Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1335: Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor

Chapter 1335: Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor

"Immortal king, please let us have 30 breaths of time to discuss." Xu Zidong bowed as he requested for this small leeway.

"Make them count." Having killed Yun Mo to establish his authority, he had made known to all that killing Xu Zidong and the rest would be equally easy. Therefore, he saw the outcome as cast in stone.

As an immortal king, it was easy to get Immortal King Tokens for his disciples.

The team gathered in a circle swiftly. Pulling a long face, Xu Zidong said, "We can fight for the Immortal King Tokens again in 5,000 years. After all, we have yet to become 9-realm immortal lords. We don't have to risk our lives for this."

"Yeah. Although lady luck shone brightly on us and we were able to gather sufficient Immortal King Tokens this time, but we do not have the strength to protect them. Losing them wouldn't be strange," said Qing Yuli helplessly.

Ye Yi gritted his teeth and was feeling a little indignant. However, he didn't express his opinion. The death of Yun Mo was a huge blow to them. Now they could only resign themselves to their fate.

Wu Yu stood at the side, pondering and weighing his options. Eventually, he gnashed his teeth and said, "Everyone, this incident started because of me. Without me, Yun Mo wouldn't have left. I have a risky plan and wonder if you guys are willing to give it a try with me. If we are successful, we will be able to keep our Immortal King Tokens."

"You have a plan? He's an immortal king!" The team spoke quickly as they could feel the Green Lotus Immortal King losing his patience.

Wu Yu answered, "It's worth a try." The team was astounded. They knew Wu Yu wasn't a reckless person. However, if they agreed to Wu Yu's suggestion, they would be leaving their lives into the hands of Wu Yu. That would definitely be hair-raising!

Wu Yu naturally found it hard to accept the fact that the nine Immortal King Tokens would end up benefiting the other party like this!

Therefore, even if he had to die, he wanted to give it a try! Worst case scenario, he could bring up the Primordial Immortal Empire’s dragon king from the Immortal Dragon Imperial Realm to protect himself from harm.

With his personality, getting him to hand over a treasure that was his was extremely difficult.

Nonetheless, the key was still if Xu Zidong and the rest had the gusto to believe in him.

Moreover, they wouldn't have much time to hesitate!

Xu Zidong's eyes met with Wu Yu's eyes.

From Wu Yu's eyes, he could see a strong belief.

This gave him an intuition that prompted him to disregard all other opinions, and he said, "Alright, let's do it!"

Receiving permission, Wu Yu was overjoyed. The 30 breaths of time were almost up. He said, "When I count to three, everyone will enter my Floating Dreams Pagoda. I have a way to get everyone out of this place!"


"Time is running up. Live or to die, what do you guys choose?" At the door, the Qing'E Immortal Lord could wait no longer.

Initially, they had only needed three tokens. However, now that they had an immortal king with them, they would definitely want to take all the tokens away. Those additional tokens could be given to others as gifts.


Just as he was speaking, Wu Yu had counted to three. Wu Yu activated the Floating Dreams Pagoda abruptly to let the eight others enter instantly. It was truly daring for a xuan immortal to do this before an immortal king!

"Everyone, don't panic. The Immortal King Tokens are with me. I'll hand them over!" Wu Yu remarked in a hurry upon seeing the surprised faces of the Green Lotus Immortal King and others, who were preparing to strike.

He's just a xuan immortal and wasn't seen as a threat at all. Moreover, the other party couldn't tell what tricks Wu Yu had. Therefore, they were astounded for a moment. However, at the thought that Xu Zidong and the rest had hidden themselves in the immortal treasure, they felt like something was amiss.

The Green Lotus Immortal King wasn't stopping. Wu Yu knew that he had a power known as the heavenly rule and that it was dreadful!

While Wu Yu was speaking, he had completed his preparations. He immediately used his Heaven Dao Mystique.

The Green Lotus Immortal King wouldn't have believed Xu Zidong and the rest would have the guts to court their own doom. Therefore, he had hesitated for a moment.

"Unshackled Doppelganger!"

Out of the blue, Wu Yu used his Unshackled Doppelganger. This time, he was crazy enough to create 100,000 doppelgangers at the same time! With 100,000 doppelgangers appearing at the same time, it wasn't just the courtyard that was filled. Xu Zidong had removed the immortal design that was surrounding the courtyard. Therefore, Wu Yu's doppelgangers piled up and out of the inn following an explosion-like boom! Looking from afar, one could see the inn completely filled with Wu Yu's 100,000 dopplegangers.


With 100,000 doppelgangers as cover, Wu Yu fled on his Somersault Cloud immediately!

The 100,000 doppelgangers separated him from the Green Lotus Immortal King. At this juncture, the Green Lotus Immortal King had never expected a xuan immortal to have such a strange ability. He didn't react at the first instant!

More importantly, this was a huge commotion!

The first thought that went through the mind of the Green Lotus Immortal King wasn't pursuing Wu Yu, but to flee!

Otherwise, if the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor were to target him, even he would die!

"He's crazy!"

This was the only word that came into his mind. Even the Green Lotus Immortal King was afraid at this juncture. This was because in each iteration, there would always be immortal kings kicking up a ruckus in the nine immortal cities.

Wu Yu's actions weren't huge and he didn't destroy anything. It was just that the sudden appearance of the 100,000 doppelgangers was a sight to behold.

