Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1316: The Promise of an Immortal King

Chapter 1316: The Promise of an Immortal King

This was proof that there was a precedent of marriage between other immortal beasts with the mystical dragon tribe.

Moreover, this precedent was rather well-known.

The Empyrean Revered Dragon and the Fire Mark Revered Dragon didn't have a negative view of Wu Yu. They were simply following the rules and had the face of the mystical dragon tribe as their first priority.

Therefore, to prevent the relationship between Wu Yu and Luo Pin from getting deeper, they wanted to revoke his Immortal Dragon Imperial Decree and force Wu Yu to leave this place. The best scenario was to stop them from ever meeting again.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King and others were extremely gratified at this decision.

Even though the mystical dragon tribe had no intention to offend the immortal behind Wu Yu, their pride and confidence were still extremely strong. Chasing Wu Yu off was indeed the best decision for them.

Doing so wouldn't offend that immortal and would still preserve the tradition of the mystical dragon tribe.

After all, Luo Pin was an ultimate mystical dragon with a bright and limitless future ahead.

When Ye Qianning raised the query, the two revered dragons were stumped for a moment. This was because they had almost forgotten about the precedent.

Ye Qianning said respectfully, "Since there is a precedent and Wu Yu similarly has a bright future ahead and is willing to serve our Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, we hope both the revered dragons would grant them their wish."

Wu Yu was really grateful. He needed someone who had a little more weight to speak up for him at this point.

The two revered dragons didn't say a word but were discussing. They were probably thinking of a more rounded way to send Wu Yu out of this place.

At this point, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord had recovered slightly. He mocked, "The Dark Wing Phoenix King was an Immortal King-class immortal beast. Only those at that level who are willing to serve our Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm would qualify to be with our mystical dragon tribe! What is Wu Yu?"


The crowd burst into laughter.

One was a true and true Immortal King, while the other was just a xuan immortal from the mortal domain. Even though Wu Yu had performed outstandingly, he still couldn't be compared with an Immortal King.

It was his words that had given the Empyrean Revered Dragon a plan. The Empyrean Revered Dragon said, "If both of them are in love, share the same dreams, and destiny has brought them together, it isn't entirely impossible. However, they still can't break the rules of our mystical dragon tribe. Therefore, Wu Yu, you still have to leave our Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm because you are an immortal beast. However...."

He paused for a moment to keep Wu Yu on tenterhooks. After a brief moment, he continued, "If there's a day you become an Immortal King like the Dark Wing Phoenix King and are willing to serve our Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm with your strength, I believe no one, including us, other revered dragons, or even the Nine Great Dragon Emperors would stop you." The precedent with the Dark Wing Phoenix King was now raised. Previously, the two revered dragons had claimed that there was no precedent. Now that it was shown otherwise, they couldn't act too haughtily and make Wu Yu resent them. The truth was, they weren't too concerned about Wu Yu resenting them, they were worried that the immortal behind Wu Yu was too powerful and would see this as the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm making things difficult for Wu Yu. To eradicate future problems, they came up with this plan. It wouldn't push him into taking desperate action if all opportunities were completely cut off.

That was if Wu Yu had the strength equivalent to an Immortal King, they would allow him to marry Luo Pin.

The Great Void Immortal Realm wasn't easy to reach. For example, Wu Hao and the rest had taken at least three yuans to reach this realm. Even 300,000 years was considered quick.

If Wu Yu wanted to marry Luo Pin, he could come back in hundreds of thousands of years.

This was roughly their intention.

During this long period, many things could have changed. For example, teenagers might fall in love with others, Luo Pin might be attracted to another young mystical dragon, or perhaps Wu Yu might be killed when moving around. Therefore, the Empyrean Revered Dragon and the Fire Mark Revered Dragon thought their plan was perfect.

"In fact, we can give you our promise now. If you secure a Mark of an Immortal King and become an Immortal King, we will host your wedding within the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm personally for you. However, before you secure this, don't step into the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm and break our rules," the Empyrean Revered Dragon said.

Clearly, he had agreed to this because he assumed that this would at least be several tens of thousands of years from now. Moreover, the path to becoming an Immortal King was fraught with obstacles. Wu Yu might never attain that level. Through the long river of time, changes could be drastic. Perhaps both of them would forget about each other by then.

This response was so apt that even the Sky Chariot Dragon King and the rest couldn't hide their smirks. They were glad that the Empyrean Revered Dragon was their uncle and covered all grounds without exception when dealing with the matter. Once Wu Yu left the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, Tian Ming would have countless opportunities over the tens of thousands of years.

The Empyrean Revered Dragon was the biological younger brother of the Sky Heart Dragon Emperor.

The truth was, if Wu Yu had not inherited a legacy from an immortal that was very likely at the Eternal Immortal Emperor, they might’ve just hurled Wu Yu, the "immortal beast,” out of this place. The arrogance of the mystical dragon tribe wouldn't allow them to accept other immortal beasts loitering in their territory.

Hearing this decision, Ye Qianning furrowed her brows. She said, "Revered dragons, this decision is too brutal for both of them. Becoming an Immortal King will take endless years. Even hundreds of thousands of years wouldn't be unexpected. This...."

