Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1333: 900 Swords of Cloud Immortal

Chapter 1333: 900 Swords of Cloud Immortal

He didn't believe Wu Yu could defeat a 2-realm immortal lord.

Perhaps Xu Zidong had mistaken someone as him.

Furthermore, it wasn't just him that had doubts about Wu Yu's strength.

After all, only descendants of those elite immortals would be able to fight someone above their cultivation level.

Over the recent days, Yun Mo had been bearing a grudge. It was especially gratifying when he thought he had something he could use against Wu Yu. However, he ended up receiving a lecture.

Before Wu Yu showed up, he had always been the receiver of care and concern in the team. However, because of the strange Wu Yu, he was now chided by his seniors.

From the beginning, his intuition was telling him Wu Yu wasn't simple.

Yet no one was willing to back him up on this.

This made him feel extremely indignant, and a grudge had been brewing in him.

Seeing his eight seniors joking and chatting with Wu Yu, coupled with his short-tempered personality, he couldn't hold back and asked for a match.

All of this was to vent his frustration and induce fear and respect into Wu Yu as he felt that Wu Yu had not been showing respect to him.

He was a junior and yet didn't show any deference!

"This man might very well be targeting my Immortal King Token!"

Yun Mo even thought about this. Otherwise, Wu Yu wouldn't be showing respect to all the others but not him.

When he asked for a match, the team was stumped.

Yang Wenlan interjected in a hurry and said, "Let's not go to that extent, or we will harm the harmony of the group."

Since he had spoken, Yun Mo definitely wouldn't back off. He said, "Big Sister Yang, are you afraid I will injure him? No worries. I know my limits myself."

The burly Jin Kaiwen remarked, "I don't think it's appropriate. There's nothing interesting about watching someone older bullying the young."

To him, it was clear that Yun Mo didn't know his mistakes and even wanted to suppress Wu Yu to prove his authority. This was action born from a fit of anger.

Yun Mo always had a bad temper. It was just that it became even more apparent with the appearance of Wu Yu.

Ye Yi and the rest also didn't feel that this was necessary. They knew Yun Mo just wanted to teach Wu Yu a lesson.

Xu Zidong smiled and said abruptly, "That's great. There's nothing bad about it. We are all brothers, and a sparring match couldn't be more ordinary. We have yet to see Wu Yu's true strength as well. You guys might doubt my appraisal that he's a genius. You guys will know better after this match."

"In that case, let's go with it. However, do it in Big Brother's Towering Sky Immortal City so we won't cause a huge commotion," Qin Chuan added.

Wu Yu believed Qin Chuan might not be too fond of Yun Mo. Therefore, his tone wasn't courteous when he spoke those words.

With Yun Mo targeting Wu Yu on multiple occasions, those elder brothers and sister were getting a little annoyed.

Since they had spoken and Yun Mo was constantly targeting him, Wu Yu wouldn't reject the request. Furthermore, he had just made huge improvements and wanted to find someone to practice on. This was like having an opponent sent to him! Furthermore, even if he lost, he wouldn't be embarrassed.

Truth be told, Wu Yu found this man’s attitude deplorable. People like him should be taught a lesson.

Wu Yu answered, "Since everyone is interested, I would like to seek guidance from Senior Yun Mo. I would hope Senior Yun Mo will show mercy to me."

Yun Mo had not expected Wu Yu to agree to it. This was exactly what he wanted! Since the beginning, he had always felt like Wu Yu was against him. Therefore, he smiled and said, "Relax. With our brothers and sister protecting you, I won't be able to harm you."

These words were extremely sarcastic.

Xu Zidong was the most interested in Wu Yu's strength. Without further ado, he took out his destinable immortal treasure, the Towering Sky Immortal City, placed it before everyone, and gestured to Wu Yu and Yun Mo to enter.

The Towering Sky Immortal City was a city immortal treasure forged as a destinable immortal treasure. Everything was similar to before. When Wu Yu entered the realm of the Towering Sky Immortal City, it felt just like entering an immortal city. Although it wasn't particularly huge, it was sufficient for a battle.

Yun Mo entered without hesitation, and both of them showed up within the Towering Sky Immortal City. As for the remaining eight people, they crowded at the four corners while watching the two miniscule people fighting.

"Boss, why would you agree to this? Yun Mo definitely won't show mercy." Yang Wenlan was still a little worried.

Xu Zidong answered, "Just watch. Since Wu Yu dared to come to the Sublime Gracious Sky, I refuse to believe his target isn't an Immortal King Token."

"How can that be? He's still a xuan immortal."

"He's capable and reckless. It's normal for him to wish to wander the world. Moreover, the Great Void Immortal Path is indeed a great opportunity for trials. Therefore, he wishes to join us and move around with us. In a way, this is a trial for him to temper himself and is probably his objective." Xu Zidong shared his conjecture.

"He must be really reckless, then!"

Xu Zidong said, "Therefore, my guess is that he is pretty strong. The previous time, I saw his destinable immortal treasures. He has two types, but they are clearly from the same immortal. A sword and a tower, and both treasures are of extremely high grade. The sword is slightly inferior but is still better than my Towering Sky Immortal City. Moreover, he has multiple abilities to keep himself safe. What does this mean?"

Qin Chuan said, "I understand. This means that he's probably a lineal disciple of a certain immortal king and even more fortunate than us."

