Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1376: 4-Realm Immortal Lord

Chapter 1376: 4-Realm Immortal Lord

Wu Yu didn't stop looking for a solution. As a result, he used the Spirit Chaser Art and Fleeting Immortal Dreams more and more frequently. After a year, he had used them at least 30 times.

Each attempt turned out futile, and whenever the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord awakened, she would curse and swear. For her, the differences weren't huge between once or several dozen times. Regardless, she naturally couldn't accept that she would be repeatedly "tainted." Till today, she had used all the threats she could think of. Her hatred for Wu Yu had been engraved into her core, and Wu Yu could see it seething from her eyes.

At this point, she was a lot frailer than she was at the beginning.

Another attempt ended, another futile attempt. When the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord woke up, her eyes were dim. With her coarse voice, she cursed, "You brought indelible torture to my life. Hundred Thousand Swords Immortal Lord, there will be a day where I will torture you for eternity. When I become an eternal immortal emperor, I'll make sure you live forever in pain and misery!"

Wu Yu smirked and scoffed, "You may continue your hallucinations as you wish. For this lifetime, you won't have to think that far ahead. All you can do is remain here to accompany me and to carry my children! Perhaps you might even be pregnant now."

This was his first official response, as he hadn't said a word in any previous attempts. Initially, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord had kept a glimmer of hope. Now that Wu Yu had spoken about carrying his children, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord paled and her red lips quivered. One could easily imagine the misery in her heart.

Seeing her tormented look, Wu Yu felt the exhilaration of revenge instead. This was because he had tried over 30 methods but still hadn't found any signs of Nangong Wei. Everything was suggesting that Nangong Wei had died for sure and vanished from this world forever. Wu Yu's anguish was immeasurable. Not once had he thought he would feel so depressed about her death. He had thought he had forgotten her completely.

Therefore, it was natural that Wu Yu's hatred for the culprit, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord, would only intensify. It was especially so for her spoiled and imperious attitude. Since she assumed Wu Yu had done something to her and felt anguish that was hard to endure, Wu Yu was delighted that she was experiencing pain. Otherwise, how was he going to vent his frustrations? Wu Yu couldn't kill her. Killing her would mean hope was lost forever.


Carrying his child. Pregnant.... These foreign words had decimated all hopes that the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord had. She crumpled and the world before her was gloom. She couldn't wait to kill herself, as she no longer wanted her body. Since she was born, she had never experienced such torment.

She was clearly struggling within, and after simmering for a long time, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord gnashed her teeth and said to Wu Yu with fire in her eyes, "The Great Void Immortal Path will only be open for 100 years, and everyone will have to leave after that. When the time comes, your nightmare will finally enshroud you...."

"Ah? I've forgotten to inform you." Wu Yu put on a faint smile and said, "My destinable immortal treasure can control the flow of time. A year outside is 100 years in this place. It has been less than 20 years on the outside. With roughly 80 years left, that's the equivalent of 8,000 years in this place. You still have to be with me for 8,000 years. By that time, we probably have children and grandchildren pervading the place. Let's see how you plan to kill me then. You want to kill the father of your children? Forget about these childish antics and resign to being their mother."

After he was done speaking, he raised the barrier and left her in despair and misery.

Obviously, Wu Yu wouldn't touch her. This was all in her imagination. Since she was asking for misery, Wu Yu was just going with the flow to let her experience pain. After all, things had been smooth-sailing in this lifetime, and she saw others' lives as mere playthings.

When she heard “8,000 years,” the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord definitely fainted from shock. She might be able to endure 80 years. However, if it was 8,000 years, or if she really gave birth to Wu Yu's children, it would be a tragic outcome. How would she be able to kill the Hundred Thousand Swords Immortal Lord then? Or rather, would she have to kill her own children to erase the humiliation she had received in this place?

Despair and nightmares haunted her each day, never leaving her in peace. She often felt her head splitting and scared herself to the brink of death. As for tears, they were almost dried. No matter how she cursed, shouted, or struggled, Wu Yu never stopped his various attempts. Each time, she would have to take Wu Yu's Spirit Chaser Art and Fleeting Immortal Dreams amidst despair and tragic cries.

"You did pretty well today." She couldn't forget the smile on Wu Yu after each time, and she had grown numb to it.

What she was most afraid of was to become pregnant with his child. Fortunately, they weren't of the same tribe, so the chances were even lower. Nonetheless, there were precedent cases. Such frequency over 8,000 years was still a possibility.

If that happened, she really wouldn't know what to do.... She might be numb to the agony for now and could kill Wu Yu when the time came. However, for her to erase the mark and to bury this incident from all others forever, could she possibly kill her own child...?

Wu Yu had made over 50 attempts in the corner of the Floating Dreams Pagoda. However, he still didn't have a solution, and he couldn't disintegrate her immortal spirit for analysis. Unless he could kill her, he had basically tried all methods he could think of.

