Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 449 Auction trap (26)

Chapter 449 Auction trap (26)

After coming to an agreement, the driver led us along the planned route again.

We were supposed to eventually meet up with the fourth prince’s people, but this had been delayed because of our carriage being destroyed by that fireball.

So we had to take a detour to reach where we were supposed to go.

It took a bit longer, but we arrived in the end.

After we arrived, we just stood there in the empty square.

This was a square that was supposed to be filled with people, but right now, there wasn’t a single person here. All of the stall vendors, the people walking by, and everything else had disappeared from this square.

It was as if this place had suddenly been abandoned.

But I knew that this wasn’t the case.

The reason why there was no one here was because they had all been evacuated before this since this was the place that had been chosen for the final confrontation.

After we arrived, we moved to the center of the square and it didn’t take long for some people to show up.

They were running into the square as if there was something chasing them.

Once they were in the square, they suddenly stopped moving as if whatever had been chasing them had stopped.

It wasn’t just this group that appeared in the square, but also several other groups that ran into the square just like this group. They all seemed like they had been chased by something.

As soon as they entered the square, they all stopped running just like the first group.

After they arrived in the square, they all just stood there with cautious looks on their faces instead of charging at us. It was as if they were afraid that something would suddenly attack them.

At the same time, they all looked at each other with grim looks on their faces.

It was clear by the way that they looked at each other that they recognized each other.

Even judging by the way that they were dressed, it seemed that they were from the same place.

After a long time, there was one final group that arrived.

This group was different from the rest since they were all guarding a single person as they ran into the square.

It was clear that this person was a very important person to them with how closely they guarded him.

At the same time, when they arrived in the square, the other groups all moved over to guard this one person.

They formed a large group in this square that faced our own.

It was only at this time that there were a bunch of people that suddenly appeared on the roof around the square. These were all people with weapons in hand, as if they were prepared to fight at any moment.

When that group saw these people, they immediately formed a shield wall outside the perimeter to protect that one person in the center.

No one said a thing and a tense silence filled the air.

That was until another group arrived in this square.

When this group arrived, the driver immediately waved his hand for us to follow as he went over to that group.

Our group reached that group and then I was brought to the center of that group where there was a familiar face that was there.

It was the fourth prince.

When he saw me, he greeted me with a smile, “Count Zwein, it seems that you’ve made it. How was the trip? Did you have fun?”

The way that he greeted me almost seemed like he was casually greeting a friend instead of us being in a dangerous situation like we currently were.

I just calmly said to him, “It seems like some things aren’t going as planned.”

The fourth prince revealed a faint smile before saying, “Well, there are some things that have gone wrong, but…it seems like it’ll end the way that it was supposed to.”

I deeply knitted my brows when I heard this before turning to look back at the group in front of us.

They still had their shields up like they were scared of being attacked.

It was clear that whoever was in the center, they were very important to these people.

The fourth prince saw that I wasn’t saying anything, so he said, “Alright, let’s go and end this.”

I looked back at him and seeing the smile on his face, all I could do was give a slow nod in response.

Then with a wave of the fourth prince’s hand, we started moving towards that other group.

They didn’t move since there was nowhere for them to move.

Behind them were a bunch of people on roofs with weapons pointed at them, so they wouldn’t be able to escape even if they went that way.

The only thing that they could do was hold their ground and wait for an opportunity to break out.

The fourth prince didn’t lead our group forward that far, we just went up in front of this other group and stopped.

Our two groups stared at each other and both sides held their shields up, just in case the other side decided to do something. But neither side did anything as they just stood there with a tense feeling in the air.

After a while, the fourth prince waved his hand and the shields moved aside to reveal him.

The other side was surprised to see this, but eventually they also moved aside so that the person they were protecting could be seen.

When I saw who it was, my guesses had been confirmed.

It was the second prince who was standing in the middle of this formation.

It wasn’t just the men that the second prince commanded, but rather the second prince himself that was standing in the center of this formation.

If it was anyone else, I might not recognize him, but it was a different story if it was the second prince.

My one question was…what was he doing here?

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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