Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1304: Nine Heavens Silver Blade Dragon

Chapter 1304: Nine Heavens Silver Blade Dragon

With the exit of Ye Xuanyi, it was almost certain that the four participants of the Primordial Immortal Empire would occupy the bottom four positions.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King was naturally delighted to see this.

Despite many years having passed, he was still filled with hatred at the thought of the incident that happened many years ago.

If fratricidal fighting wasn’t restricted, Wu Hao would definitely not be alive today.

At their age, they would be competing with their children.

It was clear to all who was better then.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King smiled and said, "Congratulations to the Primordial Immortal Empire for breaking a record and accomplishing a great feat that not a single empire throughout the mystical dragon tribe has ever completed. To rank in the top four, but starting from the back! Haha...."

With the Sky Chariot Dragon King taking the lead, the mocking laughter came crashing like a deluge.

This great feat was indeed hard to accomplish.

"How bad is the younger generation of the Primordial Immortal Empire to have such results?"

"It's painstaking to see this. What has Wu Jun been doing these years to raise the younger generation to this state?"


"It’s hilarious! With their younger generation at this level, I believe it won't be long before the Primordial Immortal Empire drops from 87th to 100th."

"Once Wu Jun is gone, the Primordial Immortal Empire will likely stop existing."

The dragon kings paid no regard to the face of Wu Jun and the rest and started discussing unbridledly.

Wu Hao had enough.

If his gentle and understanding girl wasn’t with him, a man like him would never be able to take this great shame.

"Once this trial ends, we can only hide within the Primordial Immortal Empire and never be able to lift our heads up high!" Wu Hao remarked dejectedly.

Wu Jun's face turned green as he seethed.

The dragon kings under him were wavering too. They were probably thinking of leaving the Primordial Immortal Empire to find a place where they wouldn't be shamed.

It wasn't a huge thing initially, as the Primordial Immortal Empire was in a transition phase between generations. It was understandable that the youths weren't strong, as Ye Xuanyi and others weren't particularly old.

However, the key was that the Sky Chariot Dragon King was constantly targeting the Primordial Immortal Empire.

Otherwise, with Ye Xuanyi's strength, he wouldn't be among the bottom four.

"As we discussed, as long as Wu Yu can find what he needs, the rest is just superficial." Ye Qianning consoled Wu Hao.

Just as she finished her words, the Sky Chariot Dragon King looked over from the other end. He chuckled and said, "Wu Hao, you have to work hard yourself. Don't hold up the younger generation because of your incompetence. If those three kids join my Sky Chariot Empire, they definitely won't have such results again. Now, I'll make an exception and accept them. I wonder, are you guys willing?"

A great opportunity!

The Luminary Dragon King, the Jade Mirror Dragon Queen, and the Interstellar Domain Dragon King exchanged glances, stood up, and said in unison, "Thank you, Sky Chariot Dragon King, for your invitation. Once the trial ends, we will bring our descendants to join the Sky Chariot Empire immediately and serve the Sky Chariot Empire." The crowd burst into an uproar. None of them had expected the three of them to have an encounter like this so suddenly. It was almost impossible for other dragon kings to join the Sky Chariot Empire even if they wished, because there were simply too many of them. The Revered Dragon Council would also step in to restrict them, so as to maintain the balance of the Hundred Empires.

Ye Xuanyi and the rest finally had something to be delighted over. They could finally leave the damning Primordial Immortal Empire!

For Wu Jun and others, this was humiliation and a blow.

"In that case, of the bottom four, three of them will be under my Sky Chariot Empire. You guys only have one. In a way, your Primordial Immortal Empire didn't do too badly this time! Haha!" The Sky Chariot Dragon King continued his ridicule.

This drew another burst of laughter. This time, the Sky Chariot Dragon King had found the right opportunity to humiliate Wu Hao utterly, quenching the hatred in him.

However, at this very moment, the last position on the Giant Purgatory Pillar had surprisingly changed to: Primordial Immortal Empire, Yu Manyuan.

Roughly one-quarter of all names dropped by a single position, and Ye Xuanyi became third from the bottom.

"Why did Wu Yu's name vanish?" The crowd was stumped.

"It's there! 438th!"

At that moment, the crowd looked in the same direction simultaneously. Indeed, they saw Wu Yu's name at 438th.

Silence filled the air.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King was still mocking Wu Hao by claiming that last place would still belong to the Primordial Immortal Empire after accepting Ye Xuanyi and the rest just moments ago. However, Wu Yu had vanished from the bottom just as he completed his words.

This was like a slap that came at the right time and ferociously hit the face of the Sky Chariot Dragon King. It was so clear that almost everyone on the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield had heard it.

Therefore, the Sky Chariot Dragon King turned stiff for some moments.

As for Wu Hao, he burst into hearty laughter after seeing Wu Yu’s name.

How gratifying!

"I'm starting to like that kid even more. He's always able to bring us a pleasant surprise when we are feeling the worst!" Wu Hao finally smiled and felt gratification like he never had before.

Wu Jun also chuckled. "It seems like the Sky Chariot Dragon King has failed this time. Now the bottom four have nothing to do with my Primordial Immortal Empire. The Sky Chariot Empire took the bottom three. That's worthy of a celebration!"

This time, the Sky Chariot Dragon King had shot himself in the foot and looked especially gloomy.

