Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 447 Auction trap (24)

Chapter 447 Auction trap (24)

As soon as his voice fell, the soldiers behind him all raised their spears and pointed them in our direction.

It was clear that they were done talking and were prepared to charge us.

As for our group…we didn’t have any preparations to deal with a cavalry charge like this.

We had no shields, no spears, no blockades. The only thing that we had were the daggers in our hands and those were far from being enough to handle this group of cavalry.

If they charged us now, the only thing that would end up happening would be us being pierced full of holes.

So I looked at the driver, waiting to see what he had up his sleeve. Though that thought was quickly crushed when I saw the grim look on his face.

It was clear that he didn’t expect this, so it would be strange if he could come up with a plan for this.

The only thing that I could think of was that if we had time, we could run into the alley where it was too narrow for the cavalry to charge. Then we would just have to work together to pick them off one by one when they tried to come after us.

A full charge was impossible to deal with, but one or two horsemen were easy to deal with given our numbers.

It was just too bad that we weren’t given the time as General Valleta shouted, “Charge!”

Then with a crack of his reins, his horse started dashing forward at us.

The situation had gone from bad to worse, but for some reason, the driver just stood there with that grim look on his face. It was almost as if he didn’t know what to do.

I started going through all the different things that we could do in my head, but I found that it was useless.

These horses that they were using were the highest quality horses, so their speed couldn’t be looked down on. They cut this distance in an instant and were soon right in front of us.

But even then…the driver didn’t say anything.

I was about to say something, but then the driver gave a sigh and said, “It seems like we have to use one of our trump cards in the end.”

He used his hand to give a signal to the others and soon they had all pulled out some kind of wand.

These were wands that weren’t that big that all had crystals of various colours on them.

The one that had the biggest crystal in it was in the hands of the driver.

As the horsemen came closer and closer, the driver aimed his wand right at the leader, General Valleta. With a sigh, the driver said, “We didn’t want to use this, but you’ve forced us into using this.”

With another sigh, he said, “Fireball.”

As soon as he said this, there was a bright orange glow that came from the crystal of his wand. This glow became stronger and stronger as flames appeared around it.

In no time at all, there was a giant fireball that was gathered in front of the driver that he shot out with a single thought.

The eyes of the cavalry filled with shock since they never expected the driver to have this kind of trump card in his hand, but it was already too late. There was only so much space on this road and they were already in full charge, so they weren’t able to turn, let alone come to a complete stop.

The only thing that they could do was finish this charge.

General Valleta gritted his teeth before saying, “Shields!”

It seemed that they were preparing to use their shields to block this fireball.

The fireball showed no mercy at all as it was shot right out at the cavalry.

With how big it was, it was wide enough to cover the entire cavalry group and burn them all.

This fireball slammed right into the cavalry formation, engulfing them in flames.

But a few seconds later, there were horses that charged right through these flames.

It seemed that most of them had been able to guard against the flames of this fireball, though they did suffer a few burns. There were also a few that had their horses knocked down by the flames of this fireball.

As soon as they fell, they were immediately trampled by the horsemen behind them.

There really was no mercy in this cavalry charge.

It was just too bad for them that…there were still other wands with different coloured crystals on them.

Even if they had blocked this fireball, would they be able to block all of these different spells?

It was time to find out as countless spells were fired at the cavalry.

There were ice spells, earth spells, wind spells, fire spells, and all kinds of different spells shot out.

They rained down on the cavalry, knocking more and more of them to the ground.

Eventually, there was only a single horseman left charging at them, but he left a trail of blood behind him.

This was the leader of the group, General Valleta.

He was worthy of this title of general, as shown by the might that he demonstrated.

He swatted down the spells that came at him, but there were just too many for him to cut down completely.

So he had been hit by quite a few of these spells and was bleeding profusely.

Even then, he didn’t bend.

He kept charging at us, even though his horse was clearly exhausted from resisting all these spells with him.

The driver saw this, so he pulled out two daggers.

With an accurate throw, he stabbed the front legs of the horse and the horse flipped as its legs crumbled under it.

With this flip, General Valleta was thrown into the air.

He spun twice through the air before landing in front of the driver.

The driver had already pulled out another dagger and had placed it right in front of his face.

When General Valleta looked up, he knew that it was over.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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