Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1314: Decisions of Dignity

Chapter 1314: Decisions of Dignity

"Uncle, you better protect him, or the Sky Chariot Dragon King might do something out of anger," Luo Pin said to Wu Jun urgently.

"Oh, yes." Wu Jun was still a little distracted, but he grasped the truth of what Luo Pin was saying. Therefore, the moment Wu Yu finished speaking to the Sky Will Dragon King, he immediately moved, using an immortal technique to create a halo of light around Wu Yu. He protected him, and dragged him away from the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.

Wu Yu turned back. He knew that Wu Jun was protecting him. His heart warmed.

At least in this battle, there were still those who remembered to protect him.

Free of Wu Yu's control, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord finally tottered to his feet, but his heavy wounds laid him low again. He collapsed to the floor, looking at Wu Yu with desperate eyes.

"Sorry, you might have to wait another 9,000 years." Wu Yu smiled at him. He had already changed back from his Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast form to human form. The battle was already over.

Although he had immolated quite a lot of energy, he had defeated the Tian Ming Dragon Lord. He might not even be able to fight a 9-xuan immortal now, but it was worth it.


The Tian Ming Dragon Lord could not understand. But reality was reality, whether he accepted it or not.

"Wa!" He suddenly howled, his red eyes fixed in a dead stare at Wu Yu.

"I will kill you! I will kill you!" He continued to rave. His ramblings showed the depth of his hatred for Wu Yu.

But even so, a loss was a loss.

"I have never been afraid of any who lost to me," Wu Yu said indifferently.

The other dragon kings and dragon lords were extremely unsatisfied with this. As the mystical dragon tribe, they would naturally feel a little ashamed. But they knew that the most furious of them was the Sky Chariot Dragon King.

But Wu Jun had already protected Wu Yu.


Suddenly, the Sky Chariot Dragon King appeared by Tian Ming's side. If not for Wu Jun's protection, the force of his anger alone might have killed Wu Yu. For safety reasons, Wu Jun immediately pulled Wu Yu back to his side after the Sky Chariot Dragon King moved. This way, the Sky Chariot Dragon King would be unable to touch Wu Yu.

After all, he had to respect the fair outcome of this battle.

"Father, I have disgraced you. I will take my life in apology!" After the battle, Tian Ming, in his despair, could think of nothing but suicide.

"Fool!" The Sky Chariot Dragon King stopped him. Of course, he would not let his own son die.

He lifted his head to Wu Jun, Wu Hao, and Wu Yu, saying, "Today, we were shamed. One day, I will pay it back to you tenfold! Wu Jun, Wu Hao, Ye Qianning, Wu Yu, none of you will be able to hide from me!"

Each word of his was filled with towering anger. He had probably never dreamed that the puny Primordial Immortal Empire would be able to grate his ego this way!

His son had waited and prepared for 9,000 years!

It was all wasted!

Wu Jun did not back down, "Sky Chariot Dragon King, you’d better watch your attitude. Firstly, Wu Yu won the battle fairly, triumphing over Tian Ming. This is no shame. The stronger fighter should take the win. By your words, anyone who takes the win has disgraced you? Is the championship already yours by default? Secondly, we have all seen that the one who fought to kill at every turn was the Tian Ming Dragon Lord, whereas Wu Yu did not truly fight to kill."

Wu Hao smiled as well. "tSky Chariot Dragon King, don't overthink it. The Primordial Immortal Empire is very small. Would we dare to humiliate you? If we met you, we’d only dare to run and hide. This time, a member of the Primordial Immortal Empire defeated Tian Ming. I think you had better check your attitude, or others will think that you are a sore loser."

Wu Hao had returned all of the humiliation back to him. No man would be able to listen to the taunts of the Sky Chariot Dragon King and feel fine.

Actually, Wu Yu had not aggravated the conflict. Given the Sky Chariot Dragon King and Wu Hao's enmity, he would definitely always find trouble for Wu Yu. He could only do his best to win back some pride for Wu Hao.

Listening to the brothers, the Sky Chariot Dragon King could only smile. "Very well. I have remembered all of this. There will be days to come. Let us see."

He took his own son back to the Sky Chariot Empire's area to treat his wounds. When they returned, the juniors all crowded forth. Even Tian Zi was not as badly injured as the Tian Ming Dragon Lord. They were all in shock - no one could believe that Tian Ming had actually lost. He had waited 9,000 years, and everyone felt that first place was a given. But now it had actually gone to Wu Yu.

Until now, many of the dragon kings had remained silent, unsure of what to say.

Perhaps only the Primordial Immortal Empire was in high spirits, vilified. Of course, there were also some dragon kings who knew that the Primordial Immortal Empire would be in for a tough time from now on, because a vengeful Sky Chariot Dragon King was still a force to be reckoned with. He was the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor's son, and there was nothing he could not do....

They had not yet left, because the Sky Will Dragon King had yet to make an official announcement.