The change that Wu Yu had brought was on point. The Sky Chariot Dragon King was so full of confidence that he had recruited Ye Xuanyi and the rest to humiliate Wu Jun's brother, but this change doused shame on the Sky Chariot Dragon King instead.

"How dare you!" The Sky Chariot Dragon King was enraged.

"Alright! Stop your annoying quarrelling and babbling! It's going to end soon. Can't you guys be quiet?" The Sky Shadow Dragon Queen interjected.

"It ends right here." The Sky Will Dragon King wouldn't want to embarrass himself before the two revered dragons. After all, the other eight tribes were watching too.

However, the Sky Chariot Dragon King still couldn't suppress his anger.

"Wu Yu's ranking hasn’t changed before. Why would it move so suddenly?" He was sceptical about it.

The crowd couldn't understand why Wu Yu's ranking had changed either.

Only Wu Jun and them knew that Wu Yu might have gotten what he was looking for and was going on a killing spree. Although it was too late to work hard now, it was clear that Wu Yu was fighting for respect for Wu Hao.

"That kid is really great. Luo Pin is blessed to be with him," said Ye Qianning as she nodded.

Luo Pin smiled gently. She had never panicked, because she knew Wu Yu would never let her down.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King's eyes were fixed on the Giant Purgatory Pillar.

From the second day of the trial, Tian Ming was securely placed first. Right now, the distance between him and the second place was substantial.

As long as Tian Ming was in the top four, he wouldn't be worried. This was because Tian Ming was the only one at the Immortal Lord Realm. Once it reached the final battles, no one would win against him.

The second was still the Purple Skies Empyrean Dragon, Tian Zi. She was the adopted daughter of the Sky Shadow Dragon Queen.

The third was the Mystical Palace Thunder Dragon, Lin Xiaoting. He was the adopted son of the Sky Will Dragon King.

What comforted him was that his other adopted son, the Nine Heavens Silver Blade Dragon, Yin Wu, had made his way to the top five from outside the top ten. With a month left, he might just make it into the top four!

The Sky Chariot Dragon King assumed that Tian Ming had helped Yin Wu after knowing that he had secured first place. Judging by Yin Wu's ascension pace, it would be a safe bet.

The top four would be covered by the three empires.

Obviously, this was the case almost every time.



Just as the Sky Chariot Dragon King had expected, within the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory and amidst the dullish-yellow mist, a silver mystical dragon was following the Primordial Divine Dragon, Tian Ming. The scales of the silver mystical dragon were shockingly shaped like blades. In fact, they could stand erected, covering his body in sharp spikes.

On his dragon horn, the Dragon Emperor Immortal Design was roughly half the size of Tian Ming's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design.

"Big Brother Tian Ming, do you think I can make it into the top four?" Yin Wu wasn't too confident.

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord answered, "Don't worry. I saw Lin Xiaoting and Tian Zi previously. You are approaching their level now. With me helping you for the last burst, you might even be second or third, let alone fourth."

"I am really grateful to Big Brother Tian Ming." Yin Wu bowed constantly.

"You should thank my father. He really doted on you and instructed me to help you," said Tian Ming.

"You are right. The gratitude I owe to my adoptive father is as great as a mountain. He's my second father and my life belongs to him. I'm willing to do anything for him in the future," Yin Wu said passionately.

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord smiled. He wanted a "brother" that respected and revered him. Yin Wu had great talent. Helping him to get into the top four and gain the opportunity to cultivate in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn would allow him to have a bright future.

"Let's continue!"

He led Yin Wu around and continued their search.

"Isn't that Wu Yu?"

All of a sudden, Yin Wu saw a figure.

"What? Didn't he flee with his Escape Immortal Design?" The Tian Ming Dragon Lord had seen him too.

Both of them gave chase and indeed found Wu Yu!

"You haven't left? How did you get out of my City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons?" The Tian Ming Dragon Lord was astonished.

Wu Yu didn't answer him and kept a smiling face.

"Are you mute? Can't you talk?" Anger was building up in Tian Ming.

"Screw you! Fool!" Wu Yu responded with a faint smile.

"Go to hell!" Yin Wu abhorred those that disrespected the Sky Chariot Dragon King. Without needing the Tian Ming Dragon Lord to instruct him, he struck. However, when his attack reached Wu Yu, Wu Yu's body shattered!

"A clone?" Yin Wu was stumped.

He was surprised that he couldn't tell that it was a clone.

"His clone came all the way here?"

Tian Ming was feeling a little suspicious.

"Perhaps he's in the vicinity." Tian Ming and Yin Wu Yu extended their search area. Just as they expected, they saw Wu Yu again soon after.

However, that was also a clone!

They continued but kept finding more clones!

This left them frustrated.

"Where did Wu Yu get all these clones? And none of them speak?"

The truth was that Wu Yu was just too lazy to answer them. He was still fighting, and his clones were constantly encountering other participants. He had even met Lin Xiaoting and Xue Bingyi multiple times, let alone Tian Ming.

He had no time or energy to speak to them.

He was now in a frenzied state. The pace of his battles couldn't match the speed he was discovering Dragon Emperor's Prisons. Wu Yu was basically shifting from one position to another at break-neck speed.

As for his target, they were at least opponents with seven immortal dao marks.

One opponent of this level was equivalent to 100 heavenly immortals!

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