Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1313: Relentless Bombardmen

Chapter 1313: Relentless Bombardmen

It was as though the golden ape had vanished, and in its place, a supreme, killing, titanic beast seething with killing intent emerging out of the blue. In comparison, they had completely different dispositions.

The former was ferocious, tyrannical, and rebellious, while the latter was eerie, gruesome, and mysterious.

When the Tian Ming Dragon Lord saw Wu Yu's new form in his Realm of Fate, he was stumped for a moment. He was intimidated by the savage aura at that moment.

Regardless, he was an ultimate mystical dragon!

"I don't care what devilish form you take! You would still die!" Anger exploded from the core of the Tian Ming Dragon Lord as boundless power surged forth.

Many mystical dragons, including the dragon kings and dragon lords, couldn't believe the transformation that Wu Yu had undergone.

"What is that...."

While doubts clouded them, Wu Yu descended from the sky and clashed intensely with the Tian Ming Dragon Lord once again.

Or rather, this was Wu Yu's first counterattack. When he took his current form and black flames blazed on him, he had undergone a metamorphosis and was no longer the same as before.

"Regardless of your various tricks, you are nothing more than a contemptible clown in the face of absolute strength," the Tian Ming Dragon Lord scoffed.

While Wu Yu was charging downwards, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord threw his power of the world at him and manipulated his destinable immortal treasure, the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons.

At this point, the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons flipped once again. A majestic city with the top facing upwards went crashing towards Wu Yu.

"Fissuring Sky Sword!"

Under the control of the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, 10,000 dazzling sword lights burst forth from the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons before fusing into a razor-sharp, colossal sword with the outline of the entire City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons. It soared towards the sky, locked on to Wu Yu, and lunged forward!

This move would definitely impress many senior dragon lords. When they were still 1-realm immortal lords, they definitely didn't possess destinable immortal treasures and couldn’t unleash such a destructive force.

"Can Wu Yu handle it? Or will he flee again?" At that split second, many people had this thought in mind. This was because before the current moment, Wu Yu could be said to have been running desperately for his life under the suppression of the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.

This instant passed swiftly!

Whoosh, whoosh!

That colossal sword was frightfully quick. Wherever it went, even the space of the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm was cleaved apart.

However, the crowd was surprised to see Wu Yu, who was blazing in black flames, showing zero fear.

He continued in his path to meet that colossal sword!

They couldn't believe how big his guts were!

And what happened subsequently was beyond their mental acuity! Before the watchful eyes of the crowd, the giant body suddenly spread into a black vortex!

That black vortex was exceptionally huge. The next instant, the colossal sword of the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons plunged into the middle of the vortex.

However, it didn't emerge from the other end of the vortex. Instead, it was as though the sword had crashed onto a fast-rotating grinder, creating ear-piercing, grating sounds!

The ear-piercing, grating sounds were unbearable for countless Xuan immortals present, and even the dragon lords furrowed their brows!

Dazzling sparkles scattered in all directions!

"How is that possible!?"

The crowd could see the colossal sword getting shorter and shorter, as though it was being worn off by a grinder. After roughly three breaths of time, the colossal sword shattered and was devoured by the black vortex!

Soon after, the black vortex spun in the opposite direction and accelerated swiftly. Following a loud boom, the mystical dragons were shocked to see a colossal, black sword shooting out of the vortex and the vortex reverting into the black, titanic beast ablaze in flames!

The colossal sword that shot out was larger and quicker than before. Before anyone could react, it struck the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons!


Countless buildings were destroyed and the floating city started to tilt under the impact! The Tian Ming Dragon Lord, who was below the city, was stunned. His City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons had never sustained such severe damage!

However, this wasn't the moment for him to lose his focus. The black titanic beast was still descending like a comet, crossing the tilted City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons with the Luminary Celestial Dragon Mantra Sword in his hand. Within a split second, he arrived in front of the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, and 10,000 swords came slashing down!

"Power of the realm, block!"

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord was still reeling in disbelief, but he still incited the power of the realm in a hurry to stop Wu Yu.

"Violent Art!"

Wu Yu was immolating to boost his own strength to the limit. Together with the Violent Art, his arms grew unusually huge!

The Luminary Celestial Dragon Mantra Sword clashed with the power of the realm once again! This time, Wu Yu shredded the power of the realm with absolute strength.

Finally, he got to clash with the Tian Ming Dragon Lord directly!

"What!?" The Tian Ming Dragon Lord's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight of Wu Yu's incredible strength. This time, Wu Yu ripped through his power of the world and stood right in front of him.

"Immortal Cloud Field!"

Wu Yu finally found the opportunity. While the Tian Ming Dragon Lord was still gathering the power of the realm to protect himself, Wu Yu released his Immortal Cloud Field. Although this wasn't his autonomous realm, the Immortal Cloud Field had its own amazing aspects!