The Green Lotus Immortal King could only choose to escape after seeing this. If he had tried to intercept, Wu Yu might not have been able to flee on his Somersault Cloud.

"You guys are all dead!" The Green Lotus Immortal King couldn't understand why Wu Yu would rather choose to struggle to the death. They wouldn't have to go to that extent. He could also see that Xu Zidong and the rest were about to give up.

Before Wu Yu made his move, they had not even noticed Wu Yu's presence.

In the eyes of the Green Lotus Immortal King, they were no different from dead. The shame was that his disciples didn't flee as quickly as he could and might be dead for sure.

"He's crazy!" That was the only reason the Green Lotus Immortal King could come up with. He could sense that the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor was definitely going to arrive soon. That was a threat of death. He was camouflaging and concealing himself with all he had!

During this time, Wu Yu landed in a sufficiently far place with the Somersault Cloud.

However, he knew that even with the Somersault Cloud’s ability to move within void space, it would still be hard to hide from an immortal emperor! Therefore, when he showed up at a different place, he used the Replicate ability of the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast and took the form of the 4-realm immortal lord he had devoured before, then he mixed into the crowd swiftly.

This was Wu Yu’s ultimate trick. The eternal immortal emperor was unimaginably powerful. Even if he had used the Somersault Cloud, he might still be exposed. However, Wu Yu had absolute faith in Replicate. With Replicate, he was no different from that immortal lord and showed no signs that he was Wu Yu.

Although he was a long distance away, his doppelgangers were still around. At this point, he revoked all his doppelgangers and reduced everything to dust. At the last moment, his doppelgangers could all feel the danger of death. He had also seen that the Qing'E Immortal Lord and the others, who had yet to react to the situation, were now exposed before the eternal immortal emperor.

The only uncertainty was if the Green Lotus Immortal King could escape in time.

Wu Yu was really anxious. He was playing with fire. Over the next period, he was like an ant on a hot pan. He tried his best to stay within the crowd of immortal lords while maintaining an ordinary pose. There were several hundred millions of immortal lords in Mystical Resonance Immortal City, and he had changed himself completely. He believed the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor shouldn't be able to find him.

This bet was indeed perilous. However, if he could protect the Immortal King Tokens, he would have a share since Yun Mo was dead. In a way, he was pursuing rewards in heightened risks.

Time passed by gradually.

Three days later, he heard news that people from the Green Lotus Sky had been killed by the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor. Their corpses were displayed in a certain location of the city. Wu Yu asked around and learned that the Green Lotus Immortal King wasn't one of them. It seemed like the eternal immortal emperor wasn't particularly harsh. Perhaps he had seen the Green Lotus Immortal King. Someone like the Green Lotus Immortal King was still a talent of the sky palaces. For him to deserve a capital punishment, it would probably require a larger commotion.

However, the effect of punishing a small group as an example to the rest was apparent. When the news spread in Mystical Resonance Immortal City, everyone was on their toes. Many people who were thinking of taking the risk ended up hiding away.

This was also what the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor desired. An incident like this happening within Mystical Resonance Immortal City would bring peace to the place for at least over a year.

"That Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor probably doesn't have much free time. Now that some time has passed, he definitely won't be looking for us again. After all, the prime time to deal punishment is over. If he deals punishment again, the effect will be limited. Nonetheless, we have to be careful," Wu Yu said to those in the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

Truth be told, Xu Zidong and the rest were drenched in cold sweat from the frenzied actions of Wu Yu.

With the matter dying down, Xu Zidong had made his decision. He said, "We can switch to another immortal city. As long as we are in a different immortal city, the Mystical Resonance Immortal Emperor won't be able to do anything to us. Moreover, he might even forget about us."

"In that case, let's return to Benevolent Immortal City. Although the Great Lotus Immortal King isn't dead, his disciples are. He probably has no reason to snatch your Immortal King Tokens. Furthermore, he definitely won't dare to make a move in the city and has probably been warned. Regardless, you guys still have to be careful when you exit the Great Void Immortal Path in 100 years. After all, I'm worried that he might take his revenge on you guys."

Xu Zidong smiled and said, "That's nothing to be worried about. The sky palaces are huge and we are just small fries in this place. We can just choose to go into seclusion for several thousand years. It wouldn't be easy for him to find us."

They were definitely not easily frightened!

It was true that the sky palaces were really huge. Other than the Immortal Slayer Palace, which had a network, it was hard to find a single person. The reason why the Immortal Slayer Palace could find Wu Yu was because Tian Ming knew Wu Yu was probably heading to the Sublime Gracious Sky.

This time, Wu Yu travelled alone towards Benevolent Immortal City. A long time after he left Mystical Resonance Immortal City, he reverted to his own appearance. Now that he had grown stronger, his speed was quicker after shrinking himself with the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth. He no longer had to worry about being killed while moving in the wilderness. After all, he now possessed strength that would allow him to barely keep up with the experts in the Sublime Gracious Sky.

When Wu Yu was back in Benevolent Immortal City, he chose one out of numerous inns in the city to settle down before letting Xu Zidong and the rest out.

They were all looking at Wu Yu in a different light.

Xu Zidong smiled and said, "I’ll spare the pleasantries. Yun Mo made his decision, so we shouldn't be feeling bad about it. Moving forward, our ninth Immortal King Token will belong to you. Wu Yu, are you willing to enter the Great Void Immortal Path with us in 19 years?"

Wu Yu was elated and answered, "Definitely."

The matter of the Immortal King Token was settled!

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