Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1297: Xue Bingyi

Chapter 1297: Xue Bingyi

Wu Yu had never expected to cause a ruckus after sending this annoying pair out.

At the same time, he had managed to save face for Wu Hao and the rest.

After all, the Primordial Immortal Empire occupied the bottom four in the rankings on the Giant Purgatory Pillar.

After an entire month, Wu Yu had only integrated a Purgatory Immortal Design from a 3-Xuan immortal. It wasn't surprising that Wu Yu had a lower rank than Yu Manyuan, who had kept a low profile while searching for heavenly immortal prisoners to battle.

Nonetheless, Wu Yu's focus wasn't on this - he continued his search. To not delay further, he distanced himself from battles unless the other party targeted him and was unwilling to let him off.

He soared into the clouds, dove down to the ground, whizzed through the yellow mist, explored the deep seas, foraged the mountains, and excavated the deep valleys.

In the process, he discovered a number of Dragon Emperor's Prisons.

He even saw a prison that trapped a 8-Xuan immortal class mystical dragon. He naturally didn't enter, as he couldn't deal with it at this point and it would just be a waste of time.

"Where are you?"

Soon, half a year had passed.

Wu Yu was frustrated to the point of collapsing.

He had searched almost everywhere in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, but he hadn't found any new information.

He had distanced himself from the crowd and had almost been forgotten.

For the final rankings, those participants were searching and killing frenziedly.

Only Wu Yu appeared to be casual and at ease.

However, he was indeed fatigued from searching and couldn't get an answer no matter how he called out.

He even started to doubt himself. "Could it be that someone is playing a trick on me? Maybe no one is waiting for me in this place?"

If it wasn't because he had been searching for half a year, he might have given up at this point.

His will was prompting him to persevere.

However, he felt like he should change his approach. Therefore, he started thinking.

On the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield, what had happened five months ago had gradually been forgotten.

Through the Eye of the Dragon Emperor, many exhilarating battles were shown. At least half of all battles were from the Tian Ming Dragon Lord. He had a huge lead, and no one could catch up to him.

As for the rankings on the Giant Purgatory Pillar, they were changing drastically. Although the changes to the top three were infrequent, the bottom 600 were almost changing constantly!

This was proof of the intense competition.

It was especially so for the top 10!

People were constantly making into and dropping out of the top 10. Occasionally, one would make it to the top three but dropped to over 20 in just a few days.

It was clear that the difference between them was minute. It was said that close to 30 people were touted to have the strength to make it to the top 10.

Despite the intense competition, Wu Yu stayed firmly at the bottom. Therefore, the ruckus that concerned him previously was easily neglected.

When the people saw that the bottom four were all from the Primordial Immortal Empire, they couldn't help but smile in comfort.

Even those that had triggered their Escape Immortal Designs were at higher places despite constantly dropping down the ranking board.

Finally, Ye Xuanyi brought some cheers for the Primordial Immortal Empire!

He became the fifth from the bottom from being the fourth from the bottom!

"Congratulations! Finally! There's someone making huge progress!" The people were mocking Wu Jun.

However, Ye Xuanyi dropped back to being fourth from the bottom just a few days later. The mystical dragons continued their mockery.

The truth was that with his strength, it shouldn't be an issue for him to rank in the top 500. However, as long as he showed his face, he would be targeted by all.

It was already incredible that he had hidden to this point and hadn't been forced to leave. For them, this was probably a nightmare.

Wu Yu didn't know about the situation outside.

What he knew was that his ranking was definitely behind. However, that didn't matter. He wasn't in this place in pursuit of higher ranking.

In the end, he decided to create some doppelgangers. Although this might draw attention, he would also have more eyes around. Perhaps he would encounter that existence.

He created a thousand doppelgangers, which exceeded the total number of participants.

As such, the chances of Wu Yu encountering other participants increased extensively. In fact, he would see other participants at almost any moment.

"Wu Yu! Quick! Grab him and send him to the Tian Ming Dragon Lord!"

They swarmed forward to restrain Wu Yu. To their surprise, the doppelganger exploded and they only got a fake.

This process happened constantly, letting Wu Yu understand deeply their desire to get Genesis Mystical Pills.

There were people constantly attacking him. As a result, his doppelgangers didn't last long before returning as monkey hairs.

He persevered for a month, and almost everyone knew that Wu Yu had his doppelgangers searching around. However, as the doppelgangers were too fragile, no one was worried.

Moreover, Wu Yu even met the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.

His Dragon Emperor Immortal Design was unbelievably huge.

"Wu Yu, just wait for a while longer. Once I see that others can't catch up to me, I will have time to play around with you. Be prepared." The Tian Ming Dragon Lord snorted.

"I'm only afraid you are too dull, and I'm not interested." It was just a doppelganger that was meeting him, so Wu Yu wasn't bothered by him.

Both of them had different goals. Being the only one in the Immortal Lord Realm, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord had absolute dominance in this battlefield. In fact, many people were focused on searching for the Dragon Emperor's Prison for him.

Finally, one of Wu Yu's doppelgangers heard unexpected news from lurking around a group of four.

The leading female mystical dragon said that she had encountered some ruins named the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall. There shouldn't have been any buildings in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory.

