. One would think that their saviors would be treated with more kindness.

"We have come to bring you the rest of the Laws." Hui Yue said calmly as he waved his hand. Allowing for the many unconscious Laws within to be withdrawn from his Universe box and land on the ground in front of them. In total, there were about a thousand Laws all unconscious.

The face of the leader turned from hostile to shock and from shock to disbelief.

"What have you done?" She asked shocked as she looked at them. She did not wait for a reply but gestured for her followers to listen to her command. "Get everyone from the village and bring in our brothers and sisters! We need to let them regain their energy, and then they will wake up. I will take these guests with us and have a good, long chat with them." She sighed at the end and started to walk towards their village. She never turned around to let Hui Yue or the others know that they should follow her, but they all still did. Her attitude was no longer as hostile as before, but Hui Yue knew that she had been shaken to her core.

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