Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1306: Uproarious Crowd

Chapter 1306: Uproarious Crowd

Naturally, they wouldn't believe that Wu Yu had grown stronger along the way.

They would assume he had relied on some unknown method to conceal his strength previously.

It was only now that he unleashed his full strength.

The truth was, Wu Jun himself was surprised. He had never expected Wu Yu to put on such a performance.

He had a rough sense about Wu Yu's strength previously. For Wu Yu to advance through the rankings so ferociously in the last month, it was clear that Wu Yu was hunting 8-Xuan immortals, or even stronger existences....

However, Wu Yu wasn't capable of such previously.

He could only keep his doubts with him and couldn't share with others. The only reason he could come up with was similar to what others had assumed - Wu Yu had been hiding his strength because of that immortal.

The mystical dragon tribe was indeed wary of the immortal behind Wu Yu.

After all, this was a world controlled by immortals.

However, something unexpected occurred again!

With 10 days left, Wu Yu stopped moving on the leaderboard.

It was the same for the ninth and eighth day.

With only eight days left, many mystical dragons couldn't help but be delighted.

"It seems like Wu Yu still isn't fated to enter our Tower of Dragon's Dawn."

"If he had worked hard from the beginning, he could have even made it to the top four. However, time doesn't wait for anyone. Those in the top 10 have been working their asses off."

"To see him soar through the rankings and yet not make the top 10, what a shame!"

And for the Sky Chariot Dragon King, he felt a little more assured.

To the surprise of the crowd, when there were only seven days left, Wu Yu fell down a spot! This was the first time his ranking had ever dropped and was surpassed by someone!

This suggested that Wu Yu didn't seem to be moving over the last few days.

"Is he giving up?" The Sky Chariot Dragon King was a little anxious. However, he was still confident as time was slipping past.

The truth was, even if Wu Yu made it to the top 10, it wouldn't matter. Although he would gain fame, he wouldn't get any prizes.

When there were only six days left, his ranking dropped again. With just five days remaining, they were at ease. At this pace, Wu Yu would never make it to the top 10.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King looked up the rankings and saw that Yin Wu was still fifth. However, he was certain Yin Wu would replace the fourth within the next five days.

"Son, buck up!"

This was also partly because Jiang Yan was too powerful. Yin Wu wasn't stronger than him from the beginning. The Azure Ginger Empire’s dragon king had only a son. Naturally, he had expended all resources to groom him. At this point, the Azure Ginger Empire’s dragon king was especially anxious and vaguely confrontational against the Sky Chariot Dragon King.

Whether Yin Wu would squeeze into the top four was also a matter that many paid attention to!

"There are only five days left for Yin Wu!"

"Jiang Yan is pretty incredible, and he should be slightly stronger than Yin Wu."

"I would rather Jiang Yan be in the top four. If that were case, the top four wouldn't be monopolised by the descendants of the trio...."

The focus of the people had gradually shifted away from Wu Yu.

It was the start of the last five days.

As the people focused on the intense competition between Jiang Yan and Yin Wu, Wu Yu had gradually faded from their consciousness.

However, at the start of the day, Wu Yu advanced one spot without many noticing.

Six hours later, he moved up another spot!

Another six hours passed and he moved up one more rank!

After another six hours, he moved up again!

"Wu Yu is in the top 10!"

No one knew who had exclaimed at this moment.

Many of them stood up abruptly and indeed found Wu Yu making into the top 10!

10th! Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Yu! Those words were dazzling. This was because the names in the top 10 shone with greater brilliance.

"He's picking up speed again?"

"He's making his way back? He's in the top 10 now!"

Everyone in the Primordial Immortal Empire started cheering, engulfing the voices of others.

At this moment, the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield was unusually raucous.

"What?" The Sky Chariot Dragon King had started to forget about Wu Yu while focusing on Yin Wu.

Now that he took a look, he was surprised to see Wu Yu placed in 10th!

"There are four days left!"

Now that they had entered the final stage, it was also the most exhilarating moment as the rankings might change at any moment.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King was especially gloomy as Yin Wu had yet to squeeze into the top four, but Wu Yu had made it into the top 10. Seeing the cheerful looks on Wu Hao and the rest and how Wu Hao was hugging Ye Qianning in excitement, he couldn't help but rage in fury.

Moreover, those that followed him in mocking them were starting to praise Wu Yu. This was something he couldn't tolerate.

"Even if he had 500 years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn, he wouldn't achieve anything! As for my son, he's definitely going to get 10,000 years!" When he saw Tian Ming at the top, his anger subsided slightly. No matter how prideful the Primordial Immortal Empire was right now, they would never be the focus.

Just as the thought arose in his head, he saw Wu Yu moving to the ninth spot!

At the end of the fourth day from the end, Wu Yu advanced two spots to rank seventh! At this point, the mystical dragons couldn't believe their eyes. This was because Wu Yu and Yin Wu were just separated by a single person.

Fifth and seventh!

Three more days to go!

Everyone's focus was on the Giant Purgatory Pillar, watching the fourth, fifth, and seventh!

"This is crazy!"

"What is wrong with Wu Yu? Relying on his large number of clones to search, killing his way without knowing fatigue, and surpassing others at breakneck speed?"

"It appears to be that way. However, he has to have the requisite strength, right? Could it be that he is similar in strength to Yin Wu and the rest?"

"Regardless, isn't he fatigued?"

However, it seemed like fatigue was never an issue for Wu Yu. With his devouring ability, replenishing immortal energy and buddha energy was too easy.

This was his huge advantage, and he wasn't tired even after several battles.

The mystical dragons from the Primordial Immortal Empire were also holding their breaths. They also wanted Wu Yu to be in the top four. Their goal were the same as Yin Wu’s.

