Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1298: Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon

Chapter 1298: Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon

As they were arguing, one of the Sky Snow Pattering Dragons was already attacking.

She was covered with a strong, icy aura. Snowflakes flew everywhere she went and caused the surrounding temperatures to drop. A thick layer of ice had frozen on top of the barren land.

"I really don't understand what's wrong with the Primordial Immortal Empire's dragon king, sending an idiot like this into this trial. Is he doing it just to make up the numbers or is he trying to make a fool of himself?"

As she attacked, that Sky Snow Pattering Dragon was still chatting with the other three dragons.

She was about to defeat Wu Yu easily, and her eyes were filled only with contempt.

"Those who insult others will always be humiliated."

Wu Yu felt only disgust for these few beauties of the mystical dragon tribe.

He would not be merciful!

"Immortal Cloud Field!"

In an instant, he executed the fourth tier of the Somersault Cloud. His snow-white Immortal Cloud Field expanded rapidly in this world of yellowish fog. Within a short period of time, up to 100 li of his surroundings was under the control of his Immortal Cloud Field.

Endless clouds acted like viscous swamps and swallowed the four mystical dragons, including the Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon. They were all trapped in Wu Yu's Immortal Cloud Field.

"What is this?" the Sky Snow Pattering Dragon shrieked in alarm. They had sunk into the Cloud Field and were struggling hard to escape. However, their struggles were ineffective.

"Is someone helping him fight us?" Even at this moment, the idea that it was Wu Yu fighting back on his own had never crossed their minds. Hence, at such a time, these four mystical dragons were ignoring Wu Yu, and searching for their attacker instead.

"Devil Incarnate."

This was the Crimson Blood Roc Demon's mystique. It instantly surrounded the three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons. Under the control of the Immortal Cloud Field, in addition to their lack of caution against Wu Yu, Wu Yu's Devil Incarnate layered on them, entangled around them, and tore crazily into their flesh!

"Ah!" It was only when they were screaming in pain that they saw Wu Yu flashing past in the Immortal Cloud Field. Perhaps it was only now that they realized that it was Wu Yu who had attacked them after all.

However, it was too late for the mystical dragons.

"Hellish Capillaries!"

This was the Natural Mystique of the Red Devil. His arm instantly turned into countless capillaries that rushed out like poisonous snakes. The Sky Snow Pattering Dragons were trapped by both the Immortal Cloud Field and the Devil Incarnate. They were about to use their mystiques to escape when countless blood thorns pierced through their bodies!


These three mystical dragons screamed again at the same time. The extraordinary pain inflicted grave injuries on them. Now they were under Wu Yu's control and could not retaliate!

At this moment, Wu Yu had turned into a 12-zhang-tall Immortal Ape in the Immortal Cloud Field! One of his thick, muscular arms had turned into countless capillaries that had pierced through the three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons and wrapped them up so tightly that only their heads were exposed.

Now they were covered in blood and writhing in pain. They screamed in terror while staring in disbelief at Wu Yu, whose back was turned to them.

Wu Yu turned to face them and asked, "How are you feeling?" With just one glance from him, the three mystical dragons trembled even more uncontrollably in fear.

"Please let us go. We know our mistakes now! Big Sister Xue, please save us!" With a sob, the three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons howled in pain.

"It is your turn now." Wu Yu looked coldly at the Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon as he spoke. He was dragging the three mystical dragons along with him, while his other arm wielded the Luminary Celestial Dragon Mantra Sword.

The Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon was shocked. She was also trapped in the Immortal Cloud Field, and at this moment, she was panicking.

"This is unexpected. How could you disguise yourself as a heavenly immortal when you are so powerful?! That is just being despicable! How can sneaky people like you enter the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory? This is a humiliation!" the Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon roared in fury.

"Shut up. You seem so familiar with moral preachings. It shows that you've done that a lot. However, that is ineffective against me. I believe only in fighting." Wu Yu dragged the three mystical dragons who were begging for mercy and pressed forward towards her.

"Release them first and I will fight you!" The Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon huffed.

"There is no need for that. I can defeat you using only one arm!"

"That's impossible!"

This time, this 6-Xuan immortal was prepared to fight as she had realized the threat of Wu Yu's strength.

However, this was not enough to scare her.

"You simply snuck an attack on us because we underestimated you. That is nothing! I can beat you back into your pitiful self, and you shall see how pathetic you are!"

That Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon taunted him.

"Immortal Sealing Ice World!"

Instantly, she puffed out mouthful after mouthful of icy-cold mist. The mist expanded rapidly inside the Immortal Cloud Field. At the same time, it froze the surroundings quickly, and soon, the entire Immortal Cloud Field was frozen!

Wu Yu and the entire Immortal Cloud Field were frozen in this cold, bone-chilling ice!

His opponent had six daos, and they were all concentrated on this Natural Mystique. Its offensive power was stunning! Even the Somersault Cloud was frozen!

The Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon was indeed confident in her mystique. She looked haughtily at Wu Yu when she saw that she had frozen everything.

She was fast in her retaliation, but Wu Yu was faster! In the instant that the Immortal Cloud Field was about to be fully frozen, Wu Yu's eyes blasted two horrifying beams of light!

"Optics of Immortal Expanse!"

The flame pillars immediately burned through the ice and snow, melting them. It managed to burn through the ice right before the Immortal Cloud Field was entirely frozen!

The Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon's expression changed immediately and she summoned countless ice crystals to defend herself. However, her defenses were blasted apart by Wu Yu. When the flame pillars hit her, she was instantly engulfed in fierce fire!

"100,000 Dragons Immortal Butchering Design!"

Wu Yu had defeated her in one move. He was unbelievably calm as he used the power of the Luminary Celestial Dragon Mantra Sword. In an instant, 100,000 sword qi dragons exploded out and tore the ice apart. Then the overwhelming sword qi rushed and slashed towards the Deep Seas Icy Immortal Dragon, Xue Bingyi, as she burnt in the fierce flames!

If Wu Yu had wanted to kill her, she would already be dead. However, he had only pierced through her body, slashed her tendons, damaged her muscles and bones, and burnt her snowy-white dragon scales with his flames until they were black like charcoal!


Xue Bingyi collapsed to the ground, heavily wounded.

This was a terrible defeat for her.

Usually, Wu Yu would be gentler on girls, but he had not held back at all this time. He could never forgive this woman for insulting Luo Pin.

The four mystical dragons were all defeated by Wu Yu. Every one of them was heavily injured and could no longer retaliate.

Wu Yu took out an immortal treasure. It was a huge net called the Heaven's Thunder Net. He wrapped all four mystical dragons in his Heaven's Thunder Net and trapped them before looking calmly at them.

"Big Sister Xue, Big Sister Xue, are you alright!? Wake up, please!"

"You imbecile! If you kill Big Sister Xue, your entire family will have to pay for it!"

"Big Sister Xue is the Sky Snow Empire's dragon king's daughter!"

The Sky Snow Pattering Dragons snarled at Wu Yu. However, they shut up in fear as soon as they saw Wu Yu's cold eyes.

Their terrified looks formed a stark contrast to their arrogance previously.

Actually, Xue Bingyi was conscious. Wu Yu said, "Stop pretending. It is no big deal to be defeated in a battle. You just have to be smarter next time. Don't keep thinking of others as fools. If that is the case, perhaps you guys are the true fools. Haha."

Xue Bingyi's eyes were bloodshot as she glared furiously at Wu Yu. She spat, "You have injured me gravely today. You are indeed strong, and you hide your strength well! But I swear that one day, I shall return the humiliation that you have given me today a thousand fold!"

"Come on, my losers have never had a chance to catch up with me." Wu Yu shook his head and laughed. He then said, "You are the typical kind of person who acquiesces to something after having refused someone's first overture. You refused my Dao Deepening Pills and demanded Genesis Mystical Pills instead. Do you think it is that easy to get Genesis Mystical Pills?"

Xue Bingyi continued her threat, "Don't rejoice too early. The Tian Ming Dragon Lord will kill you sooner or later!"

"That guy? Hehe." Wu Yu had no patience to share too much with these mystical dragons. He used the Heaven's Thunder Net and the lightning instantly electrocuted the mystical dragons until they screamed pitifully. They even lost control of their bladders. The beautiful mystical dragons were now in a pathetic state and could only sob in pain.

"Lead the way. I'm no saint and am talented in torturing people. If you guys want to remain here, you have to obey my orders. Otherwise, I shall chop off your dragon horns one by one and send you out personally."

If their dragon horns were chopped off, then their Dragon Emperor Immortal Designs would be removed. It would be meaningless for them to remain in the purgatory.

"First, turn into your human forms." Otherwise, their bodies would be too big and would be eyesores.

The four mystical dragons glared indignantly at Wu Yu when he made such a request. Obviously, they did not want to do as he had said.

Wu Yu corrected their attitudes easily. He activated the Heaven's Thunder Net and electrocuted them until they screamed and foamed at their mouths at the same time.

"Wu Yu, you will die horribly! I swear!" Xue Bingyi glared at him with bloodshot eyes.

After being tortured, the mystical dragons could only listen to his orders and turn back into their human forms. Indeed, Xue Bingyi was really beautiful in her human form. Her beauty was perfection. However, now she was charred and was not really pretty.

"Lead the way. If I find out that you all have been playing with me, then I don't mind having a taste of the beauties from the Sky Snow Empire." Wu Yu grinned evilly.

"You!" Now the four dragons felt terror from the depths of their hearts. They were all virgins and would not have their honor defiled by Wu Yu!

Hence, while tears welled in their eyes, they still gritted their teeth and showed the way for Wu Yu.

Wu Yu worked swiftly and headed towards the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall. This was naturally very important to him. His original intention in approaching these dragons was simply to seek help in finding his way. The whole reason why he had ended up capturing them instead was because they were too disgusting. Otherwise, Wu Yu could not be bothered with them.

They had seen the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall before. However, that was a few days ago, hence they had to find the direction again. It was no easy feat. After all, that ruin was not very big.

"Wu Yu, no matter how strong you are, it is impossible for you to marry an ultimate mystical dragon. This is the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, we have countless elders who are stronger than you, and they will never allow that to happen." Even as a captive, Xue Bingyi was still throwing snide remarks at Wu Yu.

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