Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1307: Snow-White Dragon Scale

Chapter 1307: Snow-White Dragon Scale

To tell the truth, when Wu Yu exited the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, he felt like tearing up.

For one whole year, he had searched for that voice that had called out to him.

He thought that once he went in, he could see who the voice belonged to.

But, unexpectedly, one year of searching, even with the 100,000 dopplegangers, was a futile attempt.

In fact, he had already given up. He even thought that he had been tricked.

Hence, he turned his energy and focus to increasing his strength and his ranking on the Giant Purgatory Pillar. In doing so, he could at least make Wu Jun and the others proud and leave in pride.

However, at the moment that he was exiting the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, that voice sounded in his ears again and handed him a snow-white dragon scale.

He did not have the time to respond or figure out who that person was. At the next moment, he appeared on the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield.

"I didn't expect that he would come to me without me looking for him."

Wu Yu had a lot of doubts about the person's identity popping up in his mind.

But he had no choice. It was obvious that this person was not willing to explain anything to him.

Or perhaps the mystery lay within this snow-white dragon scale.

He could vaguely recall that the person mentioned the Floating Dreams Sword, which was the prize for first place.

"He gave me this snow-white dragon scale and asked me to win the championship? But to do that, I must have the chance to participate in the final battle!"

Wu Yu started to feel depressed. If this had been mentioned to him earlier, he would have put in more effort to win the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory Trial! To enter the top four!

As for whether he had entered the top four, Wu Yu did not know. He could only look up at the Giant Purgatory Pillar amongst the loud cheers. At this time, his heart pounded, for fear that he had not entered the top four!

"If only I had one year's time to strengthen my Dragon Emperor Immortal Design! No matter what, I would definitely have entered the top four! Why did he tell me only at the very end...."

Wu Yu could not help but feel a little gloomy. Now he could only depend on his luck.

Of course, getting this dragon scale and the numerous clues it carried before exiting was already a pleasant surprise.

Now the whole Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield was in an uproar. Everyone was shouting in excitement, but no one could hear what they were shouting. Mystical dragons had loud voices.

Wu Yu raised his head. His gaze swept across the top 10, from bottom to top. He saw who was in fourth place: Sky Will Empire, Lin Xiaoting!

Not him.

Then he saw third place: Sky Shadow Empire, Tian Zi!

Still not him.

His hopes diminished!

He looked carefully towards the top of the Giant Purgatory Pillar that was covered in the clouds. Second place was: Sky Chariot Empire, Tian Ming!

It was still not him!

"Wait, Tian Ming is in second place? How is that possible, who surpassed him?"

Wu Yu raised his head again. His gaze pierced through the clouds. Once he saw who was in first place, he smiled because he could see that what was written there was: Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Yu!

It was his name!

"The three of them are that weak? I surpassed them in just one month's time, haha...." Wu Yu was, of course, delighted because he thought that he had not even entered the top four.

He did not expect to achieve such results. It was no wonder there was such a commotion when the ranking was revealed, and many people were looking at him in shock. It turned out that he had gotten first place!

It was no wonder the whole Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield was in an uproar. Wu Yu knew clearly that one month before, he was at the bottom of the rankings. It was indeed shocking that he had managed to get first place in the end.

To Wu Yu, he just needed to enter the top four. The rankings within the top four did not matter. Because obviously, that voice wanted him to participate in the final battle and get the prize for first place, the Floating Dreams Sword.

Wu Yu did not have any other choice. This was the one and only chance to get the Floating Dreams Sword and open this snow-white dragon scale. If he missed this chance, he would regret it for his whole life.

In the loud commotion and when almost everyone began to look at Wu Yu with shock and admiration in their eyes, he heard faintly someone saying, "In the last breath of time, he surpassed the Tian Ming Dragon Lord and got first place!"

Wu Yu now understood why the audience was in an uproar. It turned out that his last kill, a 9-Xuan immortal, had unexpectedly helped him to surpass the Tian Ming Dragon Lord. It was definitely humiliating for the other party to be surpassed at the last minute after being in first place for so long.

Wu Yu could feel many people looking at him with anger.

In fact, Tian Ming and his group were standing not far away from Wu Yu. Wu Yu could see them clearly from where he was standing.

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord and his group were still calm and relaxed when they exited the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory. Maybe they thought that everyone was cheering for them.

Yin Wu raised his head in anticipation. He had already guessed his ranking. When he saw his name at fifth place, he froze on the spot.

His heart broke!

"Who was it!? Who managed to squeeze me out and got into the top four? Jiang Yan?" He thought that Jiang Yan had snatched his place in the top four.

But he realized in horror that Jiang Yan was in the sixth place, behind him! This meant that he had surpassed Jiang Yan.

Then who could it be!?

Other than Jiang Yan, he could not think of anyone else.

Then he looked upwards. Lin Xiaoting and Tian Zi's ranking were within his expectations - they were expected to enter the top four. However, when he saw Tian Ming's name in second place, his whole body trembled. The Tian Ming Dragon Lord who was standing beside him also turned deathly pale.

He looked towards first place immediately!

But what he saw in first place was: Primordial Immortal Empire, Wu Yu!

"How is that possible!?" The Tian Ming Dragon Lord stood there in a daze as if he was struck by lightning.

"Did something go wrong? Did the Giant Purgatory Pillar make a mistake? Removing the mistake, Wu Yu, from the rankings, you are still in fourth...." The Tian Ming Dragon Lord comforted Yin Wu.

