Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1388: Second Gateway to Hell

Chapter 1388: Second Gateway to Hell

Wu Yu could also hear everything that was happening outside.

The White Sun Immortal Lord and the others would probably lose their minds if they found out that the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was right under their noses.

After they left, the Howling Celestial Dog remembered the scent but did not pay much attention to it. Otherwise, it might have been able to smell it, even through the Greater Darkness Heaven and the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

Next, the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe continued with their goal to accumulate even more Marks of an Immortal King. At the same time, they searched for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King that the Jade Emperor himself had created!

That was the ultimate goal! For the other Marks of an Immortal King trials, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord himself did not take much of a hand.

Even if there were others fighting, they all fled upon the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe's arrival. They were definitely one of the strongest factions within the Great Void Immortal Path.

Besides, the Mighty Miracle God Tribe was barbaric and violent by nature, so no one dared to anger them.

Time passed.

Of the remaining 70 plus years, more than 30 passed in a flash. Wu Yu had not found any opportunity to shrug them off yet.

Luckily, this meant that he had more than 3,000 years in the Floating Dreams Pagoda. His primary goal was to help Nangong Wei.

Nangong Wei's consciousness was growing stronger, while the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord's was growing weaker and more disoriented, fragmented and worn down.

Each time Nangong Wei's awareness grew, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord's would shrink correspondingly. Although this was an arduously slow process, it was progress.

After 3,000 years, Nangong Wei had had ample opportunity to take over the body, but chose to remain hidden quietly, at Wu Yu's warning. She did not let the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord discover her. To the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord, she was just a fragmented bit of memory that would eventually be merged back to reach a whole state. But Wu Yu would never let her get her back on feet!

"Are you mad?" Each time she awoke, the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord was on the verge of breaking down.

"But there's no result yet. I'll have to try something else next." Wu Yu's reply made her despair even more.

In these 3,000 years, Nangong Wei had grown stronger, from a third of the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord's size to half. If she could grow until she was as strong as her, then the time would be ripe.

In the other times, Wu Yu immersed himself in cultivation.

He had wanted to continue improving his cultivation, but given his current knowledge, it would be hard to put his fifth dao into his immortal spirit world nucleus. Wu Yu was starting to face the difficulties that other immortals faced in cultivation.

9-realm immortal lords' daos were of very limited use to him now. At least in terms of cultivation level improvement, he had hit a wall. Now he could only grind his way forward, unless there were immortal kings for him to devour.

But in 3,000 years, he had improved on two counts. One was in his Realm of the Physical Body, which had risen to the fifth tier, forming five world nuclei.

This made his autonomous realm power even stronger and more plentiful, and his fighting power grew, although not in any life-changing way.

Another great improvement was in his mystiques. After reaching one million doppelgangers, Wu Yu turned his attention to his Eyes of Fire and Gold. In these 3,000 years, he achieved the eighth tier, and advanced past Meteoric Mirror.

The eighth tier was called Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth, which was like an upgraded version of Paradise's Fiery Demise. There were two eyes, one of which was the Furnace of Heaven, which symbolized the fires of the sky palaces. The other was the Furnace of Earth, harnessing the fires of the hells. Between them, the twin fires could burn anything away!

The Golden Furnaces of Heaven and Earth could be of great help to Wu Yu in battle. After all, amongst his four mystiques, it was actually the Eyes of Fire and Gold that was truly the offensive weapon.

Wu Yu was in no hurry. He still had about 4,000 years, and he bided his time for confusion to reach the ranks of the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe, even as he helped Nangong Wei to defeat the Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord.

However, before any such chaos arrived for the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe, something strange happened.

On this day, Wu Yu was cultivating in the Floating Dreams Pagoda when he suddenly sensed a familiar aura outside. This aura was in a Sumeru Pouch, and he immediately opened his eyes and emerged from the Floating Dreams Pagoda.

Outside, the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe was still rushing around, led by the Howling Celestial Dog. They were currently inside a huge star, in a place completely devoid of light. The 400-strong immortal-lord squad of the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe were creating light from their bodies, illuminating the yawning darkness so that they could see the strange stone features around them.

"The aura of a ghostly immortal?"

Wu Yu could sense something at the core of this star. It was reminiscent of the time when he had killed Gu Qiang Immortal Lord. But that star was much smaller than this one was!

The Howling Celestial Dog yipped excitedly, bounding forward deeper in.

