Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1305: Physical Body and Doppelgangers

Chapter 1305: Physical Body and Doppelgangers

He continued killing for 10 days.

The opponents that Wu Yu chose were basically all extremely vicious criminals who had committed heinous crimes.

There were many more of such criminals who committed even worse crimes than the Crimson Demon Horned Dragon.

And instead of being afraid, they were all very excited when Wu Yu opened their Dragon Emperor's Prisons.

That was because they would rather die in battle than die alone of old age in this prison.

A few days ago, Wu Yu had decided to devour a few of his opponents.

Those that he devoured were all expert immortals and mystical dragons who had eight immortal dao marks and many years of experience in cultivation.

First of all, he filled up all his Bodhi Seeds and dragon and elephant buddha energy.

But Wu Yu was still not satisfied with what he had achieved in these 10 days. He continued to understand and analyze the experiences of those he devoured. Using what he learned, his Dragon and Elephant Prajna Buddha Body divided once again, reaching the third level.

The once Vajra Buddha had already transformed into four dragons and four elephants.

Then, through devouring, he would increase his dragon and elephant buddha energy.

After a few more days of battle, Wu Yu formed his third immortal dao mark, the Dao of the Physical Body.

Wu Yu had cultivated the Invincible Vajra Body, so he understood more about the physical body than others, especially when he could devour and digest his opponents. This immortal dao mark was formed through the combination of his devouring and cultivation of his body.

Of course, inside his Dao of the Physical Body, there were also many top experts' experiences and pieces of their immortal dao marks.

If not for these top experts' experiences and immortal dao marks, Wu Yu would not have been able to form his third immortal dao mark that quickly. An ordinary genius would still require thousands of years to form one immortal dao mark. And one with normal talent would require tens of thousands of years.

Both of his cultivation levels had already reached the third tier of the Nine Xuan Dao Realm, hence Wu Yu started to search and kill the strongest existences in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, 9-Xuan immortals.

There were no beings stronger than 9-Xuan immortals in here.

However, he could not devour any more in the remaining 20 days of the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory Trial.

He had already gathered a large amount of energy from his devouring before. Even with three immortal dao marks suppressing the spirit within, his immortal spirit had transformed into the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast completely.

The Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast was bloodthirsty and hungry. Now Wu Yu was a bit like the time when he was pursuing the Ancient Emperor - he hungered to devour and mate. There was even a moment when his real body nearly lost control when he saw Tian Zi.

He would be in deep trouble if Luo Pin saw that.

So he had to control himself now. He stopped devouring for the meantime and killed his opponents directly.

But then there was one interesting change that Wu Yu discovered. After the Heaven Devouring Avatar and his real body were combined, he could disperse the extra energy that he did not need from the devouring to his 100,000 dopplegangers.

"If I can do that, each of my 100,000 doppelgangers will have the strength of a heavenly immortal! And they can still become stronger! Next time, I can just disperse the extra energy that I cannot digest to them. There is no need for me to spend fortunes to cultivate them anymore."

With that extra energy, his 100,000 doppelgangers became more agile. They became faster and their battle power increased. When hundreds of them gathered, they could even fight against a Xuan immortal. Based on Wu Yu's current strength, he alone could form an army of immortals.

In the future, he might have an army of a million immortals.

In the remaining 20 days, Wu Yu was still pushing forward. He did not know how far he could go. His doppelgangers were already all over the whole Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, but he still could not find that being. In any case, he would just use the rest of the time to earn back the honor that the Primordial Immortal Empire and Wu Jun deserved!

After all, Wu Yu now had another goal, which was to battle 9-Xuan immortals.

Of course, he did not let his guard down. He let his doppelgangers continue their search for that being in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, while his real body was engaged in continuous battles.

The Dragon Emperor's Purgatory was indeed a rare opportunity for Wu Yu to train and cultivate. At least his power and strength had increased by many folds.

If not for his inability to devour further, Wu Yu could even reach the level where he could fight against an Immortal Lord Realm expert.


In fact, Wu Yu was not aware that what he had done had not only earned back Wu Jun's honor, but caused the audience that was watching their performance in the Supreme Battlefield to be in total shock.

Now everyone's focus was not on whether Yin Wu in fifth place could surpass Jiang Yan in fourth place, but on how far Wu Yu could progress in this remaining month.

The mystical dragons watched on with their own eyes as Wu Yu's name moved up progressively from the top 500. Every now and then, his ranking would move upwards. The speed of his progress was indeed shocking to them.

Those that had been forced out of the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory could only watch helplessly as Wu Yu's ranking surpassed theirs.

Within 10 days, Wu Yu's ranking moved upwards from the top 500 to the top 100! There were 20 days remaining, and he was already in 73rd place.

Based on his speed, people started to wonder if he could reach the top 10 in the end.

"If he had participated from the start and not just in this last month, wouldn't he be already in the top 10?"

The audience knew clearly that Wu Yu had only started to kill prisoners in this last month.

In the mystical dragons' eyes, Wu Yu was like a monster now. Looking into the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory from the Eye of the Dragon Emperor, one could only see Wu Yu's doppelgangers.

