Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1389: The Secret of The 10th Grade

Chapter 1389: The Secret of The 10th Grade

This group was from Dhritarashtra's faction, and the one leading them was Mo Yuji, the daughter of Dhritarashtra, Mo Lihai.

Wu Yu wasn't in a hurry to get out after finally meeting Mo Yuji again. This lady was indeed a peerless talent. Her beauty was ethereal, but she had unapproachable vibes. Every part of her was perfect.

A black cat lazed within her embrace, looking dignified. That was the partner that Wu Yu had intended for Lazy.

When the black cat saw the Howling Celestial Dog next to the Gu Huo Immortal Lord, its hair bristled instantly with utmost vigilance and animosity.

These two groups were probably the two largest throughout the Great Void Immortal Path. They were competitors, but their fathers were on good terms. Meeting here was an interesting situation.

Those behind Mo Yuji were all in Dhritarashtra's faction. Many of them were geniuses picked by Dhritarashtra from all over the sky palaces. He had provided them cultivation resources. In exchange, they served him. Compared to the Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe, their physical bodies and vitality might not be as robust, but they triumphed in having numerous tricks. There were geniuses in various aspects, and the team led by Mo Yuji was more balanced overall. Therefore, they had probably found a fair amount of Marks of an Immortal King.

Mo Yuji stared fixedly at the Gu Huo Immortal Lord and said, "Gu Huo Immortal Lord, did you get that door?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord nodded and answered, "Is Immortal Mo aware of the mysteries behind that door?"

Mo Yuji said, "If I ask you for a favor, would you be willing to give that door to me as a gift?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was stumped. He chuckled, shook his head, and said, "It's hard for me to deny a beautiful lady's request. However, if this concerns the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King, I hope you would be able to forgive me for not being able to do as you wish."

He wasn't a fool. He had just gotten it, and Mo Yuji had asked for it immediately. The fact that she wanted it further suggested that this door would have great use. He was not silly enough to just hand it over just to win the heart of the lady.

Mo Yuji said, "Since the Gu Huo Immortal Lord isn't willing to do me this favor, I won't leave you hanging, as this situation is unique. I might as well tell you about my conjecture. After all, if everyone were to hide something in this grand affair, everyone might end up missing out more."

"I’d appreciate further details."

Mo Yuji was open and said, "Truth be told, I've found two similar doors. The third door that I wanted was on this star. It's a pity that you got to it first. Do you know where this door leads to?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord said, "I've just gotten it and haven't had the time to investigate. May Immortal Mo enlighten me?"

Mo Yuji answered, "After numerous trials, I'm certain that the door serves as a gateway to Hell.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was clearly astounded. He asked, "That can't be! Why would there be a door leading to Hell in the Great Void Immortal Path? If we were to enter it by accident, wouldn't we end up in Hell? Once we fall into it, no one knows if we can get back."

Mo Yuji remarked, "Of course we can't. I share your doubts. Taking the perspective of the one who is in charge of this, if there really is a 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King, wouldn't the strangest and most impossible place be more likely to be related to the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord exclaimed, "Are you suggesting that the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King was placed in the Hell of the Netherworld by the Jade Emperor? And we are to enter the Hell of the Netherworld to contest for it?"

Mo Yuji answered, "This is just my conjecture. Moreover, I feel that it wouldn't be that simple for us to reach that place. I believe there are a lot more similar gateways to Hell in the Great Void Immortal Path. If we could gather all of them, something might happen. It might not necessarily lead to the Hell of the Netherworld. Perhaps these gateways to Hell are the keys to locating the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was astonished and took a long time to recover. He looked at Mo Yuji suspiciously and said, "Since you came out with the conjecture, why are you telling me? I'm your competitor now. With me as your competitor, there shouldn't be anything for you to gain, right?"

Mo Yuji smiled helplessly and said, "I don't have any other option. First, you have taken one of the gateways to Hell. With it in your hands, I have almost no chance of getting it. Second, I believe there will be rounds and rounds of challenge for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. If I'm to rely on just my team, it will be hard to reach the end. Third, based on the design, the commotion caused from opening the path to the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King will definitely be enormous. It will definitely attract lots of people, and you would most likely make it in. If this ends up being the case, I would rather work together with you to locate these gateways to Hell. As for who would get the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King in the end, it would be dependent on one's abilities. I believe the Gu Huo Immortal Lord wouldn't want us to miss the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King and leave it for those that enter 5,000 years from now, right?"

The final sentence resonated with them the most. They would rather work together over being unable to even open the challenge for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King and leaving this to those that would enter 5,000 years from now. By working with the Gu Huo Immortal Lord, the chances of starting the challenge would be greatly enhanced. This was the hardest step, and they shouldn't be competing against each other on this.

This was testament that Mo Yuji had foresight. If others had thought about it, they would definitely act sneakily and wouldn't share their conjectures with someone like the Gu Huo Immortal Lord.

As for her, she felt it required the alliance of the elite factions in the Great Void Immortal Path to start the challenge for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King. After all, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord had already obtained a gateway to Hell.