"Is she really dead....?"

He was frustrated.

"Take a break for a while and put your focus back on cultivation. Perhaps when your cultivation level increases, the solution will come to you. Since you aren't going to let her go, just leave her here for now," Ming Long suggested.


Wu Yu also understood he had nothing to gain by sticking to his way. Since he couldn't find a way for now, he might as well keep her around and continue his cultivation. During the contest for the ninth-grade Mark of an Immortal King previously, he had devoured a large number of 9-realm immortal lords. Their daos and experiences would be greatly helpful for the current Wu Yu.

He had reached the fourth tier for the Realm of the Physical Body.

The fourth immortal dao mark was the Dao of Doppelgangers. It was related to the Unshackled Doppelganger, and Wu Yu had long thought about fusing it into his immortal spirit world nucleus.

The time required for cultivation had been growing longer and longer.

He had admitted to being too cruel recently because of the incident with Nangong Wei. Perhaps he would reap other rewards by calming himself down and focusing on cultivation.

Obviously, he had not given up on searching for a survival route for Nangong Wei. It was just that his main objective would be on cultivation for the upcoming period.

Even the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord had noticed that the frequency of Wu Yu looking for her had decreased and that he was probably cultivating.

"This man is truly poignant. He even disrupted his own cultivation just to look for me!"

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was getting numb. Whenever Wu Yu showed up, he wouldn't say a word and would cast the Spirit Chaser Art immediately. With her being held back by several destinable immortal treasures, there was no point in struggling. She was hit each time and would fall into deep sleep. When she woke up feeling fuzzy, it would be several dozens of days later. Wu Yu would have devoted himself back into cultivation.

Wu Yu was focusing on exploring the Unshackled Doppelganger. He thought that if this mystique were to improve further, he would also improve in his Dao of Doppelgangers. When he chose to fuse it into his immortal spirit world nucleus, it would likely be easier too.

However, he realized that the Unshackled Doppelganger mystique had become incomparably complicated as he reached the ending stage. There were lots of questions, and even with the help of multiple 9-realm immortal lords, he had to take it slow, gradually strengthen himself, and devote sufficient patience into it. After all, the Great Void Immortal Realm and eternal immortal emperor wouldn't be easily achievable.

At least for the Great Void Immortal Realm, even the greatest talents would take hundreds of thousands of years to reach it.

Wu Yu had cultivated for a long time within the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

This time, when he finally made gradual progress in the Dao of Doppelgangers after racking his brain and overcoming all hurdles to create one million doppelgangers, 400 years had passed. This was only possible by devoting all his attention into this aspect.

Having one million doppelgangers was rather frightening. This was the ninth tier of the Unshackled Doppelganger, and he was close to completion. However, for the one million doppelgangers to grow stronger, he would probably need astronomical amounts of cultivation resources or rely on devouring.

He finally improved his Unshackled Doppelganger and made huge progress in this aspect. At the same time, it became easier for him to work towards becoming a 4-realm immortal lord.

Obviously, Wu Yu hadn't stopped his "bullying" of the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord over this 400-year period. While cultivating, a thought might pop up and he would give it a try. Although nothing turned out effective, he didn't give up. Over these 400 years, he made at least 20 attempts annually. In total, that was close to 1,000 times. The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was living in fear each day and had gotten used to Wu Yu's "bullying." The only relief she felt was that she still wasn't pregnant. This was probably the only good news that could console her.

What she didn't know was that Wu Yu had never touched her.

To become a 4-realm immortal lord, Wu Yu took close to another 600 years to fuse his Dao of Doppelgangers into his immortal spirit world nucleus. The experiences of those 9-realm immortal lords could only help him to this extent. This was because each person cultivated their own dao. As Wu Yu progressed further, he stood out even more. It wasn't that easy to increase one's autonomous realm power.

The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was keeping count. Over the thousand years, Wu Yu had used the Spirit Chaser Art and humiliated her over 1,500 times. In the end, she was like a living corpse. She would never have expected this to be so terrorizing, but she was surprised that she had gotten used to it. If Wu Yu didn't look for her for a period of several dozen days, she would even find it strange.

There was even a time that she was so intimidated by the Spirit Chaser Art that she asked, "Can you not put me to sleep? After so many times, what's the difference? What else could I do to you?"

She had been screwed over a thousand times after all, and she still didn't know how it felt.

Moreover, the Spirit Chaser Art was like bringing a hammer to her head each time. Who would be willing to endure it?

Wu Yu was surprised she would say such words. He had truly scared her out of her wits. However, Wu Yu knew that her resentment towards him had probably escalated to a frightening level. She was simply hiding it. The torment she had received over this period was a tribulation to her.

"No." To her surprise, Wu Yu rejected her offer without leaving room for negotiation.


Before she was done, the Spirit Chaser Art once again landed on her immortal spirit.

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