"He must have depended on his large number of doppelgangers! They must have increased his efficiency in searching for the Dragon Emperor's Prisons!"

"Then why did he not use them before?"

"Maybe he was making a breakthrough in his cultivation level inside the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, or he was trying to keep a low profile before?"

"Anyway, it's very weird. I feel that he might have some means to hide his strength. I think there is an elite immortal backing him. This means that the immortal gave him something to hide his strength, so even the Sky Will Dragon King and the other dragon kings didn't see it."

"I guess so. If he didn’t have so many doppelgangers, his speed would not be this fast."

"Do you think he can make it to the top 10?"

"There are 20 days left. However the higher the ranking, the bigger the gap will be. So, everything is still unpredictable."

At this moment, no matter what the others were discussing, the Sky Chariot Dragon King was sitting there silently. His face was grim as he stared at Wu Yu's name.

"Little brother, it seems like this legacy inheritor of an elite immortal is indeed not as simple as we imagined. Wu Hao is lucky to have him," the Sky Shadow Dragon Queen said.

"It's too early to make any conclusions. Let's watch till the end." The Sky Chariot Dragon King smiled coldly. He still did not think that Wu Yu could reach the top 10 within one month. If that were the case, and if Wu Yu had participated in killing the prisoners from the start, wouldn't he be in first place?

But when he saw Wu Jun and Wu Hao's smiling faces, he was not happy. He had humiliated them before, but now Wu Yu's performance was like a tight slap to his face. Every time Wu Yu progressed upwards in the rankings, his face got slapped once!

For instance, Ye Xuanyi and his companions' faces were also hot with shame now. They had just abandoned the Primordial Immortal Empire, but now the names of the Primordial Immortal Empire and Wu Yu had shocked the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm.

The mystical dragons stopped their discussions and held their breaths as they continued to watch.


The number of 9-Xuan immortals in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory was not high, and it was very hard to kill them. One would have to go through a series of life and death battles, and the efficiency was not as good as that of fighting 8-Xuan immortals.

Wu Yu continued to progress. He did not have much time left. Now all he wanted to do was try his best.

Another 10 days passed by!

There were only 10 days left!

The Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast’s immortal spirit had already transformed halfway back into human form after undergoing 10 days of the Ruyi Jingu Bang's supression.

Wu Yu made a decision at this point. "I shall take advantage of the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory. Since the prisoners here are all sinful villains who are waiting for death, I can devour one more time."

He was a little bit annoyed by Tian Ming. If he could have the strength to fight against him before going out, he would at least have a bit of advantage. Otherwise, that guy would definitely fight him for Luo Pin again.

This was something Wu Yu would not allow to happen.

But the other party did have noble status and power. Wu Yu had not seen the power of an Immortal Lord Realm cultivator before.

He started devouring again. This time, his target was ninth tier Nine Xuan Dao Realm enemies, 9-Xuan immortals!

The change was to devour instead of kill.

Two days later, with the experience and comprehension abilities of three 9-Xuan immortals, his Dragon and Elephant Prajna Buddha Body reached the fourth tier.

Another three days passed. Based on his use of the Unshackled Doppelganger, in addition to the experiences of the other Xuan immortals, he formed his fourth immortal dao mark, the Dao of Doppelgangers!

He became a real 4-Xuan immortal, and it was on two levels. His bodhi immortal energy and dragon and elephant buddha energy were overflowing with power and close to exploding.

He had five days left until the final dash.

At this moment, his immortal spirit once again transformed fully into the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast. It was extremely fierce, and Wu Yu's killing intent escalated again.

"My only regret is that I failed to find that voice."

He knew clearly that he had become extremely strong. With his power now, he could kill a ninth tier Nine Xuan Dao Realm immortal instantaneously.

And he had not been an immortal for that long yet.

Thanks to the Ancient Emperor, his two bodies were combined.

Today, he could display the unimaginable.

This was something he had gained from the Ancient Emperor incident. He was no longer a simple Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast, nor the legacy inheritor of the Great Sage, Heaven's Equal.

He was like an unforeseen, terrifying existence in the Heavenly Domain.

Wu Yu continued his killing. He was very calm throughout. In the remaining five days, everyone in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory was making the final dash.

In fact, Wu Yu did not know that because of his performance, the audience outside was struck with fright!

Within 10 days, Wu Yu had actually progressed rapidly from the top 100 to 12th place. His speed left everyone in shock and fear.

His Dragon Emperor Immortal Design had already grown to an unimaginable strength, and he was close to the Tower of Dragon's Dawn.

And it was when there were still 10 days left!

At this moment, the mystical dragons could not help but gasp in shock. Basically, they could confirm now that Wu Yu would definitely enter the top 10.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King's expression was really grim at this time. On the other side, Wu Hao could not help but laugh.

As the saying goes, change is the only constant, the wheel of fortune turns. People who used to laugh at them in the past had laughed too early.

Even the Sky Will Dragon King said, "Wu Jun, looks like the immortal backing Wu Yu is indeed extraordinary."

"At least you and I will never be able to reach such levels," Wu Jun replied.

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