Hearing this, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord sank into deep thought. After pondering for some time, he said, "I'm impressed by Immortal Mo's boldness."

Mo Yuji said, "It isn't boldness. I just know where I stand. The Jade Emperor designed the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King, and he definitely wouldn't want it to be won in the first trial. Our chances are low to begin with. If I had the ideas but were not willing to share, the chances would likely be slimmer."

“You are right. You are right. I'm impressed." The Gu Huo Immortal Lord continued his compliments.

"This is just a conjecture that I believe in. Gu Huo Immortal Lord, I don't deserve the high praise." Mo Yuji smiled faintly.

She shifted the subject and said, "I heard that three ninth-grade Marks of an Immortal King have shown up now. Me and you have gotten one each, while the final one is said to be in the hands of the Snow Region Immortal Lord. Gu Huo Immortal Lord, you have the Howling Celestial Dog. Why don't you use it to track down the Snow Region Immortal Lord? Wouldn't getting the ninth-grade Mark of an Immortal King from him be a lot easier?"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord narrowed his eyes and asked, "Did that eternal phoenix seek your help too?"

Mo Yuji nodded and said, "The Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord is still young and looks pretty pitiful."

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord answered, "I'm helpless too."

"Gu Huo Immortal Lord isn't interested in another ninth-grade Mark of an Immortal King at all?"

"Isn't Immortal Mo the same? However, if the Snow Region Immortal Lord appeared before me, I wouldn't let him go. And now, I would rather be with Immortal Mo to search for more gateways to Hell. Only then would we have a chance." The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was frank and didn't attempt to mask his intentions.

Mo Yuji nodded and said, "In that case, we shall part here for now."

Neither of them spoke further. There were only 40 years left, and they knew how precious time was.

After getting a far distance away, Mo Yuji turned around and shouted, "Oh, right! When you find two gateways to Hell, there will be something surprising."

"Thank you for the warning."

After which, Dhritarashtra's faction finally left their vision. The Gu Di Immortal Lord was a little anxious and asked, "Young Master, could this be a plot of hers? Would she really be willing to share something so important? She's your greatest competitor!"

A lady would always suspect another lady, especially if the other party was more outstanding and brought her a great sense of danger.

To her surprise, the Gu Huo Immortal Lord answered, "I do believe her. Moreover, it's highly likely that the gateway to Hell is related to the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King."

"Why so?" the crowd asked.

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord looked to the sky and said, "The intentions of the Jade Emperor aren't for us to guess. If the contest were to take place in the Endless River of Stars, it would be lacking in thrill and fun. If it took place in the 10,000 Levels of Hell, the addition of numerous ghostly immortals would make the contest more terrorizing and intensive. Therefore, I do feel this is possible."

The rest understood that level of danger involved immediately.

"From today onwards, we will focus on searching for the gateways to Hell. Little Ao, remember this scent!"

"Woof woof!"

With this mission, the Howling Celestial Dog was pumped and started jumping up and down. It didn't have a direction for now, but if it got near, it would definitely pick it up with its acute sense of smell.

"Let's go!"

The large group of Primeval Mighty Miracle God Tribe members set off with the Howling Celestial Dog leading the way once again.

"Gu Yin, I still feel that Mo Yuji is harboring some schemes," the Gu Di Immortal Lord whispered to Gu Yin Immortal Lord.

"Gu Di, I have advice for you."

"Speak your mind."

"I heard that our tribe master has the intention for the Young Master to woo the daughter of Dhritarashtra so as to consolidate our position in the sky palaces. Everyone knows that you are interested in the young master. However, the most compatible with the young master is Mo Yuji. Therefore...."

"But they are competitors in the Great Void Immortal Path!"

"It doesn't matter. If we win, it will be the Young Master's gain. If we lose, we can see it as doing her a favor as she will be one of us eventually. There's nothing bad about it. As for you, it's better that you don't voice your doubts about Mo Yuji before the Young Master. Otherwise, he won't be courteous with you."


The Gu Di Immortal Lord was indignant, but she still knew that the Gu Yin Immortal Lord had her welfare in mind while advising her.

"Mo Yuji is aloof and might not be interested in the Young Master. If their relationship gets strained, I might still stand a chance. I shouldn't be pissing off the Young Master now...." After giving it more thought, Gu Di Immortal Lord understood what was best for her.

The entire group crossed the River of Stars.


Three years later.

The Howling Celestial Dog barked agitatedly, and the Gu Huo Immortal Lord finally revealed a smile.

"Finally, I found the second door. Don't let anyone get to it first. Little Ao, let's go! All of you, follow up!"

The Gu Huo Immortal Lord was exhilarated and pushed ahead swiftly with the Howling Celestial Dog. Wu Yu, who was in the Greater Darkness Heaven was also alarmed.

"A new discovery?"

Wu Yu knew what they were looking for.

The gateway to Hell.

Mo Yuji had said that it could be used to start the challenge for the 10th-grade Mark of an Immortal King.

Wu Yu was also looking forward to it. This was because the challenge would definitely be chaotic, and when the time arrived, he would have a chance to save the Ancient Ink Camp.

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