The Primordial Divine Dragon was stuck within the swamp instantly, while Wu Yu could still move freely through his Fulgurating Shadows!

From above, the Sky Chariot Dragon King shouted, "Run, now!" The group was initially at ease. However, when the blazing, black, titanic beast showed up, the expression of the Sky Chariot Dragon King changed. He was probably even more anxious than Tian Ming and couldn't hold himself back from warning him.

Wu Yu's swift and powerful movements had impressed most of the dragon kings and dragon lords by now. Even Wu Jun understood why Wu Yu was confident in clinching first.

When they saw Wu Yu trap Tian Ming with the Immortal Cloud Field, the mystical dragons burst into an uproar. Wu Yu's counterattack to rip through the power of the realm before using the Immortal Cloud Field, the apt use of various mystiques, and his elite mental qualities were coordinated perfectly.

After putting in so much effort to trap Tian Ming, there was no way he would let him escape! When the power of the realm surrounded Tian Ming again, Wu Yu would have few chances to land his attacks again.

Moreover, Wu Yu was using Immolate. There would be a definite end to it. Once Immolate ended, he definitely wouldn't be able to defeat the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.


While the Tian Ming Dragon Lord was gathering his power of the realm frantically to push aside the Immortal Cloud Field, Wu Yu showed up next to him. The domineering Primordial Divine Dragon and Wu Yu's Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast form faced off directly in close distance!

"Your doom...." Seeing Wu Yu's ferocious side, the Primordial Divine Dragon got a little anxious. Fortunately, he had gathered sufficient power of the realm to push the surrounding Immortal Cloud Field away slightly and could counter Wu Yu right away!

At that split second, Wu Yu darted towards him. With his Fulgurating Shadows, he came behind the Primordial Divine Dragon and grabbed his tail with his huge and thick arms!

As an immortal beast, Tian Ming had always beens using mystiques and immortal techniques rather than close quarters combat. Clashes with physical strength had long been eliminated. If others did the same, the Primordial Divine Dragon could easily throw them out with his power of the realm.

However, the one grabbing his tail was Wu Yu, who had insane physical strength. After the first wave of impact from his power of the realm, Wu Yu didn't loosen his grip at all.


The Primordial Divine Dragon struggled furiously while culminating the second wave of attack. The City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons had also stabilized and countless sword blades were locked on to Wu Yu.

"I'm smashing you into pulp!" Tian Ming naturally felt he was shamed.

"Are you?" Wu Yu smirked. This was a sign of danger!

Immediately after, the mystical dragons saw something they couldn't believe!

Dragging the dragon tail, Wu Yu swung the Primordial Divine Dragon around with his insane physical strength before smashing him ruthlessly on the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield!


Amidst the loud boom were the sounds of bones cracking and flesh smashing! Blood was scattered everywhere!

There was nothing spectacular about the Dragon and Elephant Prajna Buddha Body other than its enormous strength, which was greater than the combination of the dragon and elephant. Each molecule of Wu Yu’s body now had eight mystical dragons and eight giant elephants!

The surface of the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield was close to shattering!

Even the land around it was shaking.

As for the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, he mourned tragically. He had never imagined Wu Yu would use such primitive ways to attack him!

This throw had humiliated him completely and knocked him fuzzy.

"Go and die!" Countless sword shadows bombarded Wu Yu from the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons under his control.

"Oh?" Wu Yu gave a cold smile. What was coming up next would be the true craziness! As though he was possessed, he grabbed Tian Ming’s tail tightly and smashed him ferociously on the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield in quick succession!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Within a second, he smashed Tian Ming at least seven or eight times. Blood-curdling screeches came from the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, and even his scales had ruptured, his horn was chipped, and he even lost several teeth. In this state, he couldn't even control the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons, let alone the power of the realm.

The sword qi lost their target and plowed into the Dragon Emperor's Supreme Battlefield.

"Is this enough? You want another round?" Wu Yu laughed heartily and smashed several more times. The sounds of bone cracking were uncomfortably ear-piercing. At this point, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord could only mourn in pain and probably wanted to beg for mercy.

The change to this battle had come too abruptly. Moments ago, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord had the absolute upper hand and was toying with Wu Yu. However, this changed drastically soon after, to the point that the Tian Ming Dragon Lord was being tragically smashed around by Wu Yu - and it had only been a few moments. People were still praising the Tian Ming Dragon Lord when they saw him lying tragically before Wu Yu, foaming at the mouth and twitching.

Many people couldn't react to this. Almost all mystical dragons, including Wu Jun and the others, had stiff expressions. Watching the changes on the battlefield, they hadn't reacted. Gasps of exasperation and surprise could be heard frequently.

Wu Yu, with a foot on the Tian Ming Dragon Lord's head, turned towards the Sky Will Dragon King and said, "Dragon King, it's time to announce the outcome of the battle."

Before this, it was dead silent for at least ten breaths of time.

Even the Sky Chariot Dragon King didn't utter a word.

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