Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1334: Killing Intent of the Immortal King

Chapter 1334: Killing Intent of the Immortal King

It wasn't easy for Wu Yu to defeat Yun Mo, and he had basically utilized everything in his arsenal.

Even so, the eight others from the Ancient Ink Camp were stumped and reeling in shock to see Wu Yu defeating Yun Mo decisively and sparing his life in the end.

Initially, they had only wanted to gauge Wu Yu's strength and therefore reminded Yun Mo to not be too harsh. They just wanted to sound Wu Yu out.

Not once had they ever thought Yun Mo would be defeated.

This was completely out of their expectations.

Therefore, they were staring at one another and were looking at Wu Yu in a different light.

Without having to exchange words, their thoughts were definitely similar.

Xu Zidong got them out of the Towering Sky Immortal City immediately. He squeezed a smile, patted Wu Yu's shoulder, and complimented, "Impressive. I did feel that you had made some progress, but I had not expected it to be this extent. Even Yun Mo isn't a match for you now. With your current strength, you are more than strong enough to join our team and battle together with us.”

Yang Wenlan smiled and said, "This kid was acting innocent while preying on the tiger. He even walloped Yun Mo so hard that he couldn't react. Haha...."

The group burst into laughter, but they didn't realize that Yun Mo's face was contorting. Each word and sentence was like lashing him with a burning whip.

"If only we had an additional Immortal King Token, it would be great. Wu Yu could join us in the Great Void Immortal Path and our overall strength would be even higher. I underestimated you previously," Qin Chuan commented.

The eight of them acted as though they had found a treasure. They surrounded Wu Yu and showered him with praise and compliments.

"Rather than your strength, I'm more fond of your personality. Humble, composed, thoughtful, and sincere. Moreover, you aren't overly compassionate in battle," Xu Zidong said solemnly.

"Thank you, Boss, for your compliments."

This challenge wasn't initiated by Wu Yu and therefore wouldn't mean much. At the very most, they now had a good assessment of Wu Yu's current strength.

He had consolidated his strength at the equivalent of a 7-xuan immortal. With his various mystiques to enhance him, he had defeated a 4-realm immortal lord. However, even so, his strength was among the lowest throughout the entire Sublime Gracious Sky.

Therefore, Wu Yu still wasn't going to be arrogant or restless.

The lack of an Immortal King Token was indeed an issue. Now that he finally had some capital, Wu Yu had wanted to tell them he would like to head out alone to search for an Immortal King Token.

"If you guys are so fond of him, just let him have my Immortal King Token, then!" Yun Mo scoffed. He was recuperating previously and had just stood up. After he spoke, he headed for the exit of the inn.

"Get back here!" Xu Zidong shouted.

However, Yun Mo didn't turn around. He left and vanished before the eyes of the team.

"That kid is getting more and more disrespectful to his seniors. I have long said that he has a bad personality and doesn't fit in well with us," said Qin Chuan.

Xu Zidong shook his head. "Compared to us, he's still too young. Let his emotions subside before we explain things to him again."

Jin Kaiwen said, "We have been together for thousands of years. Although he might be stubborn at times, he isn't too bad a person...."

Qin Chuan wasn't fond of him, but the rest still saw Yun Mo as a brother. They had developed a relationship and therefore wouldn't want to chase him away.

However, Qin Chuan didn't stop. "He probably sees this as great shame and won't return easily."

Yang Wenlan said, "You have overestimated him. The Immortal King Tokens are still with our boss. If he wants to enter the Great Void Immortal Path, do you think he won't be back?"

"You are right."

They were just seeing Yun Mo as a rebellious younger brother and therefore didn't stay on this topic. Furthermore, they were more curious about Wu Yu currently.

Compared to Yun Mo, Wu Yu was clearly more outstanding in all aspects.

Wu Yu pondered and concluded that he still had time. He decided to consolidate further and to perfect his mastery before heading out to search for an Immortal King Token.

After all, if he was targeted by the assassin from the Immortal Slayer Palace again, it would still be cumbersome.

Who knew if the other party would send stronger assassins?

At this place, Xu Zidong was a 7-realm immortal lord and the rest were largely 6-realm immortal lords. They also had the money to reside in the relatively safe inn. Therefore, nothing had happened to them.

However, as time passed, Xu Zidong and the rest were getting a little restless.

"Why isn't Yun Mo back?"

"Could it be that he encountered a mishap when he was outside?"

"He can't be foolish enough to leave Mystical Resonance Immortal City, right?"

"That's hard to say."

"Within Mystical Resonance Immortal City, he should know that he has to be cautious. However, he's relatively weak, and if anyone were to ambush him, that would be...."

Xu Zidong was a little remorseful. "It's all my fault. I haven't considered his emotions well! You guys remain here. I'll go look for him."

Wu Xiao, Huang-Pu Yijun, and others also expressed that they wanted to go with Xu Zidong.

All of a sudden, Yun Mo entered the inn. Wearing a cold smirk on his face, he said, "You guys don't have to look for me. I'm fine and I'm here to settle our matters."

He looked extremely gloomy and resembled a villain who had just gotten his way. Wu Yu immediately realized that things were bad.

