Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1317: Immortal King Supreme Palace

Chapter 1317: Immortal King Supreme Palace

"I'm afraid you won't live till then." Wu Yu was lazy to speak to someone he had defeated.

The changes that took place throughout the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory Trial were too huge. Wu Yu getting chased away after he was crowned the champion was seen by many as extreme joy turning into sorrow.

Therefore, the mystical dragons from the Primordial Immortal Empire didn't know if they should be satisfied. Similar to Wu Hao, they felt gloomy.

Having come to this outcome, Wu Yu went to talk with Luo Pin first.

He couldn't go against the will of the revered dragons. Furthermore, he knew that if it wasn't for the "immortal behind him," those two revered dragons wouldn't have been so courteous with him.

Therefore, he didn't hold much bargaining rights.

Making the two revered dragons give their promise to not stop and even host the wedding personally for them was already a huge opportunity for Wu Yu.

Luo Pin leaned against him while they held hands with their fingers locked.

Luo Pin looked at him gently and said, "This isn't that bad. Overall, this won't take too long for you. Moreover, the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm has limited land and is full of restrictions. Remaining here wouldn't do any good for your becoming stronger. Your improvements over the past seven years were way lower than what you gained in the one year in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory. Therefore, you are still best suited to roam the vast world outside. As for me, I'll continue being a dragon baby in the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm and cultivate in peace."

"But I can't bear to part with you...."

With such a beautiful and gentle lady with him, Wu Yu truly wanted to stick with her at all times and enjoy her presence.

"Fool, we aren't separated by death! We can always communicate through Immortal Message Talismans. Moreover, with your abilities, sneaking in shouldn't be an arduous task, right? Furthermore, becoming an Immortal King shouldn't be difficult for you either. When the time comes, even the two revered dragons will have to honor their promise. No one will stop us from being together ever again." Luo Pin knocked his head.

Just as she had said, if Wu Yu took the form of Ao Ding, who could possibly see through the Replicate ability of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast? Even if the revered dragons could, they couldn't possibly stay within the Primordial Immortal Empire for surveillance at all times!

Moreover, Immortal Message Talismans could reach the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm as well. Although they couldn't be together, communication at any time wouldn't be an issue.

To put it simply, although they had to be separated for some time, the impact wouldn't be that huge. Moreover, both of them would stand to gain from the separation. This outcome wasn't too bad.

Naturally, Wu Yu still abhorred the arrogance of the two revered dragons and the mystical dragons from the Three Great Empires that had constantly chimed in. It was especially so for the Sky Chariot Dragon King and the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.

Perhaps the Tian Ming Dragon Lord thought that he stood a chance.

He even wanted to compete with Wu Yu on cultivation speed. However, this was just his wishful thinking.

The current Wu Yu was almost ready to start preparing to secure a Mark of an Immortal King.

However, Wu Jun, Wu Hao, and Ye Qianning couldn't help but be worried for him.

Wu Jun asked, "They want to separate you guys for such a long time. Why aren't you afraid at all?"

"Yeah. Even we feel they have gone overboard." Ye Qianning was puzzled.

On the other hand, both of them looked rather relaxed.

Luo Pin answered, "Uncle and Adoptive Parents, you guys wouldn't have to worry. We understand what it means. Wu Yu is more suited to roam the outside world. Moreover, he has the means to visit me at any time. We can also keep in contact with Immortal Message Talismans. Let's just sit back and wait. It will definitely take a far shorter time for him to become an Immortal King than you guys expect."

Luo Pin had said this with conviction.

"Are you sure? Immortal King isn't that simple...." said Wu Hao.

Wu Yu nodded and said, "I'm certain. You guys don't have to worry. Since I dared to agree to it, I definitely have a solution in mind."

Wu Jun interrupted, "Did you just say you could sneak in at any time?"

Wu Yu nodded and said, "Did you guys forget that I entered this place without leaving a trace the very first time I was here? That is also a trick that I learned from my legacy."

As long as it concerned the immortal behind him, the trio would believe it.

Seeing Wu Yu and Luo Pin so confident, even though they felt worried, they were more at ease. The truth was, they also knew Wu Yu was someone that required adventures. Remaining in the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm wouldn't be suitable for him.

Moreover, their relationship didn't seem vulnerable to the passing of time at all.

Wu Yu had some queries in mind that he wanted to clarify with them while returning to the Primordial Immortal Empire.

When he was in the Dragon Emperor's Purgatory, he had devoured a number of immortals and mystical dragons. However, they were all at the Xuan Immortal Realm. Therefore, he didn't know much about the Great Void Immortal Realm.

What he knew was some ambiguous knowledge. For example, he knew that the Mark of an Immortal King was a type of elite great void immortal treasure!

Great void immortal treasures were above destinable immortal treasures, with at least one billion spirit designs. Wu Yu had experienced the might of a destinable immortal treasure. It wasn't at the same level as an ancient immortal treasure. Wu Yu experienced this with the City of 10,000 Swords and Dragons of the Tian Ming Dragon Lord.

"It seems like every 9-realm immortal lord has to use a great void immortal treasure-class treasure to serve as their Mark of an Immortal King. This allows them the qualifications to enter the Great Void Immortal Realm. Does one have to use it as a foundation and fuse it into one's body to reach the Great Void Immortal Realm?"

The Mark of an Immortal King seemed to be the foundation and core of the Great Void Immortal Realm.