At this time, everyone was looking at him, and the Sky Will Dragon King himself was still reeling as well. However, he was a little more composed than the Sky Chariot Dragon King, and finally said, "Everyone has seen it clearly as well. The Primordial Immortal Empire's Wu Yu has indeed defeated the Sky Chariot Empire's Tian Ming. The victory is clear. I will announce it.

"In this iteration of the Dragon Emperor Purgatory, the winner is the Primordial Immortal Empire’s Wu Yu!"

At such a time, there should have been many cheers; however, Wu Yu was an immortal, so the cheers were virtually non-existent.

Next were the prizes.

Wu Yu had fought very hard, all for the Floating Dreams Sword.

The prizes began from 10th place. All of the prizes were in Sumeru Pouches. Of course, these were ancient immortal treasure-level Sumeru Pouches, so they were very spacious.

"Sixth place, Azure Ginger Empire, Jiang Yan. Besides your prizes, you are allowed to cultivate for 500 years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn.

"Fifth place, Sky Chariot Empire, Yin Wu. Besides your prizes, you are allowed to cultivate for 1,000 years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn."

And then it was fourth place, Lin Xiaoting. His prizes were also in the Sumeru Pouch, and he was allowed to cultivate for 1,000 years in Tower of Dragon's Dawn. Although he had won a prize, Lin Xiaoting could not muster any happiness.

Third place was naturally Tian Zi. She was allowed to cultivate for 2,000 years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn. She was in third place, slightly below what she expected.

"Second place, Sky Chariot Empire, Tian Ming. Besides your prizes, you are allowed to cultivate for 4,000 years in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn."

4,000 years was enough for many to salivate over, but to Tian Ming, it was salt in his wounds. It was an insult, because he had also won 4,000 years before, but he had given up on it, choosing to wait 9,000 years so that he could have 10,000 years.

But now he had failed again, and this was even more painful. He had lost to Wu Yu, an immortal that he had not even taken seriously.

And before everyone as well.

Finally, it was first place. Everyone was actually waiting to see what the Sky Will Dragon King would decide.

In his hand, he held the final Sumeru Pouch. Wu Yu was an immortal. Although he had the Immortal Dragon Imperial Decree, he was not a mystical dragon. The Floating Dreams Sword with 5 billion spirit designs - would it be given to Wu Yu?

Bated breath.

They waited....

Actually, many were unwilling to see Wu Yu take the prize. But rules were rules. What would the Sky Will Dragon King do?

He gave the Sumeru Pouch a gentle shake and then placed it in Wu Yu's hand.

"He gave it to him!" There were exclamations of resentment. It represented the glory that Tian Ming had dreamed of.

Therefore, many of the mystical dragons were looking sour. But the Tower of Dragon's Dawn cultivation....

The Sky Will Dragon King said, "This is the prize of the champion. The champion should also have the chance to cultivate in Tower of Dragon's Dawn for 10,000 years. However, the mystical dragon tribe has decreed that only mystical dragons can enter Tower of Dragon's Dawn to cultivate. Therefore, I cannot give you the chance to cultivate for 10,000 years. Besides, it would not be of use to you. Wu Yu, do you understand?"

Wu Yu had actually foreseen this. Besides, he was not bent on these 10,000 years either. He could improve very quickly in 10,000 years outside as well.

However, he still feigned some regret, and said, "I understand. But I wish to ask the Sky Will Dragon King something. I was wondering if I can be allowed to transfer this opportunity to cultivate for 10,000 years to Luo Pin? She is a Primordial Immortal Dragon, so her future is bright."

Wu Yu had already thought of this a while ago.

But the Sky Will Dragon King shook his head. "No, our tribe has decreed that this opportunity can only be taken for yourself. It cannot be gifted. Otherwise, it would be chaos."

Wu Yu had anticipated this. He had simply given it a try.

At this time, the Deep Dreams Empire’s dragon queen suddenly stood up. "The nine great tribes have always had someone who could cultivate for 10,000 years after each trial. This time, it is the Sky Heart Tribe's turn. If we left the 10,000 years empty, that would be very unfair to us. Those that cultivate in the Tower of Dragon's Dawn will definitely be our future pillars of strength. Therefore, I suggest that we should not disadvantage ourselves. We should push the cultivation opportunity backwards. Tian Ming will get 10,000 years, Tian Zi will get 4,000, and so on. The 11th place on the Giant Purgatory Pillar will get 500 years of cultivation. The prizes will not change."

This suggestion benefited many. Therefore, many of the Hundred Empire Dragon Kings spoke up in assent, supporting the Deep Dreams Empire’s dragon queen's view. Even Tian Ming's eyes lit up at this suggestion.

"Deep Dreams Empire Dragon Queen, your thinking is wise. Big Brother, what do you think?" The Sky Chariot Dragon King seemed to take this in his stride. Perhaps he had even been the one who had spoken to the Deep Dreams Empire’s dragon queen.

The Sky Will Dragon King was silent.

This was an important decision, and it would also benefit his own child. Perhaps only the Primordial Immortal Empire would be unsatisfied with this decision. Wu Yu had defeated Tian Ming, and he did not wish for him to get the 10,000 years of cultivation.

All depended on the Sky Will Dragon King's decision.

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