It was then that the rest understood.

"Obviously, it could also be that he has inherited the legacy of a certain elite existence. Regardless, if this is true, his future is still limitless. We shouldn't harbor thoughts of harming others. We have been in the sky palaces for a long time and know that certain things just don't belong to us, so we shouldn't try to force our way. Otherwise, we might draw more than just life endangering experiences to ourselves. Wu Yu is a pretty nice person. If we can become brothers or friends, that would be best. And I'm pretty fond of him. He's calm, has a good temper, and is patient." Xu Zidong continued speaking for some time.

"But we don't have an additional Immortal King Token for him," Qing Yuli said.

Xu Zidong smiled and said, "That will be dependent on him. It is too hard to find an Immortal King Token. I believe he won't stick around for long - he will head out to search for an Immortal King Token himself. When the time comes, let's help when we are able to."

Yang Wenlan shook her head helplessly and said, "That's easier said than done. We might not even be able to protect our own Immortal King Tokens."

"Therefore, let's see what his plans are," said Xu Zidong.

"Wu Yu is pretty good, but Yun Mo is a little too ignorant and lacks discipline. He has been with us for so long and yet hasn't changed at all. With his temper, it is only a matter of time before he will suffer," Qin Chuan commented.

When he spoke of Yun Mo, the rest shook their heads. It was alright in the past. However, his mental state hadn't steady after arriving in the Sublime Gracious Sky. Their team wasn't that strong, but they had nine Immortal King Tokens. One could only say they were very lucky.

At this point, the battle had broken out in the Towering Sky Immortal City.

Yun Mo had his Realm of Ink Clouds circling him and had also summoned his destinable immortal treasure, the 900 Swords of Cloud Immortal. With the power of his realm, he controlled 900 white blades dancing around him.

As the Realm of Ink Clouds extended, gloomy clouds engulfed the swords instantly! This was the complete opposite from Wu Yu's Somersault Cloud!

Tumultuous clouds filled the city with black lightning blitzing in between like poisonous snakes. It was hard to determine if they were real. What was more frightening was that he had hidden his 900 swords within the Realm of Ink Clouds.

All of a sudden, murderous intent surged forth.

Yun Mo scoffed, "Don't assume I'm not aware of your motives. They can't see through you, but I can! You are eyeing our Immortal King Tokens, and I'll make you pay the price eventually. For today, I'll be collecting some interest first!"

"Senior Yun Mo, you have misunderstood me. This isn't necessary." Wu Yu was helpless. However, since the other party wanted him dead, he had never been afraid of anyone in a battle.

First, he used the Immortal Ape Transformation, which greatly enhanced his physical strength, and followed that up with the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth. Within the Towering Sky Immortal City, he became a colossal, golden immortal ape!

In his hands were the Floating Dreams Sword and the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

Although the Realm of Ink Clouds’ power was still humongous, that person was no different from an ant before Wu Yu.

"What is this ability?"

"His physical body has undergone a dreadful strengthening."

Outside the city, the eight of them exchanged glances and started to believe what Xu Zidong had said. Wu Yu had indeed inherited an elite legacy. Otherwise, even his Heaven Dao Mystique wouldn't be so mystical.

They also saw Wu Yu's destinable immortal treasures and were shocked by them.


Yun Mo controlled the power of the realm to bring endless tumultuous clouds onto Wu Yu. At the same instant, the 900 Swords of Cloud Immortal carried intense lightning bolts within the Realm of Ink Clouds to overwhelm Wu Yu!


He wanted to deal Wu Yu severe injuries at once!

After all, he knew Xu Zidong would definitely save Wu Yu, so he wouldn't hold back at all!

He wanted Wu Yu to experience true fear!

Wu Yu's eyes were blood-red.

Time warp!

When the Floating Dreams Pagoda was used, the surrounding world was plunged into time disarray. Everything within the Realm of Ink Clouds became distorted, including the swords and the lightning. It was as though the entire realm had broken off from Yun Mo's control, distorted and on the brink of shattering. For Wu Yu, an attack like this would be filled with endless openings!


Using Fulgurating Shadows, Wu Yu appeared behind Yun Mo.

"Meteoric Mirror!"

This was a higher tier of the Eyes of Fire and Gold. All of a sudden, Wu Yu's eyes turned into flaming mirrors. As the image was cast, two gigantic mirrors blazing in flames formed in front of Yun Mo.

Ting, ting, ting!

Countless hexagonal flaming mirrors joined together to create a giant sphere to trap Yun Mo.

Yun Mo was still reeling in shock from the distortions of time when countless golden mirrors entrapped him. Flames flickered, and all of a sudden, all the mirrors exploded. Countless pieces of golden shrapnel rained down while the golden flames devoured Yun Mo!

Yun Mo resisted stubbornly with his Realm of Ink Clouds. However, under the distortion of time, there were still numerous openings. As the power of Meteoric Mirror swept violently across, numerous lacerations tore his body!

"Great Fissure Qian Kun Design!"

At this moment, Wu Yu showed up in the air. Where his sword ripped through, the space shattered. Just as the opening was about to reach Yun Mo’s head and was about to split him into two halves, Wu Yu stopped abruptly.

The battle had ended. Yun Mo froze and his body was covered in wounds and cold sweat. Beyond the Towering Sky Immortal City, the eight of them exchanged glances and could see the surprise and amazement in one another's faces.

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