Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 448 Auction trap (25)

Chapter 448 Auction trap (25)

“Heh, just do it. Finish me.” General Valleta said in a brave voice.

But the driver didn’t stab his dagger down right away. Instead, he said, “Do you know what you’ve done? Bringing cavalry like this into the capital, do you understand what kind of damage you could have caused?”

General Valleta didn’t show any fear even though there was a dagger pointed right in his face.

This was his years of military experience on display that he didn’t show any fear.

Instead, he just kept laughing as he said, “And what choice did we have? If we didn’t do this, wouldn’t we just be sitting around waiting for death?”

The driver deeply knitted his brows without saying anything.

Seeing that his words had caused a crack, General Valleta continued, “It’s all that b*stard fourth prince’s fault! If it wasn’t for him insisting on doing all of this, do you think that we would have wanted to do this? If it wasn’t for him…”

Before he could finish, his mouth was suddenly filled with blood.

The driver had brought the dagger down and stabbed General Valleta right in the throat, as if he was silencing him.

Even though his mouth was filled with blood and he was clearly dying, he didn’t show any fear. He just spat out all that blood and said, “I curse you, I curse you all! If it wasn’t for that hated fourth prince, none of this would have happened! I’ll be waiting in the…pits of hell…to punish you!”

Then with these final words, he collapsed onto the ground.

The soldiers who had followed him, the ones that were still alive, looked like they would bleed from the eyes seeing this scene.

It looked like they wanted to stand up and fight to the last breath, but the driver’s men didn’t allow them to.

With a few thrown daggers, all of them were executed and it fell silent.

The driver looked down at the dead General Valleta in silence for a bit before standing back up and waving his hand as he said, “Let’s go. It’s not over yet.”

But to his surprise, he found that I wasn’t moving at all.

When he turned around, he saw that I was looking right at him.

The driver revealed a surprised look before saying with a serious expression, “Count

Zwein, we can’t stay here. We need to go or else they will surround us.”

But even then, I didn’t move at all.

I just calmly looked at the driver and said, “Are you sure that you don’t have something to tell me?”

The driver slightly knitted his brows when he heard this before asking, “Your lordship, what do you mean by that?”

Though he was being respectful, it was clear that there was a trace of disdain in his voice.

However, I just ignored it since I knew that there was nothing to gain from addressing it. Instead, I just said, “This is clearly turning out differently from what I was told.” Then I looked down at the dead General Valleta and said, “Plus, there’s what he said just now. I think that I deserve an explanation, don’t I?”

The driver knitted his brows even more when he heard this, but he didn’t say anything other than, “Count Zwein, this is not the best time for this. We should continue with the plan and head to the next area.”

I gave a snort when I heard this before saying, “I’m not going any further if you don’t answer my question.”

The driver’s expression turned ugly since he could hear the firm tone in my voice.

There was a part in his eyes that made it seem like he was debating whether he should just get his men to bring me along or not, but I just simply turned around and started walking away.

The driver and his men all panicked when they saw this.

With a gesture from the driver, his men immediately came forward and surrounded me, as if they wouldn’t let me take another step.

I looked at the driver and said, “What is the meaning of this?”

The driver revealed a deadly serious look as he said, “Count Zwein, if his highness were to know about this…”

Before he could finish, I suddenly said, “If the fourth prince were to know about how you treated me, who do you think would be in trouble?”

The driver and all of his men jolted when they heard this.

They all remembered what the fourth prince had told them before this operation.

He had told them that they weren’t allowed to let a single scratch befall Count Zwein or they would pay the price…

They had thought that he was joking, but the serious look on his face had made it clear that he wasn’t.

So while they had surrounded him just now, not a single one of them had actually dared to do anything to Count Zwein.

If the fourth prince were to learn of this, they wouldn’t be able to endure the consequences.

The driver had an ugly expression on his face as he looked at me.

It was clear that he was struggling over something, but in the end, he said with a sigh, “I can’t tell you, but his highness will tell you everything when this is all over.” Then as if he felt that he should add something on, he said, “I can promise you that his highness had no ill intentions. This was all designed to help you and keep you safe in the future.”

I couldn’t help deeply knitting my brows when I heard this.

I looked carefully at the driver, I couldn’t find a single trace of guilt as he looked right back into my eyes.

It was as if he fully believed what he was saying.

So I couldn’t help faltering a bit.

In the end, I said with a sigh, “Alright, but until then, I will move on my own. If I feel that your orders will harm me, then I will not listen to them. If you can’t accept this, then I can’t work with you.”

The driver was taken aback when he heard this.

He looked like he was agonizing over something, but in the end, he said with a sigh, “Alright. But I just hope that you will work with us as much as you can. All I can do is promise that this is all for your benefit.”

I couldn’t help raising a brow as my eyes filled with doubt at this.

But once again, he looked at me with the same serious look that lacked a single trace of guilt.

It was as if he fully believed what he said and what he was doing.

I slowly looked around at his men around me and they all seemed to have the same expression.

It was as if they all fully believed in what they were doing.

I couldn’t help faltering once again in the face of this determination…

So I said with a sigh, “For now, I’ll do my best to cooperate with you since we’re in this dangerous situation together.”

The driver gave a nod and said, “Thank you.”

I just gave a nod in response.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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