"A ghostly immortal's aura. Stay together. No rash movements," the Gu Huo Immortal Lord ordered.

The deeper they went, the stronger Wu Yu's feeling. He was right beside the Gu Huo Immortal Lord, and peered deeper. "Could the depths be a gate to Hell?"

Until now, his clones were still stuck in the Hell of the Netherworld. Each had a different experience, but they could not return.

A full 100 clones, and a few had even died. After all, he had mostly devoured immortals, and so his clones were also immortals.

As the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe group neared, Wu Yu noticed a bronze ring. It was this bronze ring that emitted the same aura as ghostly immortals or Hell, and which had attracted them here.

"Another gateway to Hell?" Wu Yu already had one with him, and so he was paying close attention. He stopped cultivating for now. He wanted to see how they would deal with the gateway to Hell.

"What is this?"

The 400 people crowded up close.

"Gu Yin, take some people and seal the area off. No one else enters or leaves." The Gu Huo Immortal Lord's gaze was wary. He would first secure the area, then he could examine it freely.


The bald immortal lord snapped to and took a few dozen people to seal off the perimeter with their destinable immortal treasures.

As for the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and the others, they surrounded the bronze ring. The Gu Huo Immortal Lord reached out a hand to touch it and then asked, "Does anyone recognize this thing? Why does it have the aura of Hell?"

For a long time, no one answered; they just looked around at each other. Their eye power provided no answers.

"No one knows?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was puzzled, and he began to study it closely.

"Young Master, I feel that it is likely a gateway, but I don't know where to. Could it be the entrance to the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King?" the Gu Di Immortal Lord said.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord plucked at his chin. "Definitely a possibility. But the entrance to the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King would not be this obvious. The Eastern Sublime Gracious Divine Emperor said that there is a high chance that we will not even find the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. It will not be so easily discovered. But I think that it is a gateway too."

"Then should we go in and take a look?" an immortal lord asked.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord said, "And what if it leads to a place outside the Great Void Immortal Path? Wouldn't that be a joke? Caution above all else.

"If anyone has an idea, out with it." Numbers did not only bring strength, but also ideas. The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was open to hear any brainwave they might have.

Very soon, someone offered, "I have clones. I can send them in to take a look, see where it leads."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord clapped his hands. "Very well, let it be so. Gu Yan Immortal Lord, go ahead."

"Yes, Young Master!"

Being able to help the young master, and with such an important task, made the Gu Yan Immortal Lord very happy indeed. He hurriedly stepped forth from the admiring eyes around him and created a clone that was his exact double. Without a word, he sent it into the gateway to Hell, and everyone watched the Gu Yan Immortal Lord's real body.


The Gu Yan Immortal Lord frowned deeply. After a while, he said with frustration, "Young Master, I have lost connection with my clone. It's as if it has died!"

He was indeed devastated. Losing such an important clone would severely limit his fighting ability.

Everyone was shocked. This meant that the door was extremely dangerous. Some inadvertently began to back away.

"Such a sinister thing. Could it be a passage to Hell?" someone said anxiously.

"The 10,000 Levels of Hell? Probable!"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was a little displeased. "Nonsense. Why would there be a gateway to Hell in the Great Void Immortal Path? This is a place for us to get Marks of an Immortal King."

They fell silent.

"And how does the Young Master plan to deal with this?" the Gu Di Immortal Lord asked.

"Take it for now." The Gu Huo Immortal Lord placed it in a separate Sumeru Pouch. When the gateway to Hell disappeared, the star returned to normal and the hellish aura vanished.

"Let's go!"

They were racing against the clock. There were only 40 years left. More than half their time was over. They had to quickly find the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King.

The gateway to Hell had been taken by the Gu Huo Immortal Lord. When he had time, he would definitely study it, and Wu Yu would be able to see. Who knew - he might come up with something.

Wu Yu's Unshackled Doppelganger was clearly much stronger than this person's clone ability. After entering the Hell of the Netherworld, Wu Yu could still communicate with his clones.

The Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe left the star, and Wu Yu intended to return to the Floating Dreams Pagoda to cultivate.

But just as the 400-strong group left, there was another group of about 400 outside, waiting for them. These were all orthodox immortals, and their robust aura was the equal of the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe's.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord's eyes narrowed. "It's been 60 years. We finally meet, Immortal Mo. A pleasure, a pleasure."

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