Yin Wu did not know whether to laugh or cry. He said, "The Giant Purgatory Pillar would never make a mistake, let alone such a ridiculous mistake. Shouldn't Wu Yu be in last...."

They did not know how fast Wu Yu had progressed inside the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, hence this was the only explanation they could think of.

However, they were obviously deceiving themselves.

It was because no one was commenting on the credibility of the Giant Purgatory Pillar. They were all discussing how Wu Yu had surpassed Tian Ming and reached first at the last moment!

"Big Brother Tian Ming, seems like they, they are all saying that… Wu Yu surpassed you in the last breath of time. From second place, he reached first place...." Yin Wu trembled in shock as he looked at his surroundings. Most of the mystical dragons who had just exited the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory were in a daze, but the rest of the mystical dragons were all very clear-minded and shocked after seeing the results.

"Is the Giant Purgatory Pillar mistaken?" Tian Zi and Lin Xiaoting walked over to Tian Ming's side in shock as well.

"It is not possible for Wu Yu to get first place. I nearly killed him previously. His strength is that of a 6-Xuan immortal at most," Lin Xiaoting said confidently.

Based on a 6-Xuan immortal’s strength, it was not possible to reach first place.

"But from their reactions, it seems like there is no mistake."

"I can see Wu Yu. He's there!" Yin Wu pointed at Wu Yu, who was standing within the crowd. For a moment, many mystical dragons heard Yin Wu's shout and started to look towards Wu Yu with doubtful eyes.

They were sure that the Giant Purgatory Pillar was mistaken.

Even Tian Ming thought so.

It was simple. They could determine if the Giant Purgatory Pillar was mistaken by looking at Wu Yu's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design.

At the moment, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, Tian Zi, Lin Xiaoting, and Yin Wu's Dragon Emperor Immortal Designs were the brightest. With one look, one would know that they had outstanding achievements!

At this time, many mystical dragons guessed that the Giant Purgatory Pillar was mistaken. They all looked towards Wu Yu's arm!

However, the faces of the Tian Ming Dragon Lord and the others started to become pale.

"This is not possible!" Yin Wu was on the verge of crying because he saw that the Dragon Emperor Immortal Design on Wu Yu's arm was indeed about the same strength as the Tian Ming Dragon Lord's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design. It was really stronger than his, Lin Xiaoting, and Tian Zi's Dragon Emperor Immortal Designs.

And it was even slightly stronger than the Tian Ming Dragon Lord's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design!

A mere immortal who had participated in a mystical dragon's trial had actually taken first place! This was explosive news to the whole mystical dragon tribe.

"I don't believe it!" Yin Wu was feeling so down and lost that he rushed towards Wu Yu. He probably wanted to check Wu Yu's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design himself. He had fallen into a state of madness.

"Don't be hasty." Tian Ming pulled him back. He glared at Wu Yu coldly and said, "Let's all keep quiet. Whether or not it's real, the Sky Will Dragon King will know."

Because at this time, the Sky Will Dragon King had already made a move and said to everyone, "Be quiet."

The Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield gradually quietened down.

However, many continued to stare at Wu Yu.

Wu Yu ignored their gazes. He looked towards the Primordial Immortal Empire's direction. At that side, all the mystical dragons were in high spirits, especially Wu Hao. He was smiling from ear to ear. Luo Pin was also smiling. After seeing Luo Pin's smile, Wu Yu calmed down a lot.

They were very satisfied with Wu Yu's performance.

Then Wu Yu glanced at the Sky Chariot Dragon King. That old fogie's face looked as if he ate shit. He looked very grim and glum.

It was no wonder Wu Hao was feeling so happy. Wu Yu's last minute performance in surpassing Tian Ming was like a big, tight slap to the Sky Chariot Dragon King's face. He had gotten humiliated and lost all his reputation in public, like a monkey that was being toyed around with.

This was also considered a retaliation to his rude remarks before.

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord had even thought of snatching Luo Pin away, so Wu Yu would definitely make him pay.

At this time, the Sky Will Dragon King said, "The Dragon Emperor's Purgatory Trial has ended. I'm very satisfied with everyone's performance in this one year. As for everyone's rankings, it is displayed clearly on the Giant Purgatory Pillar. For the next 9,000 years, funnel your cultivation resources to the mystical dragon youths. The quotas for the next Dragon Emperor's Purgatory Trial will be decided according to these rankings."

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord broke the silence and asked, "Sky Will Dragon King, could it be that there is a mistake regarding the rankings displayed on the Giant Purgatory Pillar? Or maybe there is something wrong with the Dragon Emperor Immortal Designs?"

It was illogical to him for Wu Yu's Dragon Emperor Immortal Design to be that powerful, as Wu Yu had no such strength at all.

Unexpectedly, the Sky Will Dragon King rebutted his questions in front of everyone. "If you doubt the Giant Purgatory Pillar and the Dragon Emperor Immortal Designs, it means that you are suspecting me and the two revered dragons of the council's abilities and fairness. Do you think that the Giant Purgatory Pillar would ever be mistaken?"

The purpose of those two revered dragons hosting the trial was to ensure fairness!

What's more, almost the whole Sky Heart Tribe was under the control of the Sky Will Dragon King, his brother, and his sister. Even if the results were biased, it would only be unfair towards Wu Yu and the rest, and beneficial for the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.

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