At this point, Wu Yu stood beside her and whispered to her to stop speaking. He understood that this "judgment" was extremely daunting. If he wanted to be with Luo Pin openly and fearlessly, or even have the wedding in the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, it might not be a hopeless dream, and it might not take too long.

Therefore, he surprised everyone's expectations. He turned to the two revered dragons and said, "I'm thankful to the two revered dragons for giving me this opportunity. Regarding the request, I will work hard to achieve it once I leave the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm. On the day I succeed and return to the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm, I hope both revered dragons will honor the promise. All the dragon kings and dragon lords present today shall be my witnesses!"

An uproar erupted. Wu Yu was really an ignorant brat. The two revered dragons had clearly given him a goal that would take such a long time that everything could change. Yet he had agreed to it so readily! Was he doing so on impulse?

This was like contending with the two revered dragons on account of a personal grudge!

"He's still too young and impulsive after all! Old ginger is still spicier than new. In that case, Wu Yu doesn't have much hope."

"You are right. Too many things can change in hundreds of thousands of years. Even the most outstanding immortals might not become Immortal Kings."

If Wu Yu was second and hadn't shined so brightly that he had embarrassed the mystical dragons, there might not have been as many people picking on him.

On the side of the Three Great Empires, Tian Zi, Lin Xiaoting, and Tian Ming had gathered together. At this point, they exchanged glances and smiled.

"Who would have thought that he was so easy to fool. How dumb is he?" Tian Zi said.

"Hehe." Tian Ming scoffed. He had other thoughts in mind.

The Sky Chariot Dragon King said, "That brat is too lucky and therefore a little dumb! Let him be. Great Void Immortal Realm? In hundreds of thousands of years, he might not even remember ever visiting the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm."

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord shouted suddenly, "Wu Yu, I've underestimated you and was unlucky to lose to you today. Let's have a bet to see who will reach the Great Void Immortal Realm first!"

When the words resounded through the crowd, the contest on who could advance quicker in cultivation instantly piqued the interest of the crowd.

However, Wu Yu didn't even take a look at him. He simply smirked and didn't give a response. Perhaps on the day he became an Immortal King, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord might still be at his current cultivation level.

Wu Yu's arrogance infuriated the Tian Ming Dragon Lord once again. He could only say disdainfully, "You don't even have the guts to accept the challenge. In my eyes, you will never be able to return to the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm."

This was also the thought that the majority had. How hard was it to become an Immortal King and return to this place?

Regardless, Wu Yu wanted the two revered dragons to honor their promise. The Empyrean Revered Dragon agreed readily. "Words spoken are past recalling. We naturally will honor our words. However, there's another point to note. Even if you do become an Immortal King, if Luo Pin forgets about you, falls in love with someone else, marries someone else, or is no longer in love with you, we can't fulfill our end of the promise. After all, this is something that has to be mutual."

Wu Yu understood what he meant. They were certain that Luo Pin was still young and would forget about Wu Yu over the long period. However, when his eyes met Luo Pin's eyes, they could see incomparable determination. This was sufficient for Wu Yu to say with utmost confidence, "Revered dragons, you all can be assured that I will not force her."

Wu Yu would want to remain in the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm forever to be with her. However, destiny was playing tricks on him and he was being forced to leave this place now. He could only accept the arrangement. However, he believed it wouldn't be long until they met again.

To obtain the Mark of an Immortal King and become an Immortal King.

An Immortal King could control a level of heaven and possessed sufficient strength to rule a level of heaven! For example, the Green Lotus Immortal King.

On the Green Lotus Sky, various immortals were under the rule of the Green Lotus Immortal King. At that place, the Green Lotus Immortal King was the emperor of the Green Lotus Sky.

There was also the Golden Fate Dragon King, who ruled the Dragon Immortal Sky.

With that level of strength, one was considered an elite existence throughout the sky palaces! Throughout the Heavenly Domain, one would probably be among the 10,000 greatest immortals!

Moreover, from the words of the revered dragons, they hadn't mentioned entering the Great Void Immortal Realm. All they said was getting the Mark of an Immortal King and becoming an Immortal King.

An Immortal King would also have an official title.

Once one got a title, it wouldn't matter if he was at the Great Void Immortal Realm. As long as he had fighting strength equivalent to those in the Great Void Immortal Realm, he would be considered an Immortal King!

Therefore, Wu Yu wouldn't even have to enter the Great Void Immortal Realm before he could return.

The Empyrean Revered Dragon said, "In that case, the promise is sealed. I'll give you five days to bid your farewell. Wu Jun, remember to revoke his Immortal Dragon Imperial Decree. This Dragon Emperor Purgatory Trial has ended, everyone may go back."

Wu Jun nodded.

"Farewell, revered dragons!"

The dragon kings and dragon lords chanted in unison. When they lifted their heads, the two revered dragons had already left.

Wu Jun had some doubts in mind, so he didn't waste time loitering around. He gathered his people and set off on the return trip.

"Wu Yu!"

From the direction of the Sky Chariot Empire, the Tian Ming Dragon Lord shouted once again. This drew the attention of the crowd.

Wu Yu turned around and looked at him nonchalantly.

The Tian Ming Dragon Lord smirked and said, "I wish you good luck on dragging your old body back here after countless years and becoming an Immortal King. When that day comes, I'll send you to hell!"

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