Clearly, Xu Zidong and others had underestimated Yun Mo's vengeful personality. Qin Chuan had a keen eye, and Yun Mo was indeed different from the rest of the team.

"What do you mean?" Yang Wenlan couldn't understand. "You are looking to settle matters with us? It was just a typical sparring match. How can a man be so narrow-minded? Haven't we been through numerous dangers together over the past few thousand years you have been with us? Have you forgotten the joyous times? You are looking to settle matters with us? Did I hear you wrongly?"

The rest were equally shocked. How narrow-minded would one be to have made such comments.

"Haha! Stop pretending in front of me. I'm disgusted at the sight of you guys. Aren't you guys preparing to give my Immortal King Token to Wu Yu? Great! No one shall enter the Great Void Immortal Path, then!" Yun Mo laughed loudly.

At this point, an old man in a green robe appeared behind him. That green-robed old man was indifferent, had a head of silver hair, and looked extremely dangerous.

There was also a group of people behind him that followed him into the inn. Clearly, they were brought here by Yun Mo.

"Green Lotus Immortal King!"

Xu Zidong and the rest gasped in horror!

Yun Mo had brought the Green Lotus Immortal King and his disciples into this place! Now all of them were exposed before the Green Lotus Immortal King.

Yun Mo smiled and said, "Hand over all your Immortal King Tokens! Let's see who dares to make fun of me now!"

However, who had ever done so?

To put it simply, Wu Yu also found this guy problematic. Along the journey, he had always targeted him. Subsequently, he initiated a challenge but was defeated. In the end, he had even resorted to such means. What a traitor!

Xu Zidong was fuming. "I never expected you to be an ungrateful man. If I knew about this earlier, I wouldn't have saved you from danger in the past."

Yun Mo laughed. "You just wanted to form a group and have more helpers. Are you trying to move me with compassion now?"

Yang Wenlan berated, "You are wrong! When we are together, we are close like real brothers. In these boundless sky palaces, we help one another and advance and retreat together! However, we have indeed made a mistake in allowing you to join us. You are a vicious person at heart and see things with a tinge of evil. It's only natural that you would commit such despicable acts!"

All eight of them were furious and felt betrayed. Moreover, it was their youngest brother who had done so. On a typical day, they would help one another out. It was beyond their imagination that he would become so ungrateful just because he had suffered a little grievance!

"Alright, stop your babbling and hand over the nine Immortal King Tokens. We can spare you guys if you do so!" The Green Lotus Immortal King was standing before the Qing'E Immortal Lord and others, stroking his long beard.

Yun Mo chuckled, "Immortal King, please don't forget to leave an Immortal King Token for me." This was probably the condition Yun Mo had.

"Haha...." The Green Lotus Immortal King was right next to him. He grinned and pressed down on Yun Mo's head out of the blue. Blood burst out from the seven apertures of Yun Mo's head as he lost his life instantly with his eyes still wide open. Even till death, he probably had not expected the Green Lotus Immortal King to act like this and kill him.

"Yun Mo!" The rest of the Ancient Ink Camp was surprised once again. The younger brother that had fought with them for thousands of years was now dead!

The Green Lotus Immortal King laughed grimly, "I'm sorry. I hate traitors the most and therefore finished him off for you guys. Isn't that gratifying?"

The Green Lotus Immortal King and the disciples behind him burst into laughter.

Soon, the Green Lotus Immortal King put his smile away and ordered solemnly, "He's a good example. All I'm asking for are the Immortal King Tokens. If you guys aren't going to hand them over, you will see the same outcome. Rest assured, I won't cause a commotion in Mystical Resonance Immortal City when killing you guys. The Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor doesn't have his eye on me."

The Great Void Immortal Realm was far above the Immortal Lord Realm. Killing Yun Mo was easy, and killing Wu Yu and the rest would be equally so!

Looking at the corpse of Yun Mo, Xu Zidong and the rest were stumped. Nonetheless, a seemingly pitiful person would definitely have had a deplorable side.

Now wasn't the time to think about what Yun Mo had done or what had happened to him. If they didn't hand over the Immortal King Tokens, everyone would definitely lose their lives.

"Struggle to the death? Cause a commotion?" Qin Chuan asked Xu Zidong in the dark.

Xu Zidong answered, "No. Although that might stop them from getting the Immortal King Tokens and might get them noticed by the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor, we would definitely die!"

"We worked so hard to get these Immortal King Tokens. Are we going to let them gain from our labor so easily?" Qin Chuan wasn't willing to just resign!

"We would still have our lives intact!"

After all, they were facing a Great Void Immortal Realm expert!

This was the most critical moment. The patience of the Green Lotus Immortal King was wearing thin. If they didn't hand them over soon, he would likely make a move.

"Don't make me wait too long," said the green-robed old man with a smile.

The Qing'E Immortal Lord chimed in. "Just resign yourselves to your fate. You guys are too weak, these shouldn't have belonged to you guys from the beginning. Why would you want to lose your lives over the Immortal King Tokens?"

All of them were laughing.

They didn't make a move to snatch the tokens immediately, as they were probably afraid that Wu Yu and the rest would struggle to their deaths and kick up a ruckus. If that happened, everyone would perish together.

Obviously, they also believed Xu Zidong and the rest wouldn't be so foolish.

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