In that case, why would there be ruins?

She said, "I combed the entire ruins but didn't find a prison. There's nothing strange about it. I'm just curious as to why there would be ruins popping up in this place."

The other mystical dragon said, "There are lots of things that we can't understand. There's nothing to be curious about. Let's continue our search for the prisons.โ€

The four mystical dragons were all female. All of them were at their prime age and were stunningly beautiful. Even in their mystical dragon forms, one could see their beauty. Wherever they went in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, they would always be a beautiful sight to witness.

Wu Yu let his doppelganger follow them while his main body rushed over.

"Perhaps that strange Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall is the place I'm searching for."

From their conversation, Wu Yu could tell that all four female dragons were from the Sky Snow Empire. The Sky Snow Empire was ranked 71st, higher than the Primordial Immortal Empire.

Their leader and the strongest among them was the ultimate mystical dragon, the Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon. She was the daughter of the Sky Snow Empireโ€™s dragon king. She was young but already possessed six immortal dao marks. In her empire, she was an elite genius.

The other three were Sky Snow Pattering Dragons. They weren't weak and were at the level of a 5-Xuan immortal. Moreover, they were all supreme mystical dragons.

Those that were participating this time were largely supreme mystical dragons.

Naturally, there were differences between supreme mystical dragons.

The strongest Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon was Xue Bingyi. She was a renowned, aloof beauty in the Sky Heart Tribe. Just from seeing her snow-white dragon form, Wu Yu was certain she would be an absolute beauty in her human form.

It was her that had visited the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall.

If he revealed himself, he couldn't possibly get them to bring him to the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall. Wu Yu also couldn't kill her and rob her memories. After all, she was a 6-Xuan immortal, and the group of four female dragons wouldn't be easy to deal with.

However, this was his only opportunity. Seeing that no one else was around, Wu Yu showed up before them as they were heading off.

"Greetings, big sister mystical dragons." It was better to be courteous when asking for a favor....

The other party was shocked and took several steps back. Seeing that the person was Wu Yu, their expressions changed slightly.

"Who are your big sisters? Shameless! Don't call us that!" One of the Sky Snow Pattering Dragons cursed.

The other said, "Big Sister Xue, didn't the Tian Ming Dragon Lord say that we could get a Genesis Mystical Pill and even a destinable immortal talisman if we take this guy to him?"

At this point, Xue Bingyi was staring and observing Wu Yu with her usual cold gaze. She naturally remembered what the Tian Ming Dragon Lord had promised.

Pride gleamed in her eyes, and it was clear that she was an arrogant person. She lifted her head, and her eyes were on Wu Yu as she said, "What motive do you have for appearing before us? If there's nothing important, we will have to waste some time to earn that Genesis Mystical Pill."

Although they weren't being kind, Wu Yu went straight to the point. "When I passed by previously, I heard you speaking about the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall. I was wondering if you could lead me there. As a reward... Although I don't have any Genesis Mystical Pill, I can give you each 100 Dao Deepening Pill as rewards. Moreover, you wouldn't have to fight to get them."

The truth was, Wu Yu knew it was unlikely that they would agree after seeing their haughty attitude.

Just as he had expected, all four of them laughed upon hearing him. One of the Sky Snow Pattering Dragons remarked, "Presumptuous! Are you taking us as beggars? Asking us to lead the way for you for just 100 Dao Deepening Pills? We could befriend the Tian Ming Dragon Lord and get the Genesis Mystical Pill. Why would we want your Dao Deepening Pills? Foolish!"

Immediately after, the three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons shifted and surrounded Wu Yu in all directions.

Xue Bingyi dropped her smile and said, "I don't understand if you have a brain. To us, you are no more than a Genesis Mystical Pill. It wouldn't matter if you had just stayed hidden, but you came to ask for our help. Those from the mortal domain are indeed foolish. If people like you can become immortal, it must be too easy to become an immortal in the mortal domain."

Wu Yu smiled and asked, "So you all aren't going to agree and want to take me to the Tian Ming Dragon Lord?"

Seeing Wu Yu still keeping a smile, disgust filled her. After all, she thought Wu Yu was foolish to still smile at this point.

"To think that the Primordial Immortal Dragon that just joined the Primordial Immortal Empire would be interested in you, what a distorted taste she has. An insignificant immortal that came from the mortal domain like you is filled with filth. Yet she could be intimate with trash like you. The thought of it is repugnant."

She was degrading Luo Pin.

Clearly, she was hateful after witnessing Luo Pin's beauty.

"Seeing that the group of you looked like decent individuals, I had not thought of attacking you previously. Who would have thought you would possess a tongue capable of such viciousness? In that case, I won't be courteous."

Now Wu Yu wouldn't be seen as bullying her.

She was asking for it.

"Shut up! How dare you humiliate Big Sister Xue! You must be courting death!" Wu Yu had only made one comment and the four female mystical dragons were furious.

Xue Bingyi said, "Torture him to the brink of death before sending him out of the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory!"


Out of the three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons, two remained in position, while the last one stepped forward to face Wu Yu. After all, it wouldn't take much to deal with a heavenly immortal.

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