Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1375: Fleeting Immortal Dreams

Chapter 1375: Fleeting Immortal Dreams

Wu Yu had taken the risk to abduct her, not to leave her alone.

At the very least, he would be trying all he could to understand what her Ancestral Phoenix Nirvanic Venerable Art was really about.

For the current Wu Yu, although the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was just a 7-realm immortal lord, she being the daughter of the Provenance Phoenix Empress was still threatening to him. Wu Yu now had a myriad of destinable immortal treasures with him. Other than the Frost Spirit's Threads, he was also using other destinable immortal treasures to hold her down in all aspects. The Floating Dreams Pagoda was just one of many destinable immortal treasures used.

Others included the Mysterious Sky Treasured Pagoda, the Spirit Shattering Whip, and the Spirit Suppressing Chains.

The Mysterious Sky Treasured Pagoda was hovering above her head, the rough and sharp Spirit Shattering Whip was wrapped around her body, and the Spirit Suppressing Chains were coiled around her head to muzzle her immortal spirit. These were preventing her from releasing autonomous realm power from her immortal spirit world nucleus. Now she was completely at Wu Yu's mercy.

"To think that you, Hundred Thousand Swords Immortal Lord, have so many destinable immortal treasures! You must be doing really well." The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord forcefully put up a strong front, but her gaze betrayed her true feelings. She was petrified and knew that Wu Yu was definitely thinking of doing something to her after locking her up so thoroughly.

Wu Yu was nonchalant. He walked before her, and his gaze was powerful. Seeing this, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord could feel fear creeping up her spine. She couldn't help back and shouted, "Don't! Don't be impulsive and commit acts you shouldn't. Otherwise, my mother will appear here directly, and death won't come easy! You would never be able to imagine the tricks that an eternal immortal emperor has up their sleeve!"

She stared intensely at Wu Yu and made her threats.

However, Wu Yu didn't respond to her at all.

At this point, Wu Yu reached out both of his hands and placed them at the sides of her face, or rather, the sides of her head.

"You dare to touch me!? YOU...." The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord couldn't believe what was happening. Wu Yu's actions were intimate and were something she could never accept.

She was the pride of the sky palaces and had high hopes of achieving immortality and becoming a new eternal immortal emperor in the future. She had never known who would be her dao companion, or if anyone was deserving to be her dao companion.

However, she definitely knew he wouldn't be an ordinary immortal lord like the Hundred Thousand Swords Immortal Lord. There were unlimited immortal lords like him throughout the sky palaces!

With her falling into his hands, he showed no fear at all!

"Let me go!"

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord shrieked and cursed.

"Spirit Chaser Art."

As she was too noisy and was right in front of him, Wu Yu used the Spirit Chaser Art once again. Instantly, her immortal spirit that was tightly entrapped suffered a severe blow and the world around her was swaying and spinning!

Wu Yu had used the Spirit Chaser Art on her previously. She hated it as it felt as though her head was hammered, throwing her into a state of dizziness, confusionm and oblivion.

"Sleep! Fleeting Immortal Dreams."

After he used the Spirit Chaser Art, Wu Yu followed up with an Immortal Lord Realm technique that he had learned from a 9-realm immortal lord. It was an elite hypnotic technique known as Fleeting Immortal Dreams. If this was cast on the 3,000 greater realms or 90,000 lesser realms, all the living creatures within would be plunged deep into slumber. From this, one could easily imagine its power.

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was hit by the Spirit Chaser Art at close proximity, throwing her consciousness off completely. The effects of the Fleeting Immortal Dreams would be the greatest now.

Wu Yu was calm and composed as he directed the Immortal Lord Realm technique into her body. As long as he maintained the technique, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord would be in a trance and eventually enter a slumber.

She was cursing, threatening, and chattering. Amidst her horror, she eventually fell asleep, and Wu Yu had finally taken the first small step to success.

The beautiful girl before him had now closed her eyes. If it wasn't for the destinable immortal treasures keeping her afloat, she would likely slouch to the ground.

Wu Yu was waiting for this opportunity. He could only stare at her peacefully after she fell asleep. Everything about her was etched vividly at the depths of Wu Yu's memories. Even so, they felt so close, regardless if it was on facial features, her actions, her gaze, or simply a smile.

Now that she was asleep, Wu Yu had forgotten she was the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. It was as though the Nangong Wei of the past was collapsed before his eyes.

"You are really a pitiful girl plagued with misfortune."

Wu Yu felt helpless. He extended his autonomous realm power into her body to search for any lingering bits of Nangong Wei's soul. Just like the minute part he was left with in the past.