Wu Jun answered, "You are right. Anyone who wishes to reach the Great Void Immortal Realm has to get a Mark of an Immortal King. The Mark of an Immortal King is strictly limited and different from other immortal treasures. Other immortal treasures only vanish if destroyed. However, a great void immortal treasure-class Mark of an Immortal King vanishes once it is used by the cultivator to ascend to the next cultivation level. To a certain extent, the speed of forging a Mark of an Immortal King determines the speed of birth of Immortal Kings throughout the entire sky palaces."

Wu Yu had never expected there to be such a strange cultivation level. At this moment, he didn't know much about the Great Void Immortal Realm. After all, he only had four immortal dao marks and was still blurry about the Immortal Lord Realm. He had lots of room to explore still.

Great void immortal treasures could be used for millions to even billions of years. However, there would be one fewer Mark of an Immortal King whenever someone became an Immortal King.

Therefore, they had to be constantly forged.

Wu Jun continued, "When one transfers his autonomous realm into the great void, the physical body won't be able to withstand it. One would need the one billion to 10 billion spirit designs in the Mark of an Immortal King to stabilize and fuse with the physical body so the physical body and one's autonomous realm can be transferred into the great void at the same time to form the structures of immortality. One could also say that the Mark of an Immortal King is the most important foundation for one to become an Immortal King. It determines which level one will reach and which heavenly order one will be in contact with. Therefore, there's a grading classification of Marks of an Immortal King.

"A First Grade Mark of an Immortal King has 1 billion spirit designs, while a Second Grade Mark of an Immortal King has 2 billion spirit designs, and so on till ninth grade, which has 9 billion spirit designs. The higher the tier, the further one will advance in the Great Void Immortal Realm and the stronger one will be. Since the Mark of an Immortal King can only be used once, the tier of the Mark of an Immortal King becomes extremely important. Typically speaking, an Immortal King that uses a First Grade Mark of an Immortal King won't advance far in the Great Void Immortal Realm. On the other hand, those that use sixth grade and above Marks of an Immortal King will have the chance to eventually reach the level of an Eternal Immortal Emperor. When the time comes, you have to remember not to just take anything that comes to you. You have to secure the best Mark of an Immortal King that you can get within your abilities."

Wu Yu understood. Although he didn't understand what he meant by transferring the autonomous world to the great void, he understood the portions about the Mark of an Immortal King being the foundation of the Great Void Immortal Realm and their tiering differences. He also understood that great void immortal treasures were extremely precious.

Most likely, it would be extremely difficult for one to obtain one.

He wanted a direction for his future, or at least know how to secure a Mark of an Immortal King. Therefore, he asked Wu Jun, "Where can I find a Mark of an Immortal King?"

Wu Jun answered, "Those who can forge Marks of an Immortal King in the sky palaces are least Eternal Immortal Emperors. In our mystical dragon tribe, there are several revered dragons and dragon emperors that can forge a Mark of an Immortal King, yet we are barely getting by. However, we don't have the most elite tiers.

"Only some frightening immortals' families and elite immortals could forge the best Mark of an Immortal King."

Throughout the 8,000 Sky Palaces, there aren't many who could forge Marks of an Immortal King. However, ordinary immortals still had the opportunity to get Marks of an Immortal King. This was because heavenly rules and restrictions were formed countless years ago. Some elite immortals would provide Mark of an Immortal Kings to a place known as the Immortal King Supreme Palace, which would then distribute them to various immortals. Naturally, the Immortal King Supreme Palace was also forging a large number of Marks of an Immortal King.

"Some elite immortals also forge a Marks of an Immortal King for their descendants and disciples directly.

"As for ordinary immortals, they can purchase Marks of an Immortal King at a hefty price if they are fortunate. However, these Marks of an Immortal King are often outrageously expensive and require several great void immortal treasures in exchange.

"There is also the possibility of finding one in ruins or as treasures left behind by some immortals. Those that find one are really, really lucky.

"As for the majority of ordinary immortals, they have to go through the selection in the Great Void Immortal Path with battles and competition to get Marks of an Immortal King from the sky palaces distributed through the Immortal King Supreme Palace. Marks of an Immortal King of this kind have a unique characteristic. The immortals that use these Marks of an Immortal King are crowned as Immortal Kings directly, are allocated territory, and become officials of the sky palaces. In our mystical dragon tribe, there are also many who serve the sky palaces. Therefore, it wouldn't clash with your objective to return to the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm.

"These four avenues are basically the most common. Among them, getting a Mark of an Immortal King through the Immortal King Supreme Palace makes up at least 95%. The Marks of an Immortal King that the three of us have were obtained through internal competition within the mystical dragon tribe. They were all forged by dragon emperors or revered dragons. You could say that this is similar to the elders of the family forging them for the descendants."

Wu Yu understood immediately.

He said, "Therefore, the most logical way for me to get a Mark of an Immortal King would be through the Immortal King Supreme Palace. That place represents the sky palaces, and the Jade Emperor distributes these Marks of an Immortal King. However, one has to go through the trials and competition to have the right to get one. Is the place of the trial and competition the Great Void Immortal Path?"

Wu Jun nodded and answered, "Whenever the Immortal King Supreme Palace opens up the Great Void Immortal Path, it is a grand event that stirs the blood of the sky palaces. Moreover, the most elite immortals could even get the best Marks of an Immortal King of at least seventh grade or even eighth grade!"

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