"Brother, it seems like Wu Yu might be competing with your Yin Wu for fourth place!" the Sky Shadow Dragon Queen joked.

"That will never happen!" the Sky Chariot Dragon King growled. Fury gleaned in his eyes, and the mystical dragons around him didn't dare to approach him.

There were a few who felt exceptionally awkward, namely the Luminary Dragon King and the others. Seeing how the Sky Chariot Dragon King was right now, they knew that their outcome would be tragic even if they could join the Sky Chariot Empire. Furthermore, they had stood forward and declared that they would be leaving, which had humiliated Wu Jun and the rest. There was no way Wu Jun would want them back now.

How could they ever have expected Wu Yu to be glamorous right now?

And now there was no shame in the Primordial Immortal Empire! The shame would only be on their three descendants, while the Primordial Immortal Empire was basking in honor with Wu Yu's brilliant performance!

It was to the extent that even the Sky Chariot Empire was speechless!

Therefore, they were completely lost.

Fortunately, the Sky Chariot Dragon King smiled.

This was because Yin Wu had officially surpassed Jiang Yan to squeeze into the top four. His name shone with even brighter brilliance!

"Ah!" Seeing that his son was forced back to fifth, the Azure Ginger Empire’s dragon king heaved a long sigh. There was nothing he could do, but he knew clearly how outstanding his son was.

He was also sure that Tian Ming was helping Yin Wu.

With three days remaining, Jiang Yan had failed to hold on and had been pulled back.

Yin Wu made it into the top four!

The Sky Chariot Dragon King laughed out heartily. Yin Wu just had to hang on for three more days.

However, his laughter didn't last long.

This was because Wu Yu had squeezed into the top six the very next moment!

Right in front of him were Jiang Yan and Yin Wu. In fact, the difference between Jiang Yan and Yin Wu wasn't huge.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King and the other mystical dragons felt suffocated once again.

An hour later, Wu Yu surpassed Jiang Yan!


A huge commotion broke out in the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King's expression darkened.

Just as many had expected, Yin Wu, who had just made it to the top four, was squeezed out after just 15 minutes. Wu Yu leaped into the top four with just Lin Xiaoting, Tian Zi, and Tian Ming ahead of him!

This time, the entire Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield was boiling with excitement!

What kind of killing speed would enable this pace of advancing?

The mystical dragons were in awe and looked towards the Primordial Immortal Empire with respect.

Wu Hao and the rest were overjoyed and cheering loudly. Many dragon lords were on cloud nine. They had been suppressed too relentlessly before. Therefore, when they could finally release their emotions, they didn't hold back. Their loud laughter and cheers were especially piercing to the ears of some.

For this trial, as long as one entered the top four, the final placing didn't matter. This was because the top four would still have to battle it out among themselves.

At the same time, it meant that Wu Yu would at least have a thousand years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn and a destinable immortal treasure!

At this point, Wu Yu had won. Judging from his condition, it would be hard for Yin Wu to surpass Wu Yu again.

Those outside could see clearly, but those inside didn't know that Wu Yu's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design had grown so huge!

"Fourth? In that case, my son will show Wu Yu where he stands in the first round!" The Sky Chariot Dragon King could only comfort himself this way. This was because Tian Ming was first.

At the conclusion of the third day from the end, the crowd made a racket again.

This was because Wu Yu had surpassed Lin Xiaoting to reach third!

Lin Xiaoting had been placed third for close to a year!

However, this wasn't the end.

At the conclusion of the second day from the end, Wu Yu surpassed Tian Zi!

Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Yu, was second, and only Tian Ming from the Sky Chariot Empire was ahead of him!

A clamor broke out once again!

The only uncertainty right now would be if Wu Yu would emerge in first.

There was only a day left, and the difference between Tian Ming and Tian Zi was relatively huge.

However, the Sky Chariot Dragon King knew that Tian Ming hadn't been killing for his own purpose for the last month. He had been helping Yin Wu.

Time slipped by slowly. On the last day, everyone was staring at the top of the Giant Purgatory Pillar. Everyone was interested to see if Wu Yu would make it to the top at the end.

The expression of the Sky Chariot Dragon King had never been so gloomy. He had never expected Wu Hao to find someone like Wu Yu, that could embarrass him so utterly. Now he wasn't just furious, but also hateful. This was because he had never been humiliated so utterly before.

Nonetheless and fortunately, his son preserved his last tinge of pride. That was ranking first on the Giant Purgatory Pillar.

Two hours left.

One hours left.

15 minutes left.

60 breaths of time left and nothing had changed on the Giant Purgatory Pillar.

At the final 30 breaths of time, there was still no change....

Many mystical dragons heaved long sighs. The Sky Chariot Dragon King still kept the last bit of face....

This was proof that Tian Ming was indeed exceptional.



When Wu Yu killed the last 9-Xuan immortal, he felt his Escape Immortal Design trigger on its own.

"It has finally ended."

He felt a little helpless. Towards the end, he had been driven entirely by the killing desire of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast. He was getting hooked on the sensation of killing.

He had also grown extensively stronger.

However, he knew that the most important task that he had come to the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory to accomplish hadn't been completed.

He hadn't found that person.

And now, he watched helplessly as the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, the world that had a dullish-yellow tint, was slowly engulfed in white light and he was taken out of this place.

All of a sudden, amidst the white light, a snow-white dragon scale fell onto his hand. At the same time, a familiar voice rang in his ear.

"The Floating Dreams Sword is the key to open it."

That was the voice that had guided Wu Yu into the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory.

Immediately after, he was dragged out of the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory and back to the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield.

When he appeared, he didn't know why the place was uproarious or why the mystical dragons seemed to have lost their minds.

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