However, as the search progressed, he was getting more and more discouraged. He couldn't find anything at all. Nangong Wei wasn't him and she didn't have the Ruyi Jingu Bang. She also didn't have any capital to resist the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. If the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord had wanted to assimilate her, there would be nothing left of her. Wu Yu spent many days searching her body thoroughly, leaving no corner unchecked. However, there was still nothing he could find. Other than the immortal spirit, there weren't any signs of another soul left throughout the body.

Wu Yu's eyes dimmed.

Ming Long said, "You should have been mentally prepared that her chances of survival are really low. Just like those that you have devoured, do they stand any chance of revival? There isn't anything left of them."

Wu Yu gnashed his teeth but didn't answer. What Ming Long had said was the truth.

He didn't give up and continued his search. With Fleeting Immortal Dreams, he ensured she was still asleep. Several days passed, but Wu Yu found nothing. This basically summed up everything.

"What are your thoughts? Let her go? Or kill her to avenge her?" asked Ming Long.

"I definitely can't kill her. Wouldn't killing her be the same as killing her?" The meanings of the two "hers" were completely distinct.

"Are you going to let her go? If you keep her around and she discovers your true identity, it will be troublesome. After all, she might recall your real identity. At that time, if the Provenance Phoenix Empress finds out what you have done to her daughter, you will be finished."

Wu Yu shook his head and said, "I can't let her go. There might be other solutions. Risks are definitely present. If there's no way out, I'll keep her in this place until the trial in the Great Void Immortal Path ends."

Capturing her was hard, and Wu Yu definitely wouldn't just let her go so easily. Moreover, the failure this time didn't mean he had failed completely. He was still racking his brain for an alternative option. Now he had to calm down.

Feeling fuzzy, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord gradually regained her consciousness and opened her eyes. She was shocked to see Wu Yu so close to her that she could even smell him. His eyes were emotionless, and this left the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord worried. She suddenly realized that she had lost consciousness for a period of time and she didn't have any memories or feelings of this period!

She hadn't recovered fully from her severe injuries from when Wu Yu attacked her. Therefore, she was still feeling pain throughout her body! There wasn't a spot without injuries. At the thought that she had lost consciousness for a long time, how beautiful she was and how daring Wu Yu had been, if he had done something to her....

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord paled instantly and her body shivered to the point of collapse. Tears streamed down her cheeks quickly. The more she thought about it, the more realistic it felt. Otherwise, her body wouldn't be in such pain. Weeping bitter tears, she stared at Wu Yu with her bloodshot and fiery eyes. "YOU! What have you done to me!?"

Wu Yu didn't want to respond to her. He moved to the other end of the Floating Dreams Pagoda, closed his eyes, and rested. He needed to keep a clear mind to think of a solution. He felt conflicted towards the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. Nangong Wei was now part of her and therefore even if Wu Yu wanted to resent her, he couldn't do so. All he could do was keep his cool and look for other solutions.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Is it real...." Her eyes and cheeks collapsed further. She had probably never been so fearful and was shivering nonstop. However, as she was being too noisy and disrupted Wu Yu's serenity and peace, so Wu Yu raised a barrier between them to isolate himself from her cries and curses.

Having calmed down, he could start thinking of a solution. However, for the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord, Wu Yu's silence was the same as implicitly admitting to it. She had suffered an unprecedented blow and was lost. All she could think of was to cry and curse. She had thought about her dao companion frequently and the amazing stories about him. However, reality was harsh. She had encountered a weird man, and until this point, she still didn't know Wu Yu’s motive!

All she knew was that Wu Yu seemed to be courting his own death!

"Mother, why didn't you come to help me.... Why.... My virginity has fallen into someone with such a lowly background. All I want now is to die....

"Why.... Why is he targeting me!"

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord screamed her lungs out and cried herself to sleep each night. It was truly tragic. Wu Yu knew what she was thinking but was lazy to deny it. It was impossible for him to not resent the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. Without her, Nangong Wei would be fine in the mortal domain. It wouldn't be an issue for her to achieve immortalhood in the future. It definitely wouldn't be like now, where Wu Yu didn't even know if she was still alive. The misery she felt now was also a form of revenge against her. At this point, Wu Yu no longer cared if she despised him.

Time passed gradually. Over these days, Wu Yu thought of various solutions. He searched the memories of those he had devoured to see if there were similar instances of success. Whenever he had something in mind, he would appear before the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. Amidst her desperate, angry, and restless gaze and her soreful curses, Wu Yu used the Spirit Chaser Art on her again.

After her spirit was shaken, he would cast Fleeting Immortal Dreams. This combination worked every time without failure.

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord didn't know his objective. All she would assume was that each time Wu Yu put her to sleep, she would be assaulted. This was no longer about losing her virginity, but Wu Yu imprisoning her in this place and using her as a "companion."

She was born into a noble family and would never have imagined herself getting into this situation!

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