Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1299: Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon

Chapter 1299: Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon

Wu Yu only wanted them to lead the way. He knew what he was doing and did not need to hear their snarky remarks. If they dared to say anything else, he would electrocute them till they foamed at their mouths again.

"How far and how long before we reach the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall?"


"Are you going to tell me or not?"

"Based on your current speed, you will probably need about an hour. We are going in the correct direction, but I'm not sure of its exact location. When we reach the place, we still have to search for it." Xue Bingyi gritted her teeth as she spoke.

Wu Yu continued to journey forward.

"Why are you looking for that ruin? Why did you come into the purgatory and what secret are you hiding?" Xue Bingyi asked suspiciously.

"Shut up."

A one-hour journey was not considered long, but the trouble was that he would need to search for the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall after reaching the place. Hence, he sped up and moved faster.

Xue Bingyi and the other three were now cowering together. Even the eyes of the three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons were shivering in fear.

Every time they looked at Wu Yu, they trembled.

And Xue Bingyi continued to glare silently at Wu Yu with hatred.

Suddenly, she saw a flash of nine-colored thunder streaking past in the skies above them.

Joy instantly filled her heart.

She saw that Wu Yu was still focused on moving forward. In haste, she shouted out, "Lin Xiaoting, save me!"

Her voice was loud and clear. Anyone in their surroundings could hear her shout.

Of course, Wu Yu heard it too.

Wu Yu did not hear that flash of thunder in the skies, as it had flashed past too quickly. However, after Xue Bingyi shouted for help, he felt the impending threat immediately.

An expert was passing by at this time!

Wu Yu had already trapped the girls and stopped them from using Message Talismans. He was not expecting to bump into an expert in the huge Dragon Emperor's Purgatory!

And this expert was someone that Wu Yu could not defeat at the moment.

Wu Yu knew that he was in trouble after he had heard Xue Bingyi shout for Lin Xiaoting's help.

Wu Yu had a certain level of understanding of the experts in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory. There were about 30 9-Xuan immortals in here, and some of them were quite famous.

This Lin Xiaoting was one of them. He was from the Sky Will Empire and had the highest hope of entering the top three in this trial. His true form was a Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon, also a type of ultimate mystical dragon!

At the same time, he was also one of the Sky Will Dragon King's adopted sons.

If Tian Ming was not a repeated participant of the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory Trial, Lin Xiaoting would be one of the hot favourites to get the championship.

This Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon was fast. Based on his speed, his Dragon Emperor Immortal Design should be quite large by now.

Just as Wu Yu had realized who it was that Xue Bingyi had shouted out for, he raised his head and saw a flash of a nine-colored heavenly thunder raging down from the sky!

It was heading straight for Wu Yu's head!

It was indeed extremely fast!

That nine-colored heavenly thunder was extremely strong. It was not even near Wu Yu yet, but he felt as though the entire world was going to explode!

Wu Yu reacted immediately.

In the face of danger, he abandoned his captives, Xue Bingyi and the three other mystical dragons, and chose to escape for his life.

He knew clearly that he was no match for this Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon at the moment.

The other party's nine-colored heavenly thunder could obliterate him!

Hence, he integrated the Somersault Cloud into his body and somersaulted. He left Xue Bingyi and her group behind and escaped just before the nine-colored heavenly thunder struck the empty place that he once stood!

He disappeared instantly!

"Escaped? That's fast?"

In the sky, a gigantic, snow-white mystical dragon covered in nine-colored thunder flew downwards. Along the dragon's spine, from his head to his tail, sharp spikes protruded like horns. At the edge of his tail, there was a sharp spike protruding out like a spear. While he was snow-white, the nine-colored thunder that surrounded him made him look very flashy.

"Xue Bingyi? Who was that?" Lin Xiaoting asked.

"Big Brother Lin, you have to get revenge for me!" Xue Bingyi turned into a mystical dragon and showed him her whole body, which was covered with wounds. With tears in her eyes, she scrambled to the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon like a little dragon in need of protection. Her cries were pitiful. The Sky Snow Pattering Dragons were all sobbing sadly too.

"Who is it that has hurt you like this!? This is preposterous!" The Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon was enraged and felt sorry for the girls.

The three Sky Snow Pattering Dragons said angrily, "All of our injuries came from that immortal called Wu Yu from the Primordial Immortal Empire!"

"Yes, it was him!"

"What? Isn't he just a heavenly immortal?" Lin Xiaoting was shocked.

Xue Bingyi said, "He probably used something to hide his aura and cultivation level. His real cultivation level might be the same as mine. He used despicable moves to defeat me!"

That Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon's eyes were filled with thundering rage.

"That rascal dares to act weak in order to defeat the strong. This is really interesting. Looks like Tian Ming has underestimated him. Little Sister Xue, don't worry. If I don't get your revenge for you, I will relinquish my surname.

"A mere immortal dares to act impudently in our Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm and even wants to marry one of our ultimate mystical dragons. He is really interesting and daring."


Wu Yu had somersaulted on the spot and appeared far away.

Part of the nine-colored heavenly thunder had entered his body and he had carried it out with him.

It might just be a part of the nine-colored heavenly thunder, but it was still very powerful and tore through Wu Yu's body like poisonous snakes. His flesh split and his blood flowed out. Wu Yu's body was heavily wounded!

Bang, bang, bang!

The thunder's destructive power was surprising. Lucky for Wu Yu, the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon was not here, hence he could quickly suppress and destroy the remnants of the thunder in his body.

But his body was still injured.

He rested for about half a day before he recovered fully.

"A 9-Xuan immortal is quite strong. He's not an easy opponent. Looks like I have to proceed with caution here."

Wu Yu took a deep breath.

While he had lost Xue Bingyi and her group as his guides, he should not be too far away from the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall.

Besides, now that he knew the general direction of the hall, he was confident that he could find it alone.

"But if that Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon is adamant about seeking revenge for Xue Bingyi, he will know where I'm heading towards. Will they be waiting there for me?"

There was a possibility that this would happen.

"But even so, I still have to go there. At most, I will have to escape again."

Wu Yu had many mystiques and moves. He was not afraid of them.

He turned his real body small, hid in the lowest level of the ground, and moved silently towards the direction of the Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall. Naturally, he was more cautious of his surroundings now.

He slowed down when he guessed that he was near the hall. He was not anxious, as he knew the approximate location of the hall and that it would be difficult to find its exact location.

When he was within approximate range of the hall, he realized that he was surrounded by deep crevices, so he had to expand his search into the subterranean areas. His area of search was much larger than he had imagined. This was because the land above ground was flat, while the underground area was filled with deep crevices.

But he was very patient. This time, Wu Yu called back all his doppelgangers .

"I have searched this place before but have not gone deep underground in my search."

He knew this place.

At that time, Wu Yu had just entered the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory. Hence, he was anxious and had overlooked this place. He was focused on calling out for the elder and waiting for a reply at the beginning of his search.

Now, when about half a year had passed, his patience only grew.

"Where is that place exactly?"

He spent a few days searching the vicinity carefully. Actually, if he still had Xue Bingyi to lead the way, then he might not need to spend these few days searching. To Wu Yu, it felt as though he had not much time left.

Finally, one day, Wu Yu was in the depths of a crevice when he saw in the dark that there was a dilapidated palace covered in dust. It was obviously dilapidated for countless years. There was wild grass in it, and it looked strange and eerily silent.

"I have found it. Elder, are you waiting in there for me?" Wu Yu hid nearby and started calling out. He wanted to get a reply, but there was none.

He observed the palace and realized that there was a crooked signboard on top of the door. There were five words: Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall, on it. However, that signboard looked like it would fall onto the ground and smash into smithereens at any time.

It looked as though it had been hundreds of thousands of years since anyone had visited this palace.

"If that mysterious person really exists, it is likely that he will be inside," Wu Yu thought.

But Xue Bingyi and the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon might also be waiting for him inside. They might have set up a trap for him. Hence, Wu Yu was hesitant.

"I can turn invisible. Shall I go in and take a look?" the Full Moon of Nanshan asked.

"No, they have a 9-Xuan immortal who can see through your invisibility," Wu Yu replied.

"How about me?" Ye Xixi wanted to help as well.

"Not you either. If something dangerous is waiting inside, it will be easier for me to escape alone."

"Then what should we do?"

"Let's not rush, wait first."

Wu Yu did not believe that these people who were competing fiercely to strengthen their Dragon Emperor Immortal Designs would waste time just to take revenge on him.

Especially Lin Xiaoting, who was competing to enter the top 10 or even the top three. His performance would be affected if he wasted time to make trouble for Wu Yu.

Besides, Wu Yu was not there to hunt the prisoners. Hence, he could afford to wait. He could wait here for a long period of time. He did not believe that the other party would remain in there to wait for him for half a month or one month.

He watched from afar, unmoving.

There were no signs of movement at all.

Five days passed.

There were still no signs of movement. He swept the area with his Eyes of Fire and Gold. He could be quite sure that there was no one inside.

10 days passed and still there were no signs of movement.

Half a month passed and Wu Yu felt that he had waited for long enough. It was time for him to act. Obviously the other party was not lying in ambush here for him.

"Perhaps that Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon does not have the time to help Xue Bingyi take revenge on me. Also, I have already escaped once from his hands."

Now that half a month had passed, there were only five more months left in the trial. Wu Yu made a decision. He was a little nervous as he crept closer to the dragon hall.

He crept nearer and nearer.

He soon arrived at the dilapidated garden. Wu Yu had an odd feeling. He was now standing at the doors of the dragon hall. The signboard above his head looked like it was about to crash down on his head at any time.

The dragon hall was pitch black inside and filled with a pungent stench. Dust covered everything inside. Even the dust and soil on the roof was three chi thick.

He was now very tiny and had slipped into the dragon hall quietly. He entered the darkness and arrived inside the hall. It looked very plain, and there was nothing inside. It was just empty space.

"Elder, I have arrived. I'm the inheritor of the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal's legacy. Are you waiting here for me?"

The hall was not big. Wu Yu looked around and spoke into the darkness at the same time.

However, there was no reply at that moment. While this made Wu Yu feel disappointed, he did not give up on his search for the elder.

Or perhaps there was something that he had left behind.

He was searching for something special. Even if he only found a stone, he would probably take it. However, there was not even a stone to be found in the hall. It was just darkness.

"What is going on…."

Just as he was feeling puzzled, the entire Eight Division Heavenly Dragon Hall suddenly lit up with a bright